Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12
Annotated Bibliography Example The current economic climate and fast- paced world of journalism has resulted to a lot of pressure while many of the journalists face trauma incidents. Few graduates are prepared by journalism schools to face trauma instead wait until they learn on their workplace. Lack enough practice results to interpersonal conflicts during war reporting. Therefore, the article encourages training sessions at workplace with support and recognition to improve productivity and resilience and is very relevant to the case study. The researcher’s interests are largely concerned with the role of journalism and its function in a democratic society. The department includes faculty individuals who are professionals in communication studies, media studies English literature and science. The article describes the challenging times faced by journalist as professions changes with time. As the journalist undergoes cataclysmic change, reporting becomes more pressurized due to the widespread of use of mobile devices that converts the newsgathering process to being instantaneous. Journalist along with their editors considers new ways of dealing with community trauma. Therefore, the journal provides different tactics to deal with interpersonal conflict in war reporting by having a professional reflective practice to provide space to improve practice serving both profession of journalism and public good. The article will be used in the case study. Cait McMahon is a managing director of Trauma-Australasia and the Dart Centre for journalism in Australia. Cait experience in the journalism industry is evident in his well-researched opinion on war reporting. The article highlights psychological duty care and self-care plans for not only war reporters, but all media experts who face any form of work-related trauma subjection. They explain that most reporters are very resilient and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Health as a human right Essay Example for Free
Health as a human right Essay The observed recent advancement in preventive, primary health care, early intervention programs, coordinated health care trials in Australia as well a the population health developments have tried to explore the possibility of changing the current emphasis of health care from the responsive acute care to the more integrated system where the entire whole population is managed for the well being of all (Michael2003). In this concept it is thus generally accepted that much of the illnesses experienced in the communities are preventable or can be managed in a more constructive manner rather than the way it has been up to today. From this view therefore, much of the disabling illnesses need not occur but rather be avoided through the better managed models, lifestyle changes and education programs (Hugh 2003). Health and wellbeing In this modern world that is becoming more and more business oriented, the idea of prevention rather than cure seems to be more appealing due to the quality of life that the individual leads as well as the health outcomes in general (Flowers 2002). A costly health care is avoided when prevention is given the first priority while at the same time helping the community to better understand how to live a more fulfilling life (Keyes 2002). The opposite to prevention would to continue to respond to the emerging health problems at a much more expense and to thus accept that a great amount of GDP would be spent on health care not forgetting that this would degrade the quality of life that the citizen lead. It is in this light therefore that the concept of a better sustainable natural health environment turns out to be even more appealing hence carrying a greater part of the community priorities (Hugh 2003). This calls for a greater consumer participation where the awareness of what supports a healthy/unhealthy lifestyle is taught to all. But though very attractive, one realistically questions if this is a workable context (Michael2003). It has been noted that the social inequality is increasingly characterizing the Australian society and thus the main concern here is that the economy may not be able in the future to support the living standards that the Australians are used to (Richard2002). For the rural communities, the problems seem be doubled. In the rural communities, the wealth that they used to create is diminishing and what used to be the rural production in Australia is now continuously being replaced with a dominating mineral industry. It was only until the early 1980s that agricultural products used to be the single most important source of income for most of the Australian community. The rapid growth of the mineral industry has replaced agriculture to an extent that the earnings from mining nearly double those from agriculture (Hugh 2003). This reduced generation of income in the rural community implies that the distribution of wealth will definitely be affected (Flowers 2002). Some observers have linked a sustainable economy to a sustainable health. Australia is however still not yet a nation that does recognize the great importance of linking the wellbeing of the general community to the economic activities (Smart and Sanson 2005). Though this be the case, the European population could maybe be regarded as the healthiest population as it enjoys a life expectancy of over 80 years (Keyes 2002). Good health and expanding economies are two ideas that are mutually compatible and thus are able to co-exist though this is not yet achieved. From this perception thus, a principle of sustainability in an environmental and economic sense can be generated and be considered to apply both equally to the ideology of shaping the health care system as well as coming up with a preventive approach to the wellbeing of the community (Hugh 2003). The Australian health system has like the education system become institutionalized and thus does no longer serve the community needs (Flowers 2002). In this regard, it is no longer able to respond to the values of as well as aspirations of the people but on the centrally alienates them from the control of their own values and consciousness (Keyes 2002). This has been the case since when the health system are under the control of institutions, then the power of the individual to determine how they exists within these structure is lost and with this kind of loss, such society ills as stigma cannot be avoided (Michael2003). It is within these communities where a strong move towards an economically rational view of capital as well as of service provision is upheld (Richard2002). In this view when the health system is seen as a ‘marketable good’ just any sector such as education, then the view of taking health care to be a public good cannot be put in question. From the WORLD health Organization, health is defined as the state of complete mental, physical, social well being and thus not just the absence of an infirmity or disease (Smart and Sanson 2005). Since most of the modern perspective is financially based, then even the health system is planed from this perspective. It is not possible to attain the vision of a well society while at the same time one is not realistically considering the all elements that would be required to make such a realization a possibility (Hugh 2003). It is within the human rights framework where the guidance of how to respond to the public health challenges is supposed to come from. Wellbeing is often measure interms of satisfaction in life and happiness (Richard2002). Wellbeing is actually about having and