Thursday, August 27, 2020
Child of Divorce Essay
Separation is turning into a standard in the general public these days. This alludes to the total end of marriage between the couple who requests for it. Through the disintegration of the obligations of marriage, the two gatherings are permitted to wed once more (Gallagher, 1996). Be that as it may, contradicting sees are winning in regards to separate. For the individuals who are agreeable to it, separation can be viewed as the main genuine cure when joy and love are no longer given in the marriage (Scanzoni 1965). For the individuals who are against it, separate from makes mental issues and harm social union (Diefenbach, 2007). Separation isn't only the account of the couple going separate ways yet it is all the more an account of the kids who are results of a separated from marriage. â€Å"Human kids need guardians longer than some other species and are absolutely subject to guardians for food, haven, and assurance for the initial quite a long while of life. This reliance generates a dread of surrender. In separate, one of the guardians leaves. At the point when one parent leaves, the kids feel dismissed. The misfortune youngsters feel at separate is like that accomplished when a parent bites the dust. Separation may really be more earnestly on kids since it does not have the solid reason and conclusion of death (Bryner, 2001). †This makes the vast majority of the offspring of separation be increasingly forceful, rash and create withdrawn conduct contrasted with kids from unblemished families (Hetherington, 1999). Others additionally show lower scholarly execution (Kelly, 1998). Be that as it may, a few youngsters figure out how to create without these injurious impacts of separation. Actually, these kids are found to have less generalized sex conduct, more noteworthy development and more prominent freedom (Emery, 1995). The formative phase of the youngster when the separation of his folks happens is prescient of the child’s conduct and response towards the circumstance. A newborn child or a baby won't respond at all to his parents’ separate since he can’t still grasp the circumstance. Be that as it may, a preschooler will in general accuse himself as the offender of his parents’ separate. Since he feels regretful and fears that the rest of the parent may likewise leave him, he turns out to be progressively possessive of his parent (Roseby, 1998). For a youthful school-matured kid, the separation of his folks gives him an awareness of other's expectations. He feels that he ought to unite his folks again and consider techniques that will cause his folks to collaborate in any capacity (Lansky, 1996). Then again, more established school-matured kids will in general accuse one parent and take the side of the other parent. They become restless and troubling of the circumstance which makes them inclined to diseases, for example, cerebral pains, dozing clutters, chest torments, diabetes and asthma (Kimball, 1994). The response is increasingly malicious with young people who totally veil their responses. They change to different outlets, for example, peers, sex, liquor and medications since they abhor being disturbed by their parents’ lives (Thompson, 1998). I have a companion named Diane. Fourteen years back, her folks isolated by separate. In those days, she was just turning three and didn’t know anything about the riotous circumstance between her folks. She was left to the guardianship of her mom while her dad was simply obliged by the court to give some monetary help. Everything worked out positively for this plan until she entered grade school where she had more noteworthy money related requirements. Tragically, her dad had another family and was constrained to diminish the cash sent to her. This was the motivation behind why her mom was committed to work so as to help her. Since her mom got occupied in her work, Diane was constantly left with her grandma at whatever point she was off from school. It was distinctly through her grandma that everything in regards to her family turned out to be clear. She despised the way that her own mom covered their wrecked family from her and would consistently say that her dad is simply working in a distant spot. She understood that she will never have his dad back and that her dreams of having a total family could never be genuine. That time, she started to miss classes in school and at whatever point she would go to a talk, she never takes an interest in the recitation. She additionally bombed our tests. I was truly stressed over the large change in her conduct since she used to be the top understudy of our group. I simply found out about her family issue when she never went to classes for a week and her mom went to our school searching for her. One of our cohorts uncovered that Diane absconded with her beau. I can’t overlook the essence of Diane’s mother crying and reprimanding herself for what had befallen her little girl. From that point forward, I never observed Diane again. The last news I caught wind of her was that she is living with her mom once more. She parted ways with her sweetheart yet brought forth an infant kid, who, similar to her, is an offspring of separation. Diane’s story is only one of the a large number of stories which we can get from the life of a kid from a wrecked family. For her situation, the impacts of separation were shocking a result of the absence of successful correspondence. It would have been exceptional if both her folks disclosed to her the circumstance and the reasons why they ought to have separate. When Diane discovered that her folks were separated, she was disappointed on the grounds that she fantasized of having a total family when her dad comes back from work. She likewise felt selling out in light of the fact that her mom never advised her what’s genuine. These extraordinary negative feelings changed her demeanor and made her dissident against the circumstance. Likewise, Diane’s mother was exceptionally engrossed in her work that’s why she couldn't watch out for the exhibition of her little girl in school. On the off chance that solitary she did, possibly she had the option to help Diane take care of her passionate issues at a beginning period. All things considered, separation can truly cause a major scar however it doesn’t truly need to. References: Bryner, C. L. (2001). Offspring of Divorce. Diary of the American Board of Family Medicine Practice;14:201â€10. Diefenbach, H. furthermore, Opp, K. D. (2007). When and Why Do People Think There Should Be a Divorce? http://rss. sagepub. com/cgi/content/dynamic/19/4/485. Emery, R. E. what's more, Coiro, M. J. (1995). Separation: ramifications for kids. Pediatric Review;16:306 â€10. Gallagher, M. (1996). The Abolition of Marriage. Regnery Publishing. Hetherington, E. M. what's more, Stanley-Hagan M. (1999). The modification of kids with separated from guardians: a hazard andresiliency point of view. Diary of Child Psychology; 40:129â€40. Kelly, J. B. (1998). Conjugal clash, separate, and children’s alteration. Kid Adolescent Psychiatry;7:259 â€71. Kimball, G. (1994). The most effective method to endure your parents’ separate: kids’ exhortation to kids. Chico, California: Equality Press. Lansky, V. (1996). Separation book for guardians helping your kid adapt to separation and its consequence. Minnetonka, MN: Book Peddlers. Roseby, V. also, Johnston J. R. (1998). Regular formative dangers in high-clash separating from families. Youngster Adolescent Psychiatry;7:295â€309. Scanzoni, J. (1965). A Reinquiry into Marital Disorganization. Diary of Marriage and the Family 27: 483â€91. Thompson, P. (1998). Young people from groups of separation: weakness to physiological and mental unsettling influences. Diary of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Service;36(3):34 â€9.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Strengh and Weakness Barack Obama free essay sample
He is a keen man who recognizes what hes accomplishing for somebody whos exceptionally constrained in understanding (admirably return to that). He takes as much time as is needed hen settling on a choice and realizes how to make one without examining himself regarding it. 3. The manner in which he needs to change certain things in America. He recognizes what Americans need assistance with and is eager to support them. He is extremely centered around tidying up America and Americas picture and is prepared to start doing that now. 4.He is an exceptionally tough man and I accept would be a stunningly better pioneer as the president. He recognizes what should be done and how it should be done and Is getting ready to do it in the event that he Is chosen leader of the United States. His shortcoming are : 1 . His absence of experience. A great many people would state that McCain has much more experience than Obama. We will compose a custom paper test on The Strengh and Weakness Barack Obama or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Which is valid. And yet Barack Obama knows Just as much about America as John McCain improves choices at for the most part everything! His race. We as a whole realize that there has never been a dark president. Thus does Barack Obama. Alt will be difficult for him to turn into the main dark president since others have attempted before him and fizzled. Corridors race likewise makes him a Likelier possibility for being killed. 3. Lobbies center name. Barack Hussein Obama.
