Monday, May 25, 2020
Death And Gothic Romanticism In The Cask Of Amontillado - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 997 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Cask of Amontillado Essay Did you like this example? The Cask of Amontillado is a short literary work wrote in 1846. From the same author that brought us The Fall of the House of Usher, Edgar Allan Poe. This short story also has a Gothic nature. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Death And Gothic Romanticism In The Cask Of Amontillado" essay for you Create order Edgar Allan Poe, was born in the early eighteen-hundreds. His accomplishments as a poet and author are wide and numerous. He is highly regarded as a central attributed to the American romanticism period. Since Poe was born in 1809, he had the perfect stage to become a Romantic period figure, as Romanticism was at its height from 1800-1850 after having originated in Europe and moving to the young United States. The Romantic period of literature was solidified by an emphasis on strong emotions with a connection to nature. Romanticism examined all parts of nature, including death. Thus, came the motivation for the below analysis of The Cask of Amontilado. Many historians agree that the potential shift toward romanticism was a direct result of the industrial revolution in which many felt we were straying away from traditional values of working land with our hands. Whatever the cause, it is no doubt Edgar Allan Poe became a truly predominant American figure. His works of literature are still extremely well respected to this date. The story, in summary, is a story about revenge and death. Even the title of the work foreshadows the dark events that will unfold. In archaic form, a cask equates to a modern day casket, or resting place. Therefore, the reader immediately knows death is a part of the story. In the introduction of the story, the narrator discovers a character, Fortunato (Fortunato translates to English as fourtainte, this literary irony truly adds to the story), has been insulting him. The narrator preys on Fortunators weakness to consume alcohol (wine). The narrator lures Fortunato into a wine cellar, which also doubles as a catacomb (In ancient Europe it was common for wine cellars to also contain crypts for family members dating back centuries in the same home.). It is important to again note that the character, Fortunato, has a name which translates to lucky or fortunate. Nothing about his experience with the narrator will become fortunate or lucky, again creating a sense of irony. The Cask of Amontilado has several aspects of irony, all of which strongly support the penultimate progression of the story; the authorrs use of irony strongly supports the storyrs theme and plot development. (It is my personal belief that Fortunatos craving for alcohol represents mans addiction to unworldly things, just as the cellar symbolizes a form of purgatory.) Additionally, the way in which the two main characters are dressed gives the reader a prediction on what is to come. The narrator is dressed in dark clothing, which symbolizes death. Fortunato, ironically, is dressed as a clown, in bright colors. This is possibly the most ironic point in the story. This shows the reader that he is completely unaware of the events that are about to unfold, eventually resulting in his death. Fortunato had been attending a carnival, which accounts for his bright clothing. The light mood Fortunato carried with him into the cellar serves as a further indication of his unawareness of the coming events. Perhaps Fortunato is unaware the narrator knows he has been talking bad about him, which is the whole premise for his revenge. The story also has several ironic quotes, not just ronic actions or instances. One important quote occurs when Fortunato begins to cough: Enough, he said; the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough. True†true, The narrator knows very well why Fortunato is coughing. The cause of his respiratory distress is from sulfur deposits within the cellar. That combined with the poor circulation of air is causing his breathing problems. Instead of heeding the warning from his coughing, Fortunato agrees that a sip of wine that will soothe his throat. Ironically yet again, that which he craves to be a connoisseur of so badly will end his life. Fortunato lays claim that he is an expert in good tasting wine, a claim that will ultimately aid in his death. This too serves as a foreshadowing detail of what is about to unfold. The reader knows the intentions the narrator has planned for Fortunato, death. He shall indeed die of a cough. One additional ironic quote occurs as they enter the cellar. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation. The narrator identifies to us very plainly his plans to immolate Fortunato. Obviously the narrator has a charming appeal to him. Who else could connive face to face with someone, only to kill them seconds later. Still, as Fortunato begins to struggle to breath, due to the sulfur, he remains oblivious to his fate just a few mere moments away. He now sits in an intoxicated state, struggling to breath, still clearly unaware of his fate to be. In conclusion, this story is another classical work by Edgar Allan Poe, and reflects his ongoing theme of death and Gothic romanticism. Poe displayed his ability to master all types of literary irony within this particular work; Edgar Allen Poe is an expert at the literary use of irony to convey the plot throughout the majority of his stories. The several aforementioned accounts of irony serve as a way to convey Poers theme of death and revenge. Had the story not used this literary element/tool, it would have not been as effective in conveying its overall theme and message. The use of irony truly does progress the story. It is therefore, due the culmination of his expert literary approach, his use of irony, word choice, and other literary elements, we are left with a story that truly conveys artistic ability. Furthermore, this story truly does reflect the sentiments of the Romantic literature period.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Effects Of Advertisements On Children s Television