maintaining a meaning in life; being able to fulfill our potential and thus feel that our lives are a worthwhile. Our subjective or personal wellbeing is usually determined by our genes, social conditions, personal choices and circumstances as well as the complex manner in which all of these interact with one another (Flowers 2002). By affecting our personality, genes influence our wellbeing. This could thus translate to such traits as neuroticism and extraversion that are all associated with a lower and higher wellbeing respectively (Keyes 2002). Since the genetic influences here are not immutable or fixed, they are frequently shaped by the environment, upbringing, general conditions of life and the personal experiences. In regard to health, most of the characteristic and qualities that are related to the wellbeing of a person are also related to the health of the individual. Thus wellbeing has been regarded as one that does play a central role in enhancing health through the direct effect in such processes as the immune system, physiology, diet, exercise, drinking, smoking and other lifestyle behavior (Michael2003). The question of what cause what then emerges (Hugh 2003). A human right approach Human rights can be considered from two levels. First from the international system of treaties and from a conceptual framework that shapes the action (Richard2002). In Australia, the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is what is concerned with the voicing the concerns of health consumers. Being an independent non-governmental organization it mainly shapes the Australian health system by having the consumers involved in the health policies (Smart and Sanson 2005). If the health sector and the wellbeing of the citizens is taken from a wider view, then it is possible to invest more resources in a more effective manner so as to optimize these benefits to the whole community (Flowers 2002). Adopting this concept would require the identification of some of the key elements that would encompass a healthy society from which it would be expected that health individuals would live in. some of these concepts include but are not limited to; 1. recognizing the impact and role of work in the wellbeing of the individuals. 2. enhancing more consumer participation and improving community education. 3. Coming up with policies that will enhance a healthy sustainable environment both social and natural. 4. ecognizing the major role that the lifestyle choice plays in enhancing the community as well as individuals wellbeing. 5. implementing early prevention and intervention programs in a more extensive manner rather than having to wait to have endpoint interventions. 6. promoting the idea of having to a lead a qualitative kind of life as opposed to the quantitative view. Such a approach to a sustainable health system will be a gradual process. Many of the factors that contribute to the well being of the individual are interrelated (Michael2003). The relationship between these factors are in most cases reciprocal. A good example is the observation that happier people are more likely than the depressed sad families to do better work, have more friends, and even earn higher income. The interrelation of these factors with well being are quite clear. As work offer purpose in life, unemployment is associated with a loss of income. Other factors such as being religious offer a good flow of social connections, sense of purpose, spiritual support and a moral code that eventually sums up to the wellbeing of the person (Hugh 2003). The lack of one of these factors sometime is compensated though partly by the presence of the other. It has been estimated that an average Australian rates their satisfaction and general happiness to about 75 per cent. Of late, the Australian government has stated that a growing strong economy is their main responsibility and goal. Economic growth has in the past been associated with the indicators of better health, wellbeing and a high quality of life. In this regard, it is globally accepted that money matters most as it does help people to meet their basic needs (Flowers 2002). The link between health, law and human rights. Health systems in all sectors of life can be analyzed for the impact they have on equality, human dignity and freedom as well as how effective they are in treating or preventing disease or ill health (Smart and Sanson 2005). The close association that is there between law and health is rarely fully appreciated by the health care providers (Hugh 2003). The law and in particular that which is mainly concerned with the provision of human rights should be well understood by the health care providers who are usually reluctant to engage in it so as to be better placed to improve health care quality (Michael2003). If this is to be achieved then the following need to be achieved; 1. Ensure that all persons are empowered as well as informed to make responsible decisions regarding medical care and treatment on the basis of a genuinely informed consent. 2. Take all appropriate administrative and legislative measures to ensure that all people enjoy the right of attaining the highest possible health standard without any form of discrimination. 3. take all administrative measures to ensure that access to healthcare facilities is made possible to all persons (Flowers 2002). Conclusion Just like the wider economic system, health care is increasingly becoming concerned with prevention, sustainability, early intervention as well as the long-term management of the wellbeing of its citizens. This would imply having to move health care issues beyond the reactionary crisis that is mainly based on acute care model and thus in its place have a more integrated program that is based on preventive care. This can be accomplished on the recognition that ‘health’ is usually a function of various environmental and social variables. To prevent the health care from collapsing in the future due to the heavy weight of acute care needs, health professional must become more involved in the education, community care, self-management, prevention as well enhance the consumer empowerment processes. It is worth noting much of the illnesses today in the health sector such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and the respiratory diseases are all preventable or manageable if not totally preventable and thus it is within the realistic aim to lessen the burden.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Enlightenment Essay -- History Historical French Essays