Point of Sale Essay Example
Retail location Essay Area I 1. 1 Introduction Nowadays, information handling utilizes at least one database at least one certain associations. Databases are use in exchange handling where data are put away, recovered and transmitted at certain time it is required. Instances of exchange handling frameworks are carrier reservation frameworks, charging framework, finance framework, library framework, web based promoting and online exchange preparing. Taking care of business isn't a simple activity. So as to have an effective business, every one of its sub offices must have this energy to learn better approaches for how it will be sufficiently serious to manage the good and bad times of the financial world. * Company Profile Dante’s Radiator Enterprises Corporation In 1968, Dante’s Trading started as an exchanging firm managing fix of car. Sorted out by its President Mr. Dante Caguioa, a business person supported up by abilities and sheer certainty. It began as a little shop situated at the core of A. Bonifacio Avenue, the street prompting North Diversion. Since it as situated on a bustling site, the little shop was improved into a greater one, for them to suit its quick and developing number of clients and customers. Subsequently, the organization focused on overhauling of car radiators. From the absolute first auto radiator, it proceeded onward to making Marine radiators, however a quickly developing interest for Industrial radiators made the organization a name in the car administration industry. Just as of late, the organization reappeared to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from Single Proprietorship into a Corporation, one indication of the company’s progress. 1. Foundation of the Study Small organizations are the substance of the enterprising economy. They make, motivate, and in a general sense change people’s lives. Notwithstanding, independent venture over the globe incorporating here in the Philippines have issues adapting up to the quick pace improvement due to three significant angles, to be precise: t he executives, non-use of innovation, and deals and promoting methodologies. Entrepreneurs will in general be associated with each part of their business from being the accountant, advertiser, HR director, middle person, client contact official and more clean. We will compose a custom article test on Point of Sale explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Point of Sale explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Point of Sale explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer They will in general do everything and think that its difficult to hand over these assignments for the primary explanation of the dislike going through any cash. Nonetheless, many neglect to understand that in the event that they put their cash admirably in getting to the correct kind of merchandise and enterprises to develop their business and be increasingly powerful, they will see positive changes happen after some time. They can turn out to be increasingly beneficial and gainful. Private venture organizations tend not to utilize innovation like PCs and other efficiency apparatuses or in the event that they will in general use it, they are under-used on account of poor decisions or financially savvy choices. Be that as it may, the use of mechanization involves point of view. Practically all independent venture have the mentality of not requiring it since what they knew is that the procedure they are doing is as of now working for them and adjusting change would disturb the activity. Also, they are believing that these instruments are simply financially savvy move; since they don't have a clue how to utilize it or even their staff don’t, however they could figure out how to utilize it and yield it to further their full potential benefit. For independent company the essential robotization procedure would be purpose of deals framework. Deals or requesting framework all through the world has depended on pens and papers. Issues, for example, missing requests and data sent to an inappropriate spot emerge. Besides, some couldn't have the option to deal with the huge volume of requests. Under the old manual requesting frameworks, it occupies a lot of time to process. Here comes retail location framework a company’s entryway to important data. At the point when a store POS framework isn’t ready to share significant data about clients, deals, and tasks with different pieces of the association, it can affect the primary concern. Constant requesting and improved proficiency has been the focal point of business visionaries. Similarly as with numerous business situations, disposing of paper improves proficiency, diminishes human blunder and permits data to stream to a framework without a tedious information input process. There is likewise less possibility of manually written requests being misread and a higher client turnaround as clients will be served quicker. In this manner, a POS Point-of-offer framework is required. 1. 3 Statement of the Problem 1. What are the apparatuses expected to build up the Point of Sale? . By what method will the partners survey the created framework? 1. 4 Statement of Objectives 1. 4. 1 General * Create a POS System that will fit the need of Dante’s Radiator Company. * To improve the bookkeeping and record-keeping assignments engaged with business. 1. 4. 2 Specific 1. To build up a framework utilizing the accompanying instruments: a. VB. Net b. MSAccess c. Adobe Photoshop 2. To build up a framework to be assessed by the partners as far as the accompanying: a. Speed b. Exactness c. Unwavering quality d. Productivity e. Security 1. 5. Extension and Limitation This Point of Sale framework gives sign in procedure to security purposes and no one but administrator can control the upkeep of the framework just as the procedure. The primary control of the administrator is on things; no one but administrator can include, alter and evacuate thing/s. The different access will be for the clerk, he/she can likewise see the things however not at all like the administrator he/she isn't advantaged to control the items stock. This framework will list down all the items the organization has. In exchange, the receipt will be filled by contributing the scanner tag of the item then it naturally shows the thing name and the cost. At the point when you input the equivalent standardized identification, it will likewise be naturally checked and the cost will be figured dependent on what number of items were purchased. In settings, we can choose which printer is accessible and where we need our receipt to be printed. It likewise incorporates the component of the receipt and the size of the textual style. When it was on the print see we can't expel or include a thing in the receipt else we return to Fill Receipt tab. We additionally can't spare the filled receipt except if we select a printer. The framework likewise checks the receipt or exchange held in a specific day by the receipt no. s essential key. The printed receipt will show the receipt number for that day, receipt date, thing, value, amount, entirety of every item dependent on their amount and the most significant the aggregate sum. Segment II 2. 1 Review of Related Literature 2. 1. 1 Foreign * History of POS Point of Sale Over the years, more improvemen ts were made to the sales registers until the mid 1970s, when the principal PC driven sales registers were presented. The primary PC driven sales registers were fundamentally a centralized server PC bundled as a store controller that could control certain registers. These retail location frameworks were the first to financially use customer server innovation, distributed correspondences, Local Area Network (LAN) reinforcements, and remote introduction. In the late 1980s, retail programming dependent on PC innovation started to advance into standard retail organizations. Today, retail location frameworks are light a long time in front of where they started. Todays POS frameworks are quicker, increasingly secure, and more solid than their forerunners, and permit retailers to work each feature of their business with a solitary, incorporated retail location framework. (*http://www. retailsystems. com/history-of-retail-pos-frameworks. fm*, July 28, 2009) * 7 motivations to change to a retail location framework If youre a veteran retailer, you know the issue: Your stock doesnt coordinate your counts. Deals are going unrecorded. Your staff is investing a great deal a lot of energy pursuing errors as opposed to keeping an eye on clients Something is tru ly off-base, and youre just not certain what the issue is. These and different disasters recommend that its time that your business got rid of its sales enlists and ventured to a certain degree of-offer (POS) framework, for example, Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System and Microsoft Dynamics Point of Sale (POS) . A POS framework is a PC programming and equipment organize that records deals as theyre happening; it understands an assortment of operational and record-keeping migraines. In the event that you need increasingly confirmation, here are seven signs that your business could blast with a retail location framework. 1. Your abrupt therapist no longer goes undetected. POS frameworks, for example, Retail Management System are intended to quickly record all deals. Not exclusively does that mean opportune and exact deals following, yet a POS framework likewise lets you promptly recognize stock levels, especially when what you have on the books doesnt agree with real stock. You see it with the beginning of abrupt shrinkâ€when you understand that stock is missing or your numbers just never appear to coordinate, says John Rarrick of RBS Inc. , a Nyack, N. Y. , counseling concern gaining practical experience in new companies and independent ventures. Pretty much every advanced POS has an accep ting and stock module that, when utilized appropriately, can help pinpoint the reason for the psychologist. 2. Markdown the board is a lot simpler. A typical land dig for some little to medium-sized organizations is cost reductionâ€knowing which things have been discounted and recording those limits as needs be. As opposed to grappling with sales register receipts at days end, a POS computerizes the way toward presenting markdowns and, thusly, following them precisely. The patterns in POS are stock precision as well as the utilization of evaluating models to take into consideration markdown the board, says Gary Ruffing, ranking executive of retail benefits
Friday, August 21, 2020
Effective Branding: Starbucks Essay
When thinking about a brand that I am faithful to the principal brand that rings a bell is Starbucks. The Starbucks association has worked superbly of marking itself as the debut espresso retailer around the world. The Starbucks logo is generally perceived and is recognizable even to non-espresso consumers. The organization has the upside of telling premium costs for their items that buyers are glad to pay on a day by day, or significantly increasingly visit, premise. The capacity to charge these superior costs brought about 13.3 billion dollars in income in 2012 (The Wall Street Journal, 2013). Marking Frequently a fruitful advertising brand methodology includes customer instruction (Grewal and Levy, 2012, p. 303). Starbucks worked superbly of teaching Americans on the espresso culture and the contrast between the trickle espresso made in our kitchens and latte’s or Americanos. Starbucks utilized the consumer’s need to feel like a specialist and acquainted them with various espresso items from around the world (Stealing Share, 2013). Starbucks likewise did a generally excellent activity of making the item truly obvious. Starbucks puts away springing up all over Seattle first; the remainder of the nation was not a long ways behind. At present the organization has 17,003 stores around the world, with 10,787 of those stores in the United States (Statistics Brain, 2013). You can't stroll down the road in a significant U.S. city without seeing a Starbucks store or an utilized Starbucks cup in a waste container. This brand acknowledgment happened rapidly and Starbucks didn’t have a ton of rivalry in these early days. The customer espresso experience that Starbucks made could in the long run lead to a requirement for an organization brand upgrade. Since espresso experts are presently truly educated about espresso items they anticipate persistent development. Starbucks has extended their product offering to remember for home espresso preparing items and stores situated in general stores. This could prompt the purchaser not esteeming the Starbucks â€Å"experience†and going to a lower cost contender (Stealing Share, 2013). Bundling The most important resource that Starbucks has that identifies with its bundling is the generally perceived Starbucks logo. The logo has advanced throughout the years, and was as of late changed in 2011 (Corporate Eye, 2011). The logo that was utilized before 2011 incorporated the words â€Å"Starbucks Coffee.†The update expels the organization name, and noticeably includes the image that was in the focal point of the past logo. Starbucks comprehends that their logo and brand are currently conspicuous without the organization name like organizations like Nike and Apple. The Starbucks cup is unmistakable because of the Starbucks logo, however it likewise stands apart for different reasons. The organization was one of the first in the food and drink industry to utilize reused item in their bundling. This began with napkins and drink sleeves, and proceeded with the genuine cups that refreshments were served in. Starbucks was one of the main organizations to get FDA endorsement t o serve drinks in reused paper (Food Production Daily, 2004). Correlation with Competitors While there various littler claim to fame espresso retailers in the U.S., Starbucks’ most noticeable contenders are Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonalds. These contenders began as cafés yet immediately saw the open doors that the claim to fame espresso business introduced. McDonalds is seemingly the most perceived brand on the planet and has overall brand acknowledgment. The issue that McDonalds will have is teaching its clients to the way that they sell espresso. Additionally, McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts are both seen as financial plan amicable organizations, and this could likewise be a side road to clients looking for claim to fame espresso. References Grewal, D., and Levy, M. (2012). Promoting (third ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Food Production Daily. (2004). Starbucks company joins reused bundling reviolution. Recovered from bundling upset Statistics Brain. (2013). Organization insights: Starbucks. Recovered from measurements/Stealing Share. (2013). Exercises we can gain from starbucks. Recovered from We Can Learn From Starbucks Failures.htm The Wall Street Journal. (2013). Starbucks Corporation.