The data Adams et al (2012) utilised was supplied by an audience research bureau (Attentional) and although it was considered to be the most accurate available, it is widely used by the retail and manufacturing industry so may be subject to reporting bias. Nutritional specific data for the HFSS values of the foods advertised in both 2006 and 2009 was from data collected in 2009, this data could therefore be an underestimation of the HFSS values in 2006. The comparison of data from different time periods throws up the possibility of differing levels of advertising due to seasonality. It is likely during July there are more adverts for ice-lollies when compared with October. Although the banning of adverts during children’s television shows has an effect on exposure, children can still be exposed to these unhealthy advertisements through watching family entertainment shows which fall under adult regulations (Ofcom, 2010). As the conclusion of Boyland and Halford (2012) believe that rather than just restricting HFSS food promotion more could be done to promote healthier food options and HFSS restrictions should be applied further to include internet sources. Ultimately stricter rules are needed for change. Medical Approach The medical approach involves the use of clinical or medical techniques to prevent ill health and reduce morbidity and premature death. This can be through primary, secondary or tertiary prevention (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). In tackling obesity, one exampleShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On Childhood Obesity1337 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects of Television on Childhood Obesity Essay It is evident that the rate of obesity is steadily increasing in North America and has reached an all-time high (Novonty 2015). This is due to the lack of physical activity, increased consumption level of unhealthy foods, and the prominent amount of exposure to media such as Television (TV). 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Compare and Contrast - 1201 Words
Comparing and Contrasting â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"How I Met My Husband†. Lora Cruse Ashford University ENG125 11/20/2014 In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting two great short stories. One being â€Å"The Story of an Hour†written by Kate Chopin in 1854 and the other being â€Å"How I Met my Husband†written by Alice Munro in 1974. The two short stories share the theme of gender roles/marriage. That being said,, I will be going over plot, point of view and tone. Sometimes women feel like they are trapped in their marriage, and sometimes women cannot wait to become married. Kate Chopins â€Å"The Story of an Hour represents a negative view of marriage. Every†¦show more content†¦The fact that she dies at the end of a simple heart disease shows that her misery stem from internally oppose to external emotions, The freedom that she nearly couldve tasted was gone. â€Å"For one climactic hour of her life, Louise does truly taste joy. For one hour of emotion, Louise does glimpse meaning and fulfillment.†(Jamil,2009). The story â€Å"How I Met my Husband†is about a young girl named Edie who is hired help for Dr. Peebles and his family. One afternoon, while the family is away in town, she meets Chris Watters, a pilot who travels from town to town giving rides in his plane for a fee. Edie falls in love with him but soon learns that he is engaged to another woman, Alice Kelling. Alice is crazy and has been following Chris everywhere in hopes of sex. One day while Alice, Mrs. Peebles, and the children were away on a picnic, Edie goes to Chriss campsite to talk to him. He reveals to her his plans on leaving, but promises to write her. They kiss and he leaves town. When the other women are told by the local gossip, Loretta Bird that Chris has left, Alice Kelling verbally abuses Edie under the mistaken impression that Edie and Chris had sex. Mrs. Peebles protects Edie and Alice leaves too. Edie waits day after day at the mailbox for Chriss letter, which never comes. Eventually, Edie realizes Chris will never write and marries the mailman, who believes that she waited by theShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast1441 Words  | 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and its this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualitiesRead MoreCompare and Contrast1427 Words  | 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. 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Human Trafficking A Modern Day Form Of Slavery - 1591 Words
Human trafficking is a billion dollar industry and is arguably the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. It exists in every country. It’s victims are both old and young, black and white, and spans every socioeconomic bracket. The Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as, ‘a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain’ (What Is Human Trafficking?). While people are trafficked for a majority of reasons, the most common are sexual exploitation and forced labor. It’s estimated that the industry of human trafficking generates $11 billion dollars annually on a global scale (Ngwe, J. E., PhD., Elechi, O. O.). When we hear about human trafficking most of†¦show more content†¦Many factors can be identified that put individuals at risk of being trafficked. While there are some victims that are kidnapped and forcefully trafficked, the vast majorities are made to believ e false promises of a better life. Most victims come from low socioeconomic areas, with few opportunities available for advancement or further education within the community. Human trafficking is rampant in developing countries, especially those experiencing civil wars or any type of political instability. Wanting to escape the turmoil in their own country, many are promised jobs as nannies, maids, and waitresses only to arrive in their destination country to find it to be nothing like what they were promised. Often once they arrive, they are told they owe the trafficker an extra free that must be worked off before their passport and other documents will be returned. Them majority of victims of human trafficking are sourced from Asia, Africa, or Eastern Europe. While Western Europe, North America, as well as Asia, are popular destinations for victims of human trafficking (Ngwe, J. E., PhD., Elechi, O. O.). Another element that puts someone at risk of being trafficked is lack of familial support. Because of this, runaways, homeless, and LGBT youth are at a greater risk of being trafficked (Aronowitz, A. A.). People are trafficked for a variety of purposes. However, the most common type of human trafficking is of a sexual nature. While