The Enlightenment Throughout Europe and the new American colonies in the 18th century there was a great movement in thought. This trend that preceded the French Revolution is known as the Enlightenment. Revolutionary writers and thinkers thought that the past held only darkness and ignorance, they began to question everything. Enlightened thought entered, or intruded, into all aspects of life in the 1700s. Governments were drastically reformed, art and literature changed in scope, religion was threatened, the study of science spread, nature was seen in a new light, and humanity evolved greatly. This new way of thinking was propelled by curiosity and observations of society and nature. The Enlightenment was a desire for human affairs to be guided by rationality rather than by faith, superstition, or revelation; a belief in the power of human reason to change society and liberate the individual from the restraints of custom or arbitrary authority; all backed up by a world view increasingly validated by science rather than by religion or tradition. 1 Several individuals have been credited and blamed for leading and contributing to the Enlightenment. These thinkers not only changed their views, but also spread revolutionary ideas to others. These philosophes, Evangelists of science, felt that it was their duty to open peoples’ eyes to new thought. They used every media available to them including word of mouth, pamphlets, letters, journals and books. Philosophes were tired of people accepting anything they were told, consequently a large opponent of the Enlightenment Era was the Church. Knowledge gained through observation of nature slowly replaced blindly accepted religious explanations. The Enlightenment wa..., they could harness it with the steam engine. Thus, emerged the Industrial Revolution, which would never have been possible had humans not owned the knowledge gained from the Enlightenment. Literature Cited 1. Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment (New York, Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge ,1995), 3. 2. Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turner, The Western Heritage, Second Brief Edition, Volume II: Since 1648 (Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1996), 397. 3. Outram, 58. 4. Kagan, 401. 5. Britannica Online, â€Å"The Enlightenment†, wysiwyg://176/†¦ article/5/0,5716,108605+8+106072,00.html, 21. 6. Roy Porter, The Enlightenment, (London, The MacMillan Press Ltd., 1990), 3. 7. Kagan, 403. 8. Outram, 62. 9. Jonathon Weiner, Time, Love, Memory (New York, Vintage Books, 1999), 5.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hr Policies of Nestle
HUMAN RESOURCE HR is dedicated to their employees, and ensures that they have all the right people with the right skills, in the right places at the right time. Understanding that their people are the bedrock of all their business strategies, it is their mandate to enhance their skills with cutting-edge training and provide them with world-standard facilities. WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN: They are a people company. Their people are their greatest strength, and nothing can be achieved without their commitment and energy. The Nestle DifferenceAt Nestle you'll find their self in a dynamic and invigorating environment, surrounded by people who are passionate about their work. You'll feel empathized to contribute to the company's business objectives and to achieve their own personal and professional goals. You and their colleagues shape and lead the organization – their energy is its greatest strength. Family ; Female-Friendly Organization: Diversity is central to the nature of their busi ness. As a global organization, Nestle caters to the needs of diverse consumers.This is only possible due to the diverse backgrounds and interests of their people and their firm commitment to embracing diversity at all levels. When they employ staff, they make a commitment to provide them with good working conditions. Female employees and their employees' families know that Nestle Pakistan has a friendly and caring attitude. They recently set up a day-care centre, and have established a comprehensive Maternity Benefits Scheme for their female employees. Total Competitive Remuneration:At Nestle you can be sure you'll get competitive and fair remuneration structures. Their remuneration is benchmarked against other organizations and surveyed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain competitive. Their pay and compensation strategy is tied to the achievement of their business objectives. This linkage helps us define a growth-oriented culture, making us the most preferred employer in the market. The benefits of working at Nestle go beyond the financial. Here, you'll find a structure to help you fulfill their ambitions and support their lives. Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial PoliciesGrowth: New employees are given responsibility at an early stage, and high performers can develop fast. Their international and multicultural working climate is conducive to creativity, innovation and personal development. And you'll get competitive working conditions, a compensation package and social benefits in line with their company's high standards. Here, you'll get the room to add value and make a real difference. If you're qualified and ready to confront new horizons, you'll have the chance for a truly international career. SAFETY AT WORKNestle is committed to being a leader in workplace safety and health. The Nestle Occupational Health and Safety Management System (NSMS) was revised in line with the 2007 edition of the international standard OHSAS 18001 and reissued to all Nestle operations, reinforcing our commitment that â€Å"Safety is non-negotiable†. They are also working towards external certification of our factories against OHSAS 18001. This will provide a common language around our health and safety management systems, and make it easier to demonstrate implementation of these standards to our stakeholders.The number of workplace injuries has been reduced. For example, in 2007 the number of injuries leading to one or more days away from work in Nestle decreased to almost one quarter of that seen in 2001. RECRUITMENT WHAT THEY LOOK FOR: It takes a special sort of person to come and work at Nestle Pakistan. That's why, when selecting candidates, they look for a set of interrelated characteristics encompassing three key areas: knowledge, personality and motivation. Professional Knowledge: Do you have a great academic record that demonstrates their intelligence, commitment and hard work?Can you show us you have a sharp analytical mind, and the drive necessary to succeed in a competitive environment? If you think you fit the bill, you may be right for Nestle Pakistan. They look for good academic results at university or equivalent qualifications. However, the class of the degree you have obtained, though very important, is not the only criterion for selection. Other experiences during their studies, previous jobs, assignments, language theses and any other significant extracurricular activities and achievements, are also given the right.They look for candidates who can identify a problem, analyze it, look at different options, and come to reasoned conclusions. They want people with drive and tenacity, energy and enthusiasm, who can initiate a project and follow through to the end. All these skills are vital during a career at Nestle Pakistan. Internships: Internships are a great way to apply the knowledge and skills you are developing at university and get experience in a leading corporation.They offer project-based internship positions in various departments at Nestle Pakistan. You may be hired as an intern at various points during their academic career: duri ng undergraduate study or graduate school. Most internship assignments are offered during the summer months and generally run for 6 to 8 weeks. At the end of the internship you will be required to submit a project or program report to the company on the topic assigned to you at the beginning of the internship program.If you impress us with their talent & hard work, you may be considered for employment opportunities after you have completed their studies. Work/Life Balance: At Nestle they believe that the employee’s private and professional life should have a good balance. Not only because it reinforces employee’s satisfaction, loyalty and enhances Productivity but also because it positively reflects on the Company’s reputation. It helps attracting and retaining people and reconciles economical imperatives with they’ll being.Nestle is willing to support employees who wish to take an active part in the life of