Knowing When To Use What Essay Samples
Knowing When To Use What Essay SamplesIt is not easy to know which essay samples are for and against. This is mainly because you are in charge of your own education, and it is essential that you take your time with the selection process.It is important to understand that online essay samples are only available if you sign up to a membership site. These are offered by sites that sell products and services that are specific to students of all ages. In most cases, these online options require you to pay for the right to access certain sample essays and then use them to work on your own essays.Note that the price for these sites usually varies by membership and that is not including other fees that may apply. Furthermore, you have to remember that these writers do not know you personally, so they are unable to write an essay to please you. This is because they do not have any previous experience that they can use to accurately do so.However, there are ways to ensure that you will get you r money's worth, and those ways include studying your teachers' choices. In most cases, it is essential that you examine their essay samples to learn exactly what they prefer. And as a student, it is very easy to find out where their preferences lie by listening to what they say.Besides, you can also go online and look through online essay samples to find those that contain questions that you like. In many cases, these sample essays will also ask you to submit your essay and answer questions in order to generate a sample that you can use. Keep in mind that you can easily learn from those samples and use them to make changes to make the paper that you are writing better.When you examine online essay samples, it is important to note that you will have to spend some time going through these. It's quite likely that you will discover something that interests you. And when you have finished it, this may be exactly what you need to get your education on track.It is also important to rememb er that you can only use these specific themes as the basis for your final project. Themes that you write are the actual foundation that you build your project on. You will not be able to create a comprehensive report if you choose essay samples that are not based on specific research.So consider all of these factors before you select a sample, because in order to be sure that your chosen essay is as effective as possible, you must choose an actual essay. It is not enough to do this in order to eliminate essays that you feel are not suitable. You will still need to go through them carefully to ensure that you will get the best one.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Keeping Up Appearances - Literature Essay Samples
â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Ibsen, in many ways, addresses the divide between the concept of work itself and the perceptions of one’s own work. In reality, a person’s idea of work can differ from the kind of work actually done. When people think of the word â€Å"work,†images that come into mind include physical labor or any type of visible and tangible job or career. Household duties and production, however, is hardly ever accounted for. The emotional and mental labor of being placed in a specific gender role is also hard work. There is no monetary compensation involved. Instead, the protagonist of the play, Nora, is dedicated to the subtle rewards of keeping up appearances, both her own and her family’s. This facade shows how a woman’s place at home or at work is solely based off producing a certain image at all times. Women are trapped by society’s forced idealistic view of who they should be, and true freedom is comprom ised when a sense of control and individuality is lost. In the beginning of the play, Nora’s idea of the work she does equates to the work she is expected to do by her husband, Torvald. However, the play gets complicated when this divide is realized. Nora holds the family’s reputation in her words, behavior, and actions. She is dedicated to making her husband happy at all costs and even protects him to do so, much to Torvald’s dismay. Keeping up appearances is itself a form of work in this play and the theme evolves into something that is largely self-destructive. Nora is oppressed not only by both societal forces and her own husband. She is living a life she knows is a lie, and it almost acts as a daily performance. She acts unintelligent and child-like so as to validate Torvald’s masculinity and power. The image of the perfect housewife that she represents replaces her individuality and personhood with the illusion of a happy family and a husband to be envious of. Torvald teases Nora and calls her belittling names like his â€Å"little squirrel†and â€Å"skylark.†(Ibsen 4). He toys with her emotions using the promise of money and materialistic items. In a way, Torvald controls Nora. Although, Nora may very well be aware of his control over her, she accepts it and her role as subservient and dependent on the man in her life. She succumbs to the role of the victim and this role becomes her work and her work begins to define who she is. The image she chooses to represent for the sake of a good reputation causes her to lose herself and become only an object of affection and Torvald’s â€Å"trophy wife.†Nora perceives her work as performance. â€Å"Your squirrel would run about and do all her tricks if you would be nice, and do what she wants†¦I would play the fairy and dance for you in the moonlight, Torvald.†(Ibsen 39). She also uses her physical appearance and takes advantage of her feminine features in order to get her way. â€Å"If your little squirrel were to ask you for something very, very prettilyâ€â€?†(Ibsen 39). Nora’s words confirm that she is putting on an act as the woman of the house and acknowledges that her â€Å"tricks†and childlike demeanor serves to please Torvald.. She constantly depends and works on this image of herself and falls victim to the lie itself. The more a person lives a lie, the greater the chance the lie will consume that person. Nora’s manipulation eventually ended up manipulating not only Torvald, but also and more importantly, herself. â€Å"To be able to be free from care, quite free from care; to be able to play and romp with the children; to be able to keep the house beautifully and have everything just as Torvald likes it!†(Ibsen 17). Here, Nora is addressing her desire for a state of freedom where she will no longer feel anxious or stressed. Ironically, she is referring to all the things that restrict or limit her including her husband who controls her. She thinks she can find true freedom confined in a traditional domestic sphere with Torvald. This quote is critical to her evolution and eventual change in beliefs as the play continues and Nora realizes what freedom really means to her. Thus, the true nature of her work is realized and she grows from it. Nora was manipulated by her own lies and the expectations of others, specifically the men around her. The expectation itself became an emotionally and mentally taxing workload and constraint. It is this sort of oppression from men and society that continue to hurt women and ultimately erase their importance and po tential. Nora’s idea of work evolves as the play continues. She has lived her life acting for and pleasing her husband. The climax of the play complicated Nora’s idea of working in a specific manner to preserve her marriage when she realize the truth about Torvald’s intentions and his relationship with her. When Nora admits to committing a crime to save Torvald’s life, he admits that to him, the illusion of happiness was more important than the reality of happiness itself. He stated, â€Å"From this moment happiness is not the question; all that concerns us is to save the remains, the fragments,the appearanceâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ (Ibsen 71). Nora chose to save Torvald’s life but Torvald did not reciprocate or show any sign of empathy. In fact, when he received the news that he was in the clear from trouble, he excitedly proclaimed that his life is saved, not Nora’s. Nora then realizes the selfish nature of Torvald’s affections and how he possesses n o real love for her. It is then when the she realizes that keeping up appearances erases her existence and does nothing for her as an individual. Her idea of who controls her work has shifted from a man’s hold to her own. â€Å"I have existed merely to perform tricks for you, Torvald. But you would have it so.You and papa have committed a great sin against me. It is your fault that I have made nothing of my life.†(Ibsen 74). Nora is aware that putting on an act will only hurt her in the end. She thought she was happy pleasing her father and then her husband when all she truly felt was remorse and emptiness. She understands that her life and behavior has been a performance forced by the pressures of society and her husband in order to create a fabricated image of an ideal family. During this turning point, Nora knows that she no longer has to please men and has the ability to be a real person. She can exist without Torvald’s presence and without his subtle or immediate control over her. Nora’s perspective on the type of work she does and why she does it changed for the better in Act III. Henrik Ibsen’s â€Å"A Doll’s House,†describes work in ways that are sometimes ignored. Nora’s idea of work is pleasing her husband and maintaining his version of who he thinks she should be and how she should act. This lie causes her to lose individuality and creates a performance out of her life. Nora worked to be the perfect wife and paid little attention to what she wanted. Her goals and beliefs were set aside for a man. Although in many ways, Nora worked to manipulate Torvald, she still ended up hurting herself in the process of constantly being someone she is not. Her work was defined and orchestrated by a man. Oppressive societal forces directs women to look and act a certain way at all times for the sake of maintaining an image. Unsurprisingly, Nora was not keeping up her appearance any more than she was keeping up Torvald’s.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Death And Gothic Romanticism In The Cask Of Amontillado - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 997 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Cask of Amontillado Essay Did you like this example? The Cask of Amontillado is a short literary work wrote in 1846. From the same author that brought us The Fall of the House of Usher, Edgar Allan Poe. This short story also has a Gothic nature. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Death And Gothic Romanticism In The Cask Of Amontillado" essay for you Create order Edgar Allan Poe, was born in the early eighteen-hundreds. His accomplishments as a poet and author are wide and numerous. He is highly regarded as a central attributed to the American romanticism period. Since Poe was born in 1809, he had the perfect stage to become a Romantic period figure, as Romanticism was at its height from 1800-1850 after having originated in Europe and moving to the young United States. The Romantic period of literature was solidified by an emphasis on strong emotions with a connection to nature. Romanticism examined all parts of nature, including death. Thus, came the motivation for the below analysis of The Cask of Amontilado. Many historians agree that the potential shift toward romanticism was a direct result of the industrial revolution in which many felt we were straying away from traditional values of working land with our hands. Whatever the cause, it is no doubt Edgar Allan Poe became a truly predominant American figure. His works of literature are still extremely well respected to this date. The story, in summary, is a story about revenge and death. Even the title of the work foreshadows the dark events that will unfold. In archaic form, a cask equates to a modern day casket, or resting place. Therefore, the reader immediately knows death is a part of the story. In the introduction of the story, the narrator discovers a character, Fortunato (Fortunato translates to English as fourtainte, this literary irony truly adds to the story), has been insulting him. The narrator preys on Fortunators weakness to consume alcohol (wine). The narrator lures Fortunato into a wine cellar, which also doubles as a catacomb (In ancient Europe it was common for wine cellars to also contain crypts for family members dating back centuries in the same home.). It is important to again note that the character, Fortunato, has a name which translates to lucky or fortunate. Nothing about his experience with the narrator will become fortunate or lucky, again creating a sense of irony. The Cask of Amontilado has several aspects of irony, all of which strongly support the penultimate progression of the story; the authorrs use of irony strongly supports the storyrs theme and plot development. (It is my personal belief that Fortunatos craving for alcohol represents mans addiction to unworldly things, just as the cellar symbolizes a form of purgatory.) Additionally, the way in which the two main characters are dressed gives the reader a prediction on what is to come. The narrator is dressed in dark clothing, which symbolizes death. Fortunato, ironically, is dressed as a clown, in bright colors. This is possibly the most ironic point in the story. This shows the reader that he is completely unaware of the events that are about to unfold, eventually resulting in his death. Fortunato had been attending a carnival, which accounts for his bright clothing. The light mood Fortunato carried with him into the cellar serves as a further indication of his unawareness of the coming events. Perhaps Fortunato is unaware the narrator knows he has been talking bad about him, which is the whole premise for his revenge. The story also has several ironic quotes, not just ronic actions or instances. One important quote occurs when Fortunato begins to cough: Enough, he said; the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough. True†true, The narrator knows very well why Fortunato is coughing. The cause of his respiratory distress is from sulfur deposits within the cellar. That combined with the poor circulation of air is causing his breathing problems. Instead of heeding the warning from his coughing, Fortunato agrees that a sip of wine that will soothe his throat. Ironically yet again, that which he craves to be a connoisseur of so badly will end his life. Fortunato lays claim that he is an expert in good tasting wine, a claim that will ultimately aid in his death. This too serves as a foreshadowing detail of what is about to unfold. The reader knows the intentions the narrator has planned for Fortunato, death. He shall indeed die of a cough. One additional ironic quote occurs as they enter the cellar. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation. The narrator identifies to us very plainly his plans to immolate Fortunato. Obviously the narrator has a charming appeal to him. Who else could connive face to face with someone, only to kill them seconds later. Still, as Fortunato begins to struggle to breath, due to the sulfur, he remains oblivious to his fate just a few mere moments away. He now sits in an intoxicated state, struggling to breath, still clearly unaware of his fate to be. In conclusion, this story is another classical work by Edgar Allan Poe, and reflects his ongoing theme of death and Gothic romanticism. Poe displayed his ability to master all types of literary irony within this particular work; Edgar Allen Poe is an expert at the literary use of irony to convey the plot throughout the majority of his stories. The several aforementioned accounts of irony serve as a way to convey Poers theme of death and revenge. Had the story not used this literary element/tool, it would have not been as effective in conveying its overall theme and message. The use of irony truly does progress the story. It is therefore, due the culmination of his expert literary approach, his use of irony, word choice, and other literary elements, we are left with a story that truly conveys artistic ability. Furthermore, this story truly does reflect the sentiments of the Romantic literature period.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Effects Of Advertisements On Children s Television
The data Adams et al (2012) utilised was supplied by an audience research bureau (Attentional) and although it was considered to be the most accurate available, it is widely used by the retail and manufacturing industry so may be subject to reporting bias. Nutritional specific data for the HFSS values of the foods advertised in both 2006 and 2009 was from data collected in 2009, this data could therefore be an underestimation of the HFSS values in 2006. The comparison of data from different time periods throws up the possibility of differing levels of advertising due to seasonality. It is likely during July there are more adverts for ice-lollies when compared with October. Although the banning of adverts during children’s television shows has an effect on exposure, children can still be exposed to these unhealthy advertisements through watching family entertainment shows which fall under adult regulations (Ofcom, 2010). As the conclusion of Boyland and Halford (2012) believe that rather than just restricting HFSS food promotion more could be done to promote healthier food options and HFSS restrictions should be applied further to include internet sources. Ultimately stricter rules are needed for change. Medical Approach The medical approach involves the use of clinical or medical techniques to prevent ill health and reduce morbidity and premature death. This can be through primary, secondary or tertiary prevention (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). In tackling obesity, one exampleShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On Childhood Obesity1337 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects of Television on Childhood Obesity Essay It is evident that the rate of obesity is steadily increasing in North America and has reached an all-time high (Novonty 2015). This is due to the lack of physical activity, increased consumption level of unhealthy foods, and the prominent amount of exposure to media such as Television (TV). 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Compare and Contrast - 1201 Words
Comparing and Contrasting â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"How I Met My Husband†. Lora Cruse Ashford University ENG125 11/20/2014 In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting two great short stories. One being â€Å"The Story of an Hour†written by Kate Chopin in 1854 and the other being â€Å"How I Met my Husband†written by Alice Munro in 1974. The two short stories share the theme of gender roles/marriage. That being said,, I will be going over plot, point of view and tone. Sometimes women feel like they are trapped in their marriage, and sometimes women cannot wait to become married. Kate Chopins â€Å"The Story of an Hour represents a negative view of marriage. Every†¦show more content†¦The fact that she dies at the end of a simple heart disease shows that her misery stem from internally oppose to external emotions, The freedom that she nearly couldve tasted was gone. â€Å"For one climactic hour of her life, Louise does truly taste joy. For one hour of emotion, Louise does glimpse meaning and fulfillment.†(Jamil,2009). The story â€Å"How I Met my Husband†is about a young girl named Edie who is hired help for Dr. Peebles and his family. One afternoon, while the family is away in town, she meets Chris Watters, a pilot who travels from town to town giving rides in his plane for a fee. Edie falls in love with him but soon learns that he is engaged to another woman, Alice Kelling. Alice is crazy and has been following Chris everywhere in hopes of sex. One day while Alice, Mrs. Peebles, and the children were away on a picnic, Edie goes to Chriss campsite to talk to him. He reveals to her his plans on leaving, but promises to write her. They kiss and he leaves town. When the other women are told by the local gossip, Loretta Bird that Chris has left, Alice Kelling verbally abuses Edie under the mistaken impression that Edie and Chris had sex. Mrs. Peebles protects Edie and Alice leaves too. Edie waits day after day at the mailbox for Chriss letter, which never comes. Eventually, Edie realizes Chris will never write and marries the mailman, who believes that she waited by theShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast1441 Words  | 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and its this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualitiesRead MoreCompare and Contrast1427 Words  | 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. 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Human Trafficking A Modern Day Form Of Slavery - 1591 Words