Customer Mapping Experience of Grocery-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: Discuss about the Customer Mapping experience of grocery Products in a Company named ALDI. Answers: Introduction This is a report, which describes the customer mapping experience of grocery products in a company named ALDI. ALDI has large number of retail outlets in Australia and they have using aggressive marketing strategy to acquire more and more consumers (, 2017). The company has been known for the level of customer experience and have received several awards for being the best customer experience providers. The report includes description of the different customers and the research tools that can be used to identify the customer experience mapping process. The report will also include the challenges and the opportunities that the company will have to face to identify the customer personas and mapping of the experience of the various consumers. Customer personas star The three personas that has been chosen for the discussion of the report are innovator, analytical and relationship. There are some personas that are more interactive and social and this type of personas can be recognised as relationship (Homburg, Jozi? Kuehnl, 2017). They are not at all interested in the specification of the product and they are more focused on the usage of social interaction. Therefore, when analysing ALDI these consumer types will have to be loomed with aggressive strategies of promotion. The effect of advertisement and promotion is much more on these customer types. Online marketing media is one of the methods which can attract these consumers effectively. The next customer type is more focused on their experience in the past and they are classified as analytical personas. The rules and procedures that have been established in the market are more comfortable for this kind of personas (Homburg, Jozic Khnl, 2013). Thus, we can say that differentiated products have minimal effect on this kind of consumers. Thus, for this kind of consumers the products will have to standardized and all the compared to the requirements in the market has to be followed.The tradition approach of marketing has to be used in this regard as they are critical about buying a product and they will compare and analyse all the similar products in the market before making the purchase (Arkadan, Macdonald Wilson, 2017). ALDI is known for all their brand of grocery products which have the same quality as their rivals but are cheaper compared to the products sold by their rivals. This feature of the products will have to keep intact if they company wants to acquire thi s kind of consumers. The third type of consumer persona is the innovator and it is relatively easier to grab the attention of this kind of personas. They are quite flexible and independent and very much different from the previous type of consumers. Innovation and creativity are two important aspect for this type of consumers and they prioritize this principles over any other feature of a product (Peppers Rogers, 2016). This kind of consumers can be attracted by the usage innovative ideas in promotion and product. However, various interviews and surveys have shown that this type of consumers are the ones who try innovative and lesser known products. ALDI has the best opportunity to attract these consumers are launching new products which are innovative and have a cheaper price than the rest of the products in the market. Research tools The five tools that can used to enhance the customer experience are as follows: Mobile-customer support: Various surveys show that the information available on the internet is not useful most of the time. Moreover, the availability of right information is minimal so it is the duty of the organization to make sure that the consumers in the company get their deserved customer services (Du Plessis De Vries, 2016). There are many companies who use have specific information channel which can be used by the users through their mobile devices which will help in better experience for the consumers. Mobile support is one of the most important aspect for the success of the organization and good mobile support can definitely improve the consumer experience provided by the company. Live chat: Customer experience can be defined as the ways to satisfy or cater to needs and wants of the consumers. Live is also one of the most popular ways of providing consumers with the best possible shopping experience (McColl-Kennedy et al., 2015). The live chat includes information regarding the consumers can be used for the benefit of the company. This is because of the fact that the information provided by the consumers can be used for improving the customer experience. Self-service management: There are specific queries which the consumers address quite often so answer to these queries are already posted on the website of the companies to help consumers save a lot of time and give them a better experience. Social-media support: social media has become one of the most powerful medium and the consumers generally post their queries and their complaints on these pages. The consumers can use the social media to the advantages to improve the customer experience (Shaw Hamilton, 2016). Omnichannel support: There are lots of traffic in the company website, the company will have to provide the consumers with more number of options to