the community or by assuming responsibilities i n professional, civic, cultural, religious or voluntary organizations it being understood that any activity during working theirs be first approved by the Company. In the same spirit, Nestle provides flexible working Conditions whenever possible and provides its employees to have interests and motivations outside work. Relationship with Suppliers Nestle aims to deal only with reputable suppliers who are willing to apply Nestle quality standards.Supplier relationships are benchmarked and evaluated with the objective of striving for continued improvement in the areas of quality, service, etc. As a relationship between a supplier and Nestle strengthens and progresses, it may evolve into one of preferred supplier status. Key suppliers with which Nestle has a contractual relationship are audited in order to ensure that they comply with the Nestle Corporate Business Principles or that they are working actively to achieve compliance. Whenever instances of non-compliance are brough t to the Company’s attention, Nestle will demand that corrective measures be initiated.Nestle personnel will maintain the highest standards of integrity and professional competence in all business relationships. Sanctions will be applied in the event of misconduct or abuse of established corporate standards and guidelines. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Learning: Learning is part of the Company culture. Each employee, at all levels, is conscious of the need to upgrade continuously her/his knowledge and skills. The willingness to learn is therefore a non-negotiable condition to be employed by Nestle. First and foremost, training is done on-the-job.Guiding and coaching is part of the responsibility of each manager and it is crucial to make each one progress in her/his position. When formal training programs are organized they should be purpose oriented and designed to improve relevant skills and competencies. Therefore they are proposed in the framework of individual development pro grams. As a consequence, Attending: A program should never be considered as a reward. Adequate training programs are developed at the level of each operating company capitalizing on the availability of local, regional or global resource of the Group.It is the responsibility of HR staff to assist the management in the elaboration of training programs. Great importance will be attached to programs enhancing the language skills of the employees. Training programs organized at the International Training Centre Rive-Reine aim at developing and sharing best practices of the various management disciplines practiced in the Group. They also strive to strengthen corporate cohesion as they’ll as to promote networking throughout the Group. Training programs should, as much as possible, be based on action learning and reduce ex-cathedra teaching to the strict minimum.It is necessary to make optimal use of e-learning programs as a complement to or a substitute for formal training programs. According to needs they should be made available at shop floor level and enlarge the access to training. It is the role of each manager to assess progress achieved as a result of training Programs. Assessing and Developing each employee is in charge of her/his own professional development. However, the Company endeavors to offer the opportunity to progress for those having the determination and the potential to develop their capabilities.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Want to Do, Ought to Do
Desiree D’Moore Mrs. Farley World Literature Honors February 18, 2013 As a child, decisions like finishing homework during free time or choosing to procrastinate for the last minute often arise, and the adolescent would usually chose the latter. This situation is one of the common, least life changing ones dealt by many people, while other predicaments can be on a more serious not, like choosing between what is moral and immoral. These accounts show that throughout life, situations arise and one has to think about how they should deal with it to approach a resolution.It might be easier to do what â€Å"we want to do†rather than doing what we â€Å"ought to do,†and take â€Å"the one less traveled by†as Robert Frost might say. These decisions must be made, no matter the size of the problem or the amount of effort. Through history, the arrival of choices between right and wrong make a large impact on how lives plan out. Simple situations like finishing a homework assignment can also be a conflict that a person has to deal with in life, and in the long run, can impact how lives plan out.Children and teenagers often choose to do what they want rather than what is expected of them. While as a child, one choses to do their work on time and in a correct fashion, their study habits and routine would remain consistent, and would carry these traits to their older years, creating a responsible adult. If one choses to slack off in school and not put their full effort, then more often than not, the person would continue being lazy when they are older. A small decision like doing homework proves that small efforts make a large impact on a life.Doing homework is done of the smaller decision that one needs to face when there is much more life changing decision which is made, life fighting for freedom. Historical events in history have altered what the world is today, and the decision between what they wanted to do and what they had to do play a l arge part of the outcome. The French Revolution all started with what the 3rd Estate, the largest part of the French population, had to decide for them: should they fight for equal rights or continue to allow the First and Second Estate, which consisted of the clergy and nobles, to live luxurious lifestyles for the peasants’ expenses?They wanted to fight for what they believed was right, and allow the government to be delegates instead of orders so each person would have a say, but they also had to remember that the nobles and clergy were in charge. In this case what they wanted to do was much more difficult than just doing what was thought to be the way it was supposed to be. The Third Estate came together and created the National Assembly, and eventually, made a more morally and economically correct France.Together as one body, because of one choice, they proved that they could overcome their obstacle and create more equal rights for their nation. From very small to very la rge decision, the course of a life can change drastically by one choice. Whether it is doing homework or fighting for equality, the decisions of doing what â€Å"we want to do†and what â€Å"we ought to do†clash together and created the possibility on putting one’s life in their own hands. With these simple decisions, the outcome can take a positive or negative turn and it is within the person to do what is right and just.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
New Belgium Brewing Company †Marketing Strategy Resesarch Outline (300 Level Course)