Human trafficking is a billion dollar industry and is arguably the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. It exists in every country. It’s victims are both old and young, black and white, and spans every socioeconomic bracket. The Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as, ‘a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain’ (What Is Human Trafficking?). While people are trafficked for a majority of reasons, the most common are sexual exploitation and forced labor. It’s estimated that the industry of human trafficking generates $11 billion dollars annually on a global scale (Ngwe, J. E., PhD., Elechi, O. O.). When we hear about human trafficking most of†¦show more content†¦Many factors can be identified that put individuals at risk of being trafficked. While there are some victims that are kidnapped and forcefully trafficked, the vast majorities are made to believ e false promises of a better life. Most victims come from low socioeconomic areas, with few opportunities available for advancement or further education within the community. Human trafficking is rampant in developing countries, especially those experiencing civil wars or any type of political instability. Wanting to escape the turmoil in their own country, many are promised jobs as nannies, maids, and waitresses only to arrive in their destination country to find it to be nothing like what they were promised. Often once they arrive, they are told they owe the trafficker an extra free that must be worked off before their passport and other documents will be returned. Them majority of victims of human trafficking are sourced from Asia, Africa, or Eastern Europe. While Western Europe, North America, as well as Asia, are popular destinations for victims of human trafficking (Ngwe, J. E., PhD., Elechi, O. O.). Another element that puts someone at risk of being trafficked is lack of familial support. Because of this, runaways, homeless, and LGBT youth are at a greater risk of being trafficked (Aronowitz, A. A.). People are trafficked for a variety of purposes. However, the most common type of human trafficking is of a sexual nature. While
Customer Mapping Experience of Grocery-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: Discuss about the Customer Mapping experience of grocery Products in a Company named ALDI. Answers: Introduction This is a report, which describes the customer mapping experience of grocery products in a company named ALDI. ALDI has large number of retail outlets in Australia and they have using aggressive marketing strategy to acquire more and more consumers (, 2017). The company has been known for the level of customer experience and have received several awards for being the best customer experience providers. The report includes description of the different customers and the research tools that can be used to identify the customer experience mapping process. The report will also include the challenges and the opportunities that the company will have to face to identify the customer personas and mapping of the experience of the various consumers. Customer personas star The three personas that has been chosen for the discussion of the report are innovator, analytical and relationship. There are some personas that are more interactive and social and this type of personas can be recognised as relationship (Homburg, Jozi? Kuehnl, 2017). They are not at all interested in the specification of the product and they are more focused on the usage of social interaction. Therefore, when analysing ALDI these consumer types will have to be loomed with aggressive strategies of promotion. The effect of advertisement and promotion is much more on these customer types. Online marketing media is one of the methods which can attract these consumers effectively. The next customer type is more focused on their experience in the past and they are classified as analytical personas. The rules and procedures that have been established in the market are more comfortable for this kind of personas (Homburg, Jozic Khnl, 2013). Thus, we can say that differentiated products have minimal effect on this kind of consumers. Thus, for this kind of consumers the products will have to standardized and all the compared to the requirements in the market has to be followed.The tradition approach of marketing has to be used in this regard as they are critical about buying a product and they will compare and analyse all the similar products in the market before making the purchase (Arkadan, Macdonald Wilson, 2017). ALDI is known for all their brand of grocery products which have the same quality as their rivals but are cheaper compared to the products sold by their rivals. This feature of the products will have to keep intact if they company wants to acquire thi s kind of consumers. The third type of consumer persona is the innovator and it is relatively easier to grab the attention of this kind of personas. They are quite flexible and independent and very much different from the previous type of consumers. Innovation and creativity are two important aspect for this type of consumers and they prioritize this principles over any other feature of a product (Peppers Rogers, 2016). This kind of consumers can be attracted by the usage innovative ideas in promotion and product. However, various interviews and surveys have shown that this type of consumers are the ones who try innovative and lesser known products. ALDI has the best opportunity to attract these consumers are launching new products which are innovative and have a cheaper price than the rest of the products in the market. Research tools The five tools that can used to enhance the customer experience are as follows: Mobile-customer support: Various surveys show that the information available on the internet is not useful most of the time. Moreover, the availability of right information is minimal so it is the duty of the organization to make sure that the consumers in the company get their deserved customer services (Du Plessis De Vries, 2016). There are many companies who use have specific information channel which can be used by the users through their mobile devices which will help in better experience for the consumers. Mobile support is one of the most important aspect for the success of the organization and good mobile support can definitely improve the consumer experience provided by the company. Live chat: Customer experience can be defined as the ways to satisfy or cater to needs and wants of the consumers. Live is also one of the most popular ways of providing consumers with the best possible shopping experience (McColl-Kennedy et al., 2015). The live chat includes information regarding the consumers can be used for the benefit of the company. This is because of the fact that the information provided by the consumers can be used for improving the customer experience. Self-service management: There are specific queries which the consumers address quite often so answer to these queries are already posted on the website of the companies to help consumers save a lot of time and give them a better experience. Social-media support: social media has become one of the most powerful medium and the consumers generally post their queries and their complaints on these pages. The consumers can use the social media to the advantages to improve the customer experience (Shaw Hamilton, 2016). Omnichannel support: There are lots of traffic in the company website, the company will have to provide the consumers with more number of options to convey their complaints which will help to provide the consumers with a better experience in totality (Peppers Rogers, 2017). The companies will have to provide the consumers with a lot of option to share their problems and queries, this will help to reduce the traffic an ease the pressure for the companies. Customer map The customer is used to portray the experiences of a consumer before, after and during the procurement of the product. Initial consideration and need generation are the factors which analyses the experience before the buying of the product, evaluation and engagement analyses the experience at the time of procurement and the remaining factors analyses the consumers experience after the procurement of the product (Bernard Andritsos, 2017). The customer mapping or three different types of consumers is shown in the analysis. Relationship The relationship personas buy product based on the relationship with the company and the staffs working there. A new product was launched by ALDI and this customer bought the product without any hesitation. However, the staff had to engage in a conversation with the consumer to pursue her to buy the product (Peppers Rogers, 2016). The consumer had a good experience before and during the procurement but the product did not meet her expectation. Innovator The customer in this segment always searches for new and innovative products and very much easy to convince. The consumer readily bought the product; the consumer experience before and during the purchase was satisfactory. However, after the usage of the product the consumer was not happy with the quality of the product and expected better quality from the company. Analytical The consumer was very critical about the product and made lots of queries about the specification and ingredients in it. The consumer experience before the purchase was satisfactory but the consumer was not satisfied with the answers provided by the staff during the process (Lemon Verhoef, 2016). Moreover, the quality of the product sold by the consumer was not at all up to the market standard and was expecting much better-quality product froma reputed brand. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded from the report that customer experience mapping is one of the important factors which can be used by the company for the improvement of the services offered. The company can identify the shortcomings of their services and the products they offer. This will help the company to rectify their problems and improve their business model. The survey conducted for different consumers personas shows that the company will have to make improvements to the new product they have launched. The comparison of the three personas portray how the selling patterns change with customer types and how the customer experience also varies with different consumers. References (2017).ALDI Australia - ALDI Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Arkadan, F., Macdonald, E. K., Wilson, H. N. (2017). Customer Experience Management Practices: A Systematic Literature Review. InCreating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends(pp. 1361-1361). Springer, Cham. Bernard, G., Andritsos, P. (2017). A Process Mining Based Model for Customer Journey Mapping. Du Plessis, L., De Vries, M. (2016). Towards a holistic customer experience management framework for enterprises.South African Journal of Industrial Engineering,27(3), 23-36. Homburg, C., Jozi?, D., Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,45(3), 377-401. Homburg, C., Jozic, D., Khnl, C. (2013). Customer Experience Management.IMU Research Insights,19. Lemon, K. N., Verhoef, P. C. (2016, November). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. American Marketing Association. McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Gustafsson, A., Jaakkola, E., Klaus, P., Radnor, Z. J., Perks, H., Friman, M. (2015). Fresh perspectives on customer experience.Journal of Services Marketing,29(6/7), 430-435. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2016).Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. John Wiley Sons. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2016).Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. John Wiley Sons. Peppers, D., Rogers, M. (2017). Evolution of Relationships with Customers and Strategic Customer Experiences.Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework, 3-42. Shaw, C., Hamilton, R. (2016). Customer Experience Is a Journey, Not a Destination. InThe Intuitive Customer(pp. 193-200). Palgrave Macmillan U