convey their complaints which will help to provide the consumers with a better experience in totality (Peppers Rogers, 2017). The companies will have to provide the consumers with a lot of option to share their problems and queries, this will help to reduce the traffic an ease the pressure for the companies. Customer map The customer is used to portray the experiences of a consumer before, after and during the procurement of the product. Initial consideration and need generation are the factors which analyses the experience before the buying of the product, evaluation and engagement analyses the experience at the time of procurement and the remaining factors analyses the consumers experience after the procurement of the product (Bernard Andritsos, 2017). The customer mapping or three different types of consumers is shown in the analysis. Relationship The relationship personas buy product based on the relationship with the company and the staffs working there. A new product was launched by ALDI and this customer bought the product without any hesitation. However, the staff had to engage in a conversation with the consumer to pursue her to buy the product (Peppers Rogers, 2016). The consumer had a good experience before and during the procurement but the product did not meet her expectation. Innovator The customer in this segment always searches for new and innovative products and very much easy to convince. The consumer readily bought the product; the consumer experience before and during the purchase was satisfactory. However, after the usage of the product the consumer was not happy with the quality of the product and expected better quality from the company. Analytical The consumer was very critical about the product and made lots of queries about the specification and ingredients in it. The consumer experience before the purchase was satisfactory but the consumer was not satisfied with the answers provided by the staff during the process (Lemon Verhoef, 2016). Moreover, the quality of the product sold by the consumer was not at all up to the market standard and was expecting much better-quality product froma reputed brand. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded from the report that customer experience mapping is one of the important factors which can be used by the company for the improvement of the services offered. The company can identify the shortcomings of their services and the products they offer. This will help the company to rectify their problems and improve their business model. The survey conducted for different consumers personas shows that the company will have to make improvements to the new product they have launched. The comparison of the three personas portray how the selling patterns change with customer types and how the customer experience also varies with different consumers. References (2017).ALDI Australia - ALDI Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Arkadan, F., Macdonald, E. K., Wilson, H. N. (2017). Customer Experience Management Practices: A Systematic Literature Review. InCreating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends(pp. 1361-1361). Springer, Cham. Bernard, G., Andritsos, P. (2017). A Process Mining Based Model for Customer Journey Mapping. Du Plessis, L., De Vries, M. (2016). Towards a holistic customer experience management framework for enterprises.South African Journal of Industrial Engineering,27(3), 23-36. Homburg, C., Jozi?, D., Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,45(3), 377-401. Homburg, C., Jozic, D., Khnl, C. (2013). Customer Experience Management.IMU Research Insights,19. Lemon, K. N., Verhoef, P. C. (2016, November). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. American Marketing Association. McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Gustafsson, A., Jaakkola, E., Klaus, P., Radnor, Z. J., Perks, H., Friman, M. (2015). Fresh perspectives on customer experience.Journal of Services Marketing,29(6/7), 430-435. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2016).Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. John Wiley Sons. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2016).Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. John Wiley Sons. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2017). Evolution of Relationships with Customers and Strategic Customer Experiences.Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework, 3-42. Shaw, C., Hamilton, R. (2016). Customer Experience Is a Journey, Not a Destination. InThe Intuitive Customer(pp. 193-200). Palgrave Macmillan U
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Clinical Presentation of Vascular Dementia
Question: Discuss about theClinical Presentation Of Vascular Dementia. Answer: Alagiakrishnan (2015) suggests that during the early stages, a patient will present with cognitive symptoms which will include slowed speed of thought, difficulties in making decisions and inability to concentrate. In addition, the patient may exhibit impaired speech and mild memory loss. It is also common for patients to experience mood changes such as anxiety and depression during the early stages of the disease. As time progresses, the patient exhibits severe confusion and disorientation. Communication and reasoning are impaired even further and the patient finds it hard recalling names and recent events. Moreover, irritability, aggressiveness and unusual sleep patterns are also seen. During the later stages of the disease, the patient starts experiencing delusions and hallucinations. Patients become less aware of their surroundings and may find it difficult eating or walking without being aided. They become progressively weak and they eventually need help for all their daily activities (Ladecola, 2013). References Alagiakrishnan, K. (2015). Vascular Dementia Clinical Presentation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sept. 2016]. Ladecola, C. (2013). The Pathobiology of Vascular Dementia. Neuron, 80(4), pp. 844-866. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sept. 2016].
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