New Belgium Brewing Company – Marketing Strategy Resesarch Outline (300 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers New Belgium Brewing Company Marketing Strategy Resesarch Outline (300 Level Course) Problem Statement o The lack of constant marketing that reinforces the award winning taste of the New Belgium Brewing Company. Key drivers of change in the industry o Customer loyalty. o The strength of batches of beer made. o The ability to maintain inventory such as the special yeast and barley. Competition Strength Assessment o Competes in the Craft/Micro brew segment of the beer industry regionally and nationally. Major competition is Guinness, O’Dells, Pete’Wicked Ale, Pyaramid Pale ALy, Flying Dog Ales, and Sierra Nevada. o Their major competition is the national market. Their lack of national presence is a weakness. Key Factors for Competitive Success in the Industry o Awards from Business Ethics magazine and Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award for their socially responsible business. o Commitment to the environment, society and personal relationship with consumers. o Consumers believe in and feel good about this product. o Loyal beer drinking consumers. o Their core values and beliefs are to be environmentally concerned and socially responsible brewers. o The employee loyalty programs are unmatched by any other craft/micro-breweries. o Their commitment to the environment and social concerns. o The pricing of a 6-pack of beer is competitive. Recommended Strategy and Justification o New Belgium Brewing Company does a great job on running an environmental, ethical and socially responsible business. However the lack of an active marketing campaign could lead the micro brewery out of the consumers mind. They do have a lot of positive public relations with their socially responsible events in the community and employee relationships. The brewery needs to do some print ads in socially responsible magazines that their customers read. SWOT o Strengths ? Stable sales force ? Well treated employees who enjoy their job. ? Comprehensive product lines of different beers. ? Technical expertise with different beers has been very successful in customer response. ? Strong brand name among consumers. ? Privately owned company that has abundant financial resources. ? Well known brand name in the micro-brewery category. ? Respected company with a strong brand name that means environmentally, socially and ethically responsible. ? Employees are committed to their job because of the treatment they receive. o Weaknesses ? Management does not use traditional marketing to push the beer. ? Deals only with small accounts and misses the larger stores to carry their product. ? Vulnerable to technological changes. ? Rapid growth leads to many social programs and not a focus on the business of making beer. ? Limited distribution of products in national markets. ? Higher costs than direct competitors. ? Does not have a wide variety with many price points on beer lines o Opportunities ? Rapid market growth in untapped markets. ? Rival firms are complacent and not attacking new markets. ? Opening of foreign markets (new) ? New technology for the brewing of beer to be more environmentally friendly. ? Sales decline for competitors and New Belgium Brewing Beer becomes the substitute for their competition’s products. o Threats ? Entry of new micro brewery in their markets. ? If they ignore marketing and reach the decline stage of the product life cycle. ? Changes in federal and state policies on the environmental and social responsibilities of a beer company. ? Demographic shifts in their loyal customer following. ? New CEO does not have the same values the company does. Research Papers on New Belgium Brewing Company - Marketing Strategy Resesarch Outline (300 Level Course)Analysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export QuotasMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe
Monday, October 21, 2019
Information Technologies Response Assignment Sheet Assignment
Information Technologies Response Assignment Sheet Assignment Information Technologies Response Assignment Sheet – Assignment Example Information Technologies Response Assignment Sheet John Jones I Doctor Office Management, Inc. - PhysicianXpress 0 The program says it offers complete EHR and includes the following benefits for ambulatory criteria: 1) Electronic copy of health information, 2) electronic prescribing of medications, 3) online access for patients to receive medical information, 4) patient allergy list and 5) public health and immunization history. For security purposes, an audit trail, access control and automatic logoff are included to stop unauthorized users. If the program is â€Å"complete†as it says it is, no other additional resources would be needed. The informatics professional would have to evaluate it to see. II 3Mâ„ ¢ Ambulatory Revenue Management Software 5 3M is a trusted manufacturer who has been in the healthcare business for many years and its management software offers the following. As with Xpress above, all of the listed benefits are likewise included. In addition, the au thentication comes with encryption algorithms for added security during transmission by electronic means. In addition, the 3M software offers demographics data (Race, gender, etc) in accordance with Federal and state requests. The software requires FileZilla Client,; open source software used for more secure FTP downloads. III Imagine MD 4.148 Imagine software is a modular EHR that is relatively new (5/31/12). It likewise incorporates all of the criteria listed in the first EHR (including demographics) and Imagine is not unique in its features so cost would have to be a considering factor when judging the three, since the FileZilla required by 3M is open source and does not require any additional price. Like Xpress, it requires no additional resources to operate. IV Using the CHPL for EHR purchases Using the Certified HIT Product List (CHPL) when considering the purchase of Electronic Health Record (EHR) software, the informatics professional can make an informed decision o n which one to buy. The CHPL offers a comprehensive list of those providers who have received the certification required by the Federal Government. Simply put, if the software vendor does not have its required certification, it would be impossible to use that company’s software in the health care provider’s quest for participation in CMS Incentive Program In addition, the Government has simplified the informatics professional’s decision-making process. If an EHR is sufficient to provide complete (100%) of the standards and is placed into the â€Å"shopping cart†a button appears on the screen. By clicking that button, the informatics professional will obtain a â€Å"CMS EHR Certification Identification Number†, which will help identify the health care provider for its participation in CMS (Health IT). The description of each of the three described HER lists the additional resources required for the efficient operation of each. Of course, in order f or the informatics professional to be to be properly informed, s/he should accomplish sufficient research on more than one choice. As the Government asks for three bids, the informatics professional should elicit information on at least that many EHR vendors. The company’s website will of course laud its own product, lauding its software over all the others. After investigating CHPL, it is probable that one would learn nothing new from the vendor site. That said, there are at least two websites where the authors claim to be independent of vendor influence and offer critiques of the EHR vendors. The first is the EMR Vendor Selection Guide at The one useful thing is that this site will allow the reader to choose how many physicians are at the particular provider and help the informatics professional make a sound decision based upon that criteria. The other is The Electronic Health Records Software Systems with the URL located at softwareadvi, medical-record-software-comparison. However, the difference with this company is they are a paid consulting firm, which may or may be a good idea. The good thing about paid firms is they are mostly impartial. On the other hand, if they have the time the purchaser can use the Internet to do their own research for free. ReferencesHealth IT, (12/9/12), â€Å"Certified HIT Product List (CHPL)†,Retrieved from: HIT, (12/4/12), â€Å"Certified HIT Product List (CHPL)†,Retrieved from:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Comparative and Superlatives for Beginners