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Clinical Presentation of Vascular Dementia
Question: Discuss about theClinical Presentation Of Vascular Dementia. Answer: Alagiakrishnan (2015) suggests that during the early stages, a patient will present with cognitive symptoms which will include slowed speed of thought, difficulties in making decisions and inability to concentrate. In addition, the patient may exhibit impaired speech and mild memory loss. It is also common for patients to experience mood changes such as anxiety and depression during the early stages of the disease. As time progresses, the patient exhibits severe confusion and disorientation. Communication and reasoning are impaired even further and the patient finds it hard recalling names and recent events. Moreover, irritability, aggressiveness and unusual sleep patterns are also seen. During the later stages of the disease, the patient starts experiencing delusions and hallucinations. Patients become less aware of their surroundings and may find it difficult eating or walking without being aided. They become progressively weak and they eventually need help for all their daily activities (Ladecola, 2013). References Alagiakrishnan, K. (2015). Vascular Dementia Clinical Presentation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sept. 2016]. Ladecola, C. (2013). The Pathobiology of Vascular Dementia. Neuron, 80(4), pp. 844-866. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sept. 2016].
Monday, April 13, 2020
Essay Topics For High School Seniors
Essay Topics For High School SeniorsFinding essay topics for high school seniors is very important for many reasons. You might be getting ready to submit your project for the Senior Writing class or you are one of the teachers who works in the Fiction department.There are a lot of factors to consider before you choose a topic for your senior essay. Here are some tips to help you choose the best essay topics for high school seniors.Your professor is probably one of the most important people you will ever meet. They will give you assignments, critique your writing and provide feedback. If they give you a project for senior year, you will want to do the best you can to make it worthy of their time.The topic for your essay will be very important. Some topics are more applicable than others to your senior year. Sometimes you will have an idea but have no idea how to approach it in writing.So, if you know you have no idea how to approach the topic, then perhaps you should consider using on e of the many strategies for senior year writing that are out there. There are thousands of writing sites on the Internet that can provide you with ideas on topics for seniors.Many of the best essay topics for high school seniors include literary and historical facts, everyday events, and trivia. Other topics might include family, religion, politics, sports, movies, and celebrities.A very easy way to start a discussion about a topic is to ask your students. Remember, essays should be used to communicate ideas to others, not to put points forward.Think of your subject matter as a topic for conversation. Keep in mind that your essay topics for high school seniors will help you get your last year finished.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Outsourcing In Logistics Sector Essays - Outsourcing, Offshoring
Outsourcing In Logistics Sector Introduction : Nowadays, many organisation are outsourcing their non- core activities to an external agents. Distribution is one of these activities as distribution consider as a non-core activity for many firms. Although, there are many advantage for outsourcing, there are also risks and disadvantage in this process. In this essay I would explain the term outsourcing and explain why organisations are preferring to outsource some of its functions in today's environment. Also, in this essay it has been tried to analysis the advantage and disadvantage of the outsourcing process and its risks towards the organisation. The word outsourcing could be described as the contractual relationship with a specialised outside service provider for work traditionally done in-house. Outsourcing could also be defined as the use of external agents to perform one or more organisational activities. In the last decade or so there has been a trend, particular among large scale companies, to hand over the whole or part of the distribution function to the external agents. One should emphasis that outsourcing is an issue that is not specific to distribution. Many other organisational functions, such as information system, building maintenance, etc?, have been outsource for many years in organisations. There are different reasons for organisations outsourcing their distribution function. More and more organisations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requiring these organisations to adapt. Competition is also changing. The global economy means that competitors are likely to come from across the ocean as from across town. Successful organisations will be the ones that can change in response to the competition and changing environment. In other words, they will be flexible. Therefore, today's organisation stand in sharp contrast to the typical bureaucratic organisations that have many vertical levels of management and where control is sought through ownership. In such organisations, Research and Development are done in-house, production occurs in company-owned plants, and sales and distribution are performed by the company's own employees. To support all this, management has to employ extra personal including accountants, human resources specialist and supply chain management specialists. However, nowadays successful organisations outsource many of these functions and concentrate on what it do best. Outsourcing can help organisations to reduce the impact of change in the environment by outsourcing some functions to specialist companies on that function who have more expertise and focus to concentrate on managing change. So, outsourcing could consider as a strategy to manage change in the external environment. Globalisation is another aspect which has impact upon increasing outsourcing. Nowadays, many companies are turning their attention to foreign markets, the number of global companies are accelerating. But these companies do not have in-house expertise to negotiate or operate the supply chain process in international markets. So, they need to outsource their supply chain to logistic companies which have international expertise in the distribution function. The another reason for increasing outsourcing is the increasing complexity of distribution networks. Storing and moving goods have become more complex as the technology is advancing too fast. A manufacturing organisation normally do not want to waste its management resources to this functions. Therefore, they prefer to outsource this function to logistics companies which possess all the necessary skills and technology in this service. For example, Marks and Spencer, one of the world's leading retailers has outsource its distribution function to Exel , one of the leading companies in supplying logistic service. M&S has approached Exel to take control of its complex distribution service. Now, Exel provides a distribution service for 23 M&S stores in South England, and also deals with M&S in France, Spain and Hong Kong. Exel has bought a revolutionary technology to M&S export operation by enabling 10 suits to be shipped in the space normally occupied by four garments. In addition, M&S customers start to get a high level of service because stores could be replenished quickly. All these and other benefits M&S has gained through outsourcing its complex distribution service. There are many advantages which a company could get from outsourcing its distribution functions. It could reduce the operating cost of the firms. A study which has been conducted in 1993 reported that a company could reduce 9% of its operating
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Racial Targeting essays
Racial Targeting essays The practice of targeting individuals for police investigation based on their race alone in the last few years has been an increasingly prominent issue in American society. Numerous magazines, newspapers, and journals have explored the issue of race-motivated police actions. Recently, the ABA Journal did a study of New Jersey and Pennsylvania traffic stops from 1998 to 2001, concluding that black drivers were more likely to be pulled over and arrested than whites. The study also delves into the legal ramifications of the 1996 United States Supreme Court ruling in the Whren v. United States case, which held that police officers subjective motivation for stopping a motorist on the highway was irrelevant as long as a probable cause was present - such as a traffic violation existed for making the stop. The Whren court decision validated the pretext stop, which occurs when police officers ostensibly stop motorists for traffic violations but are in fact motivated by the desire to obt ain evidence of other crimes. Police officers, however, argue that racial profiling is common sense and is sensible, statistically based tool that enables them to focus their energies efficiently for providing protection against crime to law a-biding citizen. In Taylor and Whitney, a study investigating the existence of an empirical basis for racial profiling and crime, they concluded that society must acknowledge the statistics behind crime rates in order to understand the concept of racial profiling; such information is available in annual crime reports. Statistics are facts and numbers which cannot be disputed and provide the experiential basis for racial profiling. The FBI Bulletin also addressed the necessity to consider statistics in addressing the issue of racial profiling. However, unlike Taylor and Whitney who argue for the use of statistics to support racial profiling, the FBI Bulletin promotes the usage of statistics in order to red...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