Comparative and Superlatives for Beginners The comparative and superlative forms in English compare and contrast different objects in English. Basketball is more exciting than golf.That house is bigger than mine. Our friends have the nicest dog in the town.She is the happiest person I know. Comparative Form Use the comparative form to show the difference between two objects. Examples: New York is more exciting than Seattle.His car is faster than Dougs.Mary is happier than Anna. 1 syllable adjective + -er She is faster than Mary. 2 + syllables more + adjective Jack is more handsome than Jerry. 2 syllables ending in -y drop -y from adjective +-ier That joke was funnier than mine. Comparative Form Comparative Form Explained One Syllable Adjectives Add -er to end of the adjective (Note: double the final consonant if preceded by a vowel) remove the y from the adjective and add ier Examples:  slow - slower / high - higher This book is cheaper than that book.Tom is smarter than Derrick. Two Syllable Adjectives Ending in -y Drop -y and add -ier to two syllable adjectives ending in -y. Note adjectives ending in -y that are three syllables or more take more rather than -ier. Example: happy - happier / funny - funnier I am happier than you.That joke was funnier than his joke. Two, Three or More Syllable Adjectives place more before the adjective Examples: interesting - more interesting / difficult - more difficult London is more expensive than Madrid.This test is more difficult than the last test. Here is another chart showing how to construct the comparative form in English. Superlative Form Use the superlative form when speaking about three or more objects to show which object is the most of something. Examples: New York is the most exciting city in the USA.Peter is the luckiest guy in the world.Thats the cleanest bathroom Ive ever seen! 1 syllable the + adjective + add -est That's the tallest building in New York. 2+ syllables the most + adjective Alice is the most interesting woman I've ever met. 2 syllables ending in -y drop -y from adjective +-iest Peter is the funniest guy in my class. Superlative Form Superlative Form Explained One Syllable Adjectives Place the before the adjective and add -est to end of the adjective (Note: double the final consonant if preceded by a vowel) Example: cheap - the cheapest / hot - the hottest / high - the highest Today is the hottest day of the summer.This book is the cheapest I can find. Two, Three or More Syllable Adjectives Place the most before the adjective Example: interesting - the most interesting / difficult - the most difficult London is the most expensive city in England.That is the most beautiful painting here. Two Syllable Adjectives Ending in -y place the before the adjective and remove the y from the adjective and add iest Example: happy - the happiest / funny - the funniest New York is the noisiest city in the USA.He is the most important person I know. Here is a chart showing how to construct the superlative form in English: Important Exceptions There are some important exceptions to these rules! Here are two of the most important exceptions: good good - adjectivebetter - comparativethe best - superlative This book is better than that one.This is the best school in the city. bad bad - adjectiveworse - comparativethe worst - superlative His French is worse than mine.This is the worst day of my life. Teachers can use this comparative and superlative lesson plan to teach these forms to learners. Start from the basics.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Investment Apprisl Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Investment Apprisl Techniques - Essay Example I will prticulrly provide literture review of few contemporry theoreticl pproches to the issue. Recent reserch (Steier & Greenwood, 2005) hs shown tht the due diligence process is n itertive one, where the first step is to ssess whether proposl meets the investment criteri of the venture fund (e.g., with respect to the investment stge, sector, or mgnitude of the investment proposl) nd whether the proposl is vible t first sight. forml vlution of compny will only be performed when the proposl psses this initil test. Other economic gents hve to vlue compnies in other settings; e.g., investment bnkers hve to determine the introduction price of new compny on stock mrket or they hve to pprise tke-over cndidte. Finncil nlysts hve to ssess whether the stock mrket vlue of compny is significntly higher or lower thn its 'true' economic vlue, in order to decide when to sell or buy stocks. The venture cpitlist's vlution process, however, is likely to differ from the ones used for these purposes, becuse of the very different nture of the compnies they hve to vlue. Investment proposls, recei ved by venture cpitl funds, re often very risky, due to the erly stge of development of the compny, the lck of trck record of the compny, or the degree of innovtion of products or mrkets. Moreover, the compnies re not quoted on stock mrket, so publicly vilble informtion is limited. The present study sheds light on this neglected re through n exmintion of how Europen venture cpitlists proceed in this difficult tsk. The vlution of investment proposls is importnt for venture cpitlists becuse the vlue of the compny determines the proportion of shres they receive in return for their investment nd thus their ultimte return. It is importnt for entrepreneurs, too, becuse vlution tht is too low will led to n excessive dilution of their shre in the compny. Moreover, when entrepreneurs know how venture cpitlists vlue investment proposls, they re better prepred to dpt their business pln to the needs of investors. They will be ble to produce the required informtion nd to understnd the wy venture cpitlists use the informtion. The vlution process consists of three sequentil steps. First, informtion is gthered on the venture, its mngement tem, nd its future prospects. Second, this informtion is used to pprise the risk of the venture nd hence the required return on the investment, nd to estimte the (future) csh flows nd profit potentil. Finlly, one or more vlution method is used, which combines the elements of risk, return, nd profits or csh flows in order to compute the vlue of the compny. Becuse non-public compnies hve few legl informtion requirements, the gthering of informtion is more difficult thn with public compnies. Due to dverse selection nd informtion symmetry problems, this is nonetheless one of the most crucil phses in coming to decision. One of the most importnt sources of informtion is the business pln, which projects the future of the compny, together with historic ccounting dt (especilly the blnce sheet nd profit nd loss sttement), nd future ccounting dt (especilly csh flow forecsts). mit et l. (2003) point to the fct tht the mngeril trck record of the entrepreneur nd his or her fmilirity with the product nd the sector my provide some hints s to the future success of the venture. However, venture cpitlists fce importnt informtion symmetries with respect to compny-specific dt, since the entrepreneurs my disclose only wht they deem necessry in
EU law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