ORGANISATION AND THE ENVIROMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ORGANISATION AND THE ENVIROMENT - Essay Example The brand was successful as for the first time it introduced direct business to consumer transactions. As the first no frills airline, it charges even for meals onboard. Its revenues were reported at $2786 million by the end of 2006. In the year 2007, it posted pretax profits of 48% up to September. A new financial system will be installed by Agresso in 2008 to match its 15% annual growth rate of passengers. Stelios, who began EasyJet in 1995, is the single largest stakeholder in the brand. Many prefer EasyJet for its low costs, easy booking and network of routes to both holiday and business destinations. Its ancillary services of car hire, travel insurance, food and excess baggage, attract many. People are also attracted to offers like the one given on Thameslink trains where customers can avail discounts for traveling between Central London and the Luton airport. The EasyJet fleet operates with 107 Airbus A319-100 and 30 Boeing 737-700. Booking is allowed to be done online through the site However immediately two weeks before a flight is scheduled, phone booking can also be availed. The organization interacts with the UK government and has a United Kingdom type A operating license that allows its aircrafts to carry passengers, cargo and mail with a seating capacity of twenty or more. The public limited company is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Its top competitors are British Airways Plc and Ryanair Holdings Plc. The industry is the largest in UK that operates on low fares. Meeting the APD and high fuel prices are their major economic challenges. It opposes Air Passenger Duty (APD) tax and suggests a new tax that depends upon distance traveled and the type of flight used. In October, the company agreed to acquire GB airways. The UK office has invited comments to check whether the merger would reduce competition within UK. The airline connects various important destinations in UK which include England, Belfast in
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Corporate theory and pratice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Corporate theory and pratice - Essay Example ther regulatory bodies therefore acted urgently initiating a raft of new amendments aimed at halting firms from concealing underperforming portfolios through ingenious accounting practices (Brodie, 2008). Consequently the IASB and the FASB issued amendments to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures that permit the reclassification of some financial instruments and require consequential additional disclosures in respect of any reclassification made. These amendments were issued to address the current market conditions and, due to its urgency, were issued without the normal due process (IASB & FASB, 2009). The Financial Statement Presentation is one of the seven joint IASB and FASB financial accounting projects set to concluded by the year 2011 in three phases [See Table 1]. The main preposition was the introduction of a cohesive, disaggregated, and liquid and flexible. The FSP Discussion Paper (DP) – Preliminary views on Financial Statement Presentation is founded on three premises which require a presentation of the FSP in such a way that: ‘establish a standard that will guide the organization and presentation of information in the financial statements...the management of an entity communicates financial statement information to users of financial statements, such as present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors...improve the usefulness of the information provided in an entity’s financial statements to help users make decisions in their capacity as capital providers.’ (IASB and FASB, 2009, Pg.1) The board’s primary intention is for firms to present a singular financial statement with the objective of enhancing the financial presentation model that is analogous and uniform hence decipherable to the users. The projected presentation model necessitates a firm to present the financial information in a way that depicts how it operates its business disengaged from data
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Americans for Safe Access vs Dea Essay Example for Free
Americans for Safe Access vs Dea Essay Abstract This paper examined The American’s for Safe Access’s petition before a federal court to have the Drug Enforcement Administration reduce its current classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug. As this case goes before the court, there could be three possible outcomes: a judgment in favor of the plaintiff, the defendant, or a decision for the DEA to reexamine marijuana’s current classification. Of these three outcomes, I believed there would be sufficient evidence in my findings to support a decision by the justices to reexamine marijuana’s classification. One key component to this decision will be whether or not enough evidence exists to support marijuana’s medical use, as a drug that is used for medical treatment is typically not classified as Schedule I. Evidence for arguments from both sides was gathered from various sources, including medical publishings, the University of Washington’s School of Medicine archives, and online articles. After reviewing this information, the conclusion that enough evidence exists to reexamine marijuana’s current classification was reached. Introduction As more and more states petition to and effectively pass legislation to legalize medical marijuana, its current classification as a highly banned substance by the Federal Drug Administration continues to serve as a harsh stance against the desires of the public for the option of marijuana as a medical treatment. The escalation of this debate in the political and federal arena appears to be overtaking the medical industries ability to determine marijuana’s harms and benefits. Perhaps the heart of this debate lies in marijuana’s current classification by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule 1 drug. Of all of the drugs on the current DEA Schedule I, list marijuana is the only one that has doctors supporting its medical uses. In light of this, does marijuana still deserve the same classification as heroin and LSD? As more states are passing this legislation and more states desire it, is it now time to reexamine marijuana’s current classification? Section 1: Case/Issue Summary Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration rejected a petition by medical marijuana advocates to reduce its classification as a Schedule I drug, which kept marijuana in the same category as drugs such as heroin. The DEA concluded that there wasnt a consensus opinion among experts on using marijuana for medical purposes (Press, 2012). However, medical marijuana advocates have not given up in their pursuit to reduce the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration’s classification of marijuana. In my chosen case, the plaintiff is Americans for Safe Access and the defendant is the Justice Department. Once again, the key issue at hand is the Drug Enforcement Administrations continued classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug. In order to be classified as a Schedule I drug, the drug must be officially determined to have no medical use and a high potential for abuse (McClathy, 2012). Justice Department attorneys site an absence of available evidence of acceptable and controlled studies, and a lack of agreement among experts as to marijuanas effectiveness as a medicine, as their basis for its current Schedule I classification. Those standing against the Justice Department claim that regulators are disregarding hundreds of peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of medical marijuana and the subsequent medical marijuana laws passed by 16 other states. The concerns for both the plaintiff and the defendant lie in the same key issue – is there enough acceptable medical evidence that marijuana does in fact have medicinal benefits? Studies and opinions as to which side has the most support to back its claim are widely varied, but both sides claim they have sufficient evidence to support their assertions. Take, for example, to very different statements, one from the medical book â€Å"Marijuana as Medicine?: The Science Beyond the Controversy†(Mack Joy, 2001), and the other from the medical book â€Å"Marijuana and Medicine, Assessing the Science Base†(Joy Stanley, 1999): â€Å"The cannabis plant (marijuana) . . . [has] therapeutic benefits and could ease the suffering of millions of persons with various illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, seizure disorders, chronic pain, and other maladies.†– from the editor’s introduction to Cannabis in Medi cal Practice, by Mary Lynn Mathre, R.N. (Mack Joy, 2001). â€Å"Consequently, the rapid growth in basic research on cannabinoids contrasts with the paucity of substantial clinical studies on medical uses.