EU law - Assignment Example The researcher states that in European Union, the most important legislative instruments are regulations and directives. A regulation is a general rule that is obligating upon member nations in whole and is directly applicable to all member states. Obligating in whole connotes that the member states has no preference as to method and form. On the other hand, directives are general rule, but they are binding as to their result. For each member state, it is expected, a directive is obligating as to the outcome to be accomplished. As to the choice to method and form, the institutions of the member states can exercise their power. There is less clarity about their direct impact due to the wider policy freedom given to member states in transposing EU directives. Nonetheless, one should not underrate the impact of directives, and the national rules shall have to be construed in such a style that is most in harmony with the directive under reference. Because of its own breakdown to carry ou t the commitments which the directive requires, a Member Nation which has not espoused the enacting initiatives as demanded by the directive within the stipulated time may not bank upon it as against such persons. At the request of an individual who has adhered with the stipulations of a directive, may request a municipal court not to direct to implement a municipal rule which is contrary to the directive not implemented into the domestic official system of a contravening Member Nation. Further, it must sustain that demand if the commitment in issue is sufficiently precise and unconditional.2. S2 European Communities Act 1972 stipulates that â€Å"all such privileges, authorities, responsibilities, commitments and limitations ... arising by or created under the Treaties ... as in agreement with the Treaties are devoid of further ratification to be accorded official impact or employed in the UK, shall be ... imposed so ... â€Å" Further, any designated Minister, Her Majesty may by Order in Council, and or department may by rules, make provision ... for the purpose of implementing any Community commitment of the United Kingdom. Directives fall under secondary legislation of the source of EU law. A directive is a most significant legislative mechanism together with the EU regulation. Its main aim is to bring together the dual aims of both ensuring the needed consistency of Union law and honouring the diversity of national structures and customs. It is to be remembered that directive chiefly aims for the harmonization and not for the unification of the law. The rationale is to get rid of conflicts and contradictions between national regulations and laws or progressively to weep out contradictions, so that, a uniform stipulation exists in all the member nations. It is to be noted that a directive is obligatory on all the member nations as to the goal to be accomplished, but it assigns it to the national officials to fix it on how the consented community goal is to be implemented into their domestic legal structures. Especially, the member nations can take into the picture of unique domestic scenarios when implementing the community rules. What is important that an EU directive does not surpass the laws of member nations but puts a commitment on the member nations to fine -tune their national law in harmony with Community regulations? Hence, there will be two –phases of law- making practice prevail in EU3. Source - †º EUR-Lex Home †º Help In UK, the â€Å"General Product Safety Regulations 2005 â€Å"is in force and these regulations are enacted in conformity with the â€Å"section 2(2) of the European Communities Act and transpose the Directive 2001/95/EC on general Product Safety†into UK law. The main aim of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) is to make sure that all goods aimed for or probable to be used by UK residents under realistically and normal predictable stipulations are safe. In case of mobile phones, the GPS Regulations will extend to those-aspects of safety in UK. The GPSD is applicable to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Journal - Essay Example Conflict arises in determining the option to undertake without jeopardizing the business. This kind of conflict is easily resolved since the scales of decision are easily tipped towards one of the choices. Leaders faced with negative choices experience avoidance-avoidance conflict. Both choices have negative outcomes and the individual has to settle for the less burdening option. Leaders can be attracted to, and repelled by traits present in the same activity or goal. A business opportunity may have huge profits, but involves big risks that can destroy the business. This scenario introduces approach-avoidance conflict where the choices are both attractive and repelling. The huge profits present a positive choice while risks are repelling aspects of the investment opportunity. This creates the need for calculated risks that can provide the most plausible solution to the conflict. The feelings present to the leader can act as an avenue to resolve the conflict. Another form of conflict arises when the choices available are partially negative and partially positive. This form of conflict is referred to as double approach-avoidance conflict due to the partial positive and negative aspects of the choices. A graduate may have to choose between a well paying job with odd working hours and a low paying job with good working conditions. Individuals faced with such conflicts have to weigh the available options and try out important decisions before reaching a conclusion. Leadership as Empowering Others Executives in an organization are better placed as leaders rather than managers. Executives have the responsibility of making strategic decisions that affect the organization in the long term. This involves creating strategies, analysis, policies, evaluation, and planning that determine the future of the organization. These leaders act as visionaries in the organization and are responsible for inspiring their juniors. For instance, the CEO of a company has to inspire junior executives as a way of grooming the next CEO and transforming them to conform to the vision of the organization. Transformational leaders introduce changes to the organization that help the organization achieve the laid out goals. Transformational leaders convert followers into leaders by playing the role of moral agents that provide inspiration. Transactional leaders emphasize teamwork, task accomplishment, and problem solving as a way of working with others for a common goal. Leaders stimulate their subordinates by proposing new directions that the followers have never experienced. This form of empowerment comes in form of new exciting intellectual ideas that energize the followers. For instance a leader can encourage and stimulate subordinates to create new inventions. This empowers subordinates to become creative and participate in decision making processes that lay out future goals for the organization. This helps them climb the leadership ladder and prepares them to make cruc ial decisions in the organization. Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) can be utilized to foster competitive advantage and profitability. Leaders require the ability to perceive and generate emotions in the thought process and regulate their emotions to promote intellectual growth. EI has become a paramount requirement for top executives for effective leadership and performance. Effective use of EI provides