†(Joy Stanley, 1999). These two statements help highlight just how much inconsistency on exists on this issue, inconsistency that could be a concern for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Section 2: Identification and Evaluation of all Main Possible Solutions Though the challenge filed by the plaintiff is directly asking for one solution, there are several solutions that could be reached. The first solution would be that the judges would dismiss the challenge without review. The result of this would be that the appeals court considers marijuana’s current classification to be proper and this would represent solid validation of the DEA’s authority to determine a drug’s status and classification. There would be evidence to back this decision. According to the doctors that authored â€Å"Marijuana and Medicine†, more extensive data exists on the harmful effects of marijuana than data on its medical benefits (Joy Stanley, 1999). It is the opinion of these doctors that clinical studies on marijuana’s positive and negative effects are difficult to conduct, due to both difficulty in procuring funding and the encumbrances of the many federal regulations involved with such testing (Joy Stanley, 1999). The court could also reach this decision due to the bioethical principle of Nonmaleficence. Under the standards of care, this is the principle that a healthcare provider should not bring harm to a patient (McCormick, 1998). Should the court determine that not enough evidence exists to support marijuana’s medical benefits, it would have to conclude that prescribing marijuana to a patient could lead to their harm. This decision by the court would serve as a strong deterrent to future challenges of the DEA’s classifications of drugs. The consequences would be a major setback for advocates of widespread legalization of prescription marijuana. Dismissing the challenge would, for the time being, lay to rest all claims made by American’s for Safe Access. Another solution would be for the district court to decide a reduction in marijuana’s drug classification to be justified. For the plaintiffs, reducing marijuana’s classification from a Schedule I drug to a lesser controlled substance would be a major step in their ultimate quest to see marijuana legalized for medical use in the remaining 34 states that don’t already allow for such use (Press, 2012). Should its classification be reduced to a Schedule II drug, it would then be legal for marijuana to be prescribed to patients in need. Along with the physical medical benefits, reducing marijuana’s classificati on would also lessen the penalties faced by those found in possession of it. Currently, possession of a Schedule I drug can carry a maximum sentence of up to 7 years in prison. Ruling in favor of the plaintiff could indicate that the judges felt the principle of beneficence – that a healthcare professional must act to provide medical benefit to a patient – is involved (McCormick, 1998). In this case, the benefit to the patient would be relief from pain and protection from harm. A recent petition by Governor and former senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, and Governor Christine Gregoire of Washington filed made the assertion that â€Å"patients with serious medical conditions who could benefit from medical use of cannabis do not have a safe and consistent source of the drug as a result of its current classification†(Madison, 2011). This ruling could also be a result of the justices deciding that enough trusted medical evidence does in fact exists to support the use of marijuana for medical purposes. According to the book â€Å"Marijuana Medical Handbook: Practical Guide to Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana†, some medical marijuana specialists have reported a significantly large amount of uses for medical marijuana, ranging from treatment for nausea and convulsions to an appetite stimulant for cancer patients (Gieringer, Rosenthal Carter, 2010) For the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration, seeing marijuana’s classification reduced would be a major setback in its efforts to eradicate a drug that Justice Department lawyer Lena Watkins says is â€Å"the most widely abused drug in the United States, (Press, 2012). A decision against them by the federal court would essentially erase all of their efforts, along with damaging their ability to make similar determinations in the future. A third solution could be that the court could order the Drug Enforcement Administration to take a more in-depth look at the available evidence (McClathy, 2012). This would be a blow to the DEA, who claims they have spent a substantial amount of time and energy in executing due diligence to determine marijuana’s Schedule I classification. It would counter their stance that not enough acceptable evidence and proper studies can be found to support marijuana’s medical benefits. In turn, a decision by the court for the DEA to reexamine its evidence could ultimately lead to another challenge for its legalization. Consequently, this same decision would be very positive for American’s for Safe Access. They claim that the DEA has failed to consider notable support for medical marijuana from many respected institutions, all of whom support the reclassification of marijuana (McClathy, 2012). A request by the Court of Appeals for the DEA to reexamine its findings could be due to the principle of respect for autonomy. This principle protects the patient’s right to make their own informed decisions with regards to treatment (McCormick, 1998). Not having access to the best evidence as to marijuana’s medical benefits could act against this principle. The principle of justice could also play a part in this ruling. A patient in Missouri suffering the same amount of pain as a patient in California, but not having the opportunity to benefit from the same medicinal advancements as a patient in California, might be a constitute a breach of the principle of judgment in the eyes of the court. Section 3: Decision Statement and Defense Against Weaknesses After examining the facts of the case and all possible solutions, the solution to allow for the reduction of marijuana’s classification to a Schedule II drug seems the most prudent. This conclusion was reached for several reasons. Despite the DEA’s claims, there appears to be enough acceptable evidence on the ASA’s side to support its assertion that marijuana has applicable medical benefits. Cocaine is certainly proven to be a harmful substance when taken irresponsibly, yet its remote medical benefits have landed it on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Schedule II. For marijuana to remain on the Schedule I list while cocaine is on Schedule II hardly seems just considering there is even one state that has passed legal medical marijuana legislation. That there is even a small amount of substantial evidence from credible institutions supporting marijuana’s medical benefits makes the penalties involved with its possession seem severe. The recent petition sighted earlier by the two governors offers that they have support from many respected institutions, including The American Medical Association, The American College of Physicians, the Rhode Island Medical Society, the Washington State Medical Association the Washington State Pharmacy (Madison, 2011). All of these institutions are respected, making a decision to dismiss the challenge without even a reexamination seem imprudent. One also can’t help but wonder if the DEA’s current stance comes from a fear of its potential legalization for recreational use. This solution would also address another important issue in terms of marijuana use, and that would be to provide â€Å"safe, reliable, regulated use of marijuana for patients who are suffering,, as the governors have suggested (Press, 2012). In conclusion, certainly it seems that the current Schedule 1 classification of marijuana obstructs the medical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice . References Gieringer, D., Rosenthal, E., Carter, G. T. (2010). Marijuana medical handbook, practical guide to therapeutic uses of marijuana. Oakland: Quick American Archives. Joy, J. E., Stanley, J. W. (1999). Marijuana and medicine, assessing the science base. National Academies Press. (Joy Stanley, 1999) Mack, A., Joy, J. E. (2001). Marijuana as medicine?, the science beyond the controversy. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. (Mack Joy, 2001) Madison, L. (2011, November 30). Govs. chafee, gregoire lobby for reclassification of marijuana. Retrieved from;contentBody McClathy, N. (2012, October 12). Medical marijuana case going before court. Maine Sunday Telegram. Retrieved from McCormick, T. R. (1998). Principles of bioethics. Ethics in edicine: University of Wa shinton School of Medicine, Retrieved from Press, A. (2012, October 16). Federal court considers marijuana classification. Retrieved from
Monday, January 20, 2020
Iphigenia, The Diary of a Young Lady Who Wrote Because She Was Bored Es
Expression and Repression in Parra’s Iphigenia, The Diary of a Young Lady Who Wrote Because She Was Bored Like Ruby, Iphigenia uses water imagery to dramatize her feelings and fantasies. But she also turns to the river to express her wants and desires because she cannot do so freely in her Venezuelan home. After the death of her father, Marà a Eugenia leaves Venezuela and her best friend Christina, to visit friends of the family in Paris. In Paris she experiences a sense of freedom that she has never known before, walking the streets alone, going to operas, and dressing as she pleases. But when she gets back to Caracas to live with her aunt and grandmother, she becomes bored, feels imprisoned, and finds out that her Uncle Eduardo stole her inheritance, leaving her penniless and completely dependent upon him. Her only recourse is to get married to a wealthy suitor. Unfortunately, Marà a Eugenia falls in love with Gabriel, who is not her family’s suitor of choice. Uncle Eduardo moves the family to the country and intercepts Gabriel’s letters to Marà a Eugenia. Soon Leal, a suitor to the family’s liking, whom Marà a Eugenia does not love, asks her to marry him and she accepts. A short time later, Marà a Eugenia’s uncle Pancho falls ill, and Gabriel, a doctor, comes to the house to tend to him. When they see each other again, Marà a Eugenia and Gabriel realize that they are both still in love, and he entreats her to run away with him, but Marà a Eugenia cannot summon the courage to accept his offer. Instead, she accepts the life that her family condones, sacrificing herself as Leal’s wife. In this story water is closely associated with Marà a Eugenia’s ability to express herself. She struggles throughout the novel to communicat... ...eal because of their influence. Splitting off from her family by going to Paris, confiding in and symbolically becoming the water, the green-world token, falling in love with Gabriel, the green-world lover, rebelling from her family, and engaging her unconscious bring her to the tip of self realization. But as a result of the influence of her family, Marà a Eugenia accepts her family’s expectations as her own, that which is contrary to the desires she expresses in the process of her transformational journey. In Pratt’s words, instead of growing up, Marà a Eugenia experiences a â€Å"growing down†in which the protagonist accepts â€Å"auxiliary or secondary personhood†instead of self realization (36, 168). Instead of accepting herself during the process of individuation she rejects her love for Gabriel and her desire for freedom to conform to the wishes of her family.
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