Controversies Surrounding Pink Slime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Controversies Surrounding Pink Slime - Essay Example The term pink slime was coined a biologist called Gerald Zirnstein in 2002 due to the use of ammonium hydroxide in processing of this product. Initially the term was only used publicly in reference to food packaged for dogs. However, the media outlets created a phobia throughout United States when they made a claim that almost all meat products comprised some amount of Pink Slime. Following this media disclosure, a good number of beef processing industries have been forced to shut their business due to the controversy. Individuals as well as institutions such as schools have raised several arguments over the quality and appropriateness of the pink slime consumption (Drahl Web). Currently, the phrase pink slime is used to define a different type of ground meat different from the habitual ground meat in that it was prepared from fatty crumbs, connective tissue and hides, which were remnants of beef carcasses after steaks and roasts, had been extracted. The issue of slime mould caused many questions among the American particularly on the role of government in protecting the quality and safety of their food (â€Å"A Fight About Beef: Why to Avoid 'Pink Slime’†Web; Drahl Web). The American have a reason and the right to know the security of product that they consumer. However, the deliberations on slime meat have been stuffed with distortions and propaganda, which could be either true or fictitious.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Addictions and interventions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Addictions and interventions - Essay Example The following treatment plan and recommendations will be instituted to help make this possible.The type of therapy that will be best suited in aiding Linda to recovery is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. The reason this is the best option for Linda is that it will not only help her to recover the quickest, since this type of therapy is the most rapid in producing results, it is the best use of time and resources, as this sort of therapy is a very direct approach, and it is not open ended in the way that other therapies are, such as psycho-analysis (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). Another reason that Linda will benefit from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is that it will enable her to think differently about her circumstances, even if they cannot be changed (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). For instance, she lives in a poor part of town. While she may not be able to change that immediately or even at all, Cognitive-Behavior Ther apy will assist her in learning to view her circumstances differently. The results of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are long term. This is due to the fact that the client will understand how and what to do in order to make things better, and then they will be able to apply it, even after therapy has ended. (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). Linda and I can work together, and she will feel involved in her treatment, which will give her the incentive to want to do better. As far as having others involved in working on the case, I would prefer to work with Linda alone, since it is vital that she and I establish a relationship where she is comfortable opening up to me and expressing her feelings. If too many other professionals are involved in her case, it would be to her detriment because she would not have the chance to form a bond with me that would allow her to feel comfortable enough to work with me in improving her life and setting goals. Cognitive-Behavior therapy is most effective when sessions involve only the client and the therapist, not multiple professionals (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). There will be a number of things that I will need to know about Linda in order for the use of Cognitive-behavior therapy to be best effective in helping her to recover. One thing that I will like to know about Linda is what she'd like to get out of life. Knowing this bit of information will enable me to help her set goals and come up with different strategies that will help her to achieve those goals. Secondly, I will like her to tell me a little about herself and what makes her feel the need to engage in using drugs. Knowing her reasons for why she feels the need to engage in this behavior will enable me to better know and understand her, so I will be able to tailor the therapy sessions to best suit her needs. Finally, I will ask her how she feels about herself and her current circumstances. Knowing about these things will enable me to help her to set goals o either change her attitude or change her world. Though I'd love to focus on every aspect of Linda, this would be impossible due to time constraints and limited resources. So in order to make the best use of the time and resources that are available to me in dealing with this case, it will be advantageous for me to focus on aspects of her life and character that are of vital importance. Two major areas that deserve the utmost attention are helping her to establish goals on fighting her addiction and helping her to think of herself and her circumstances in a different light. When it comes
Resistance Training Intensity Vs. Volume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resistance Training Intensity Vs. Volume - Essay Example People tend to get the terms resistance training and strength training confused, however it should be known that these are two incredibly different matters, and thus they need to each be taken properly into consideration and understanding. In regards to the matter of whether or not multiple set training is better than single set training in regards to maintaining strength, this matter is one which has several different angles that need to be carefully examined; depending on what results you are looking for, the answer will thus be incredibly different, and with resistance training there are often several different options that you can have which will end with the same results. There was a study done recently, and the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a single vs. a multiple set resistance training protocol in well-trained early postmenopausal women; this study was great because it used people of a proper age and standing so that they could show whether multiple or single set training was better in regards to maintaining strength in the body overall. The subjects in this study were randomly assigned to begin either with 12 weeks of the single set or 12 weeks of the multiple set protocol, and "after another 5 weeks of regenerational resistance training, the subgroup performing the single set protocol during the first 12 weeks crossed over to the 12 week multiple set protocol and vice versa." (Kemmler, Lauber, Engelke, & Weineck, 2004). Basically what resulted from this study was that neither exercise type nor exercise intensity, degree of fatigue, rest periods, speed of movement, training sessions per week, compliance and attendance, or periodization strategy differed between that of exercise protocols, and as well, overall, "multiple set training resulted in significant increases (3.5-5.5%) for all 4 strength measurements, whereas single set training resulted in significant decreases (-1.1 to -2.0%)Body mass and body composition did not change during the study. The results show that, in pretrained subjects, multiple set protocols are superior to single set protocols in increasing maximum strength." (Kemmler, Lauber, Engelke, & Weineck, 2004). Therefore, if you are looking to increase and maintain strength as a result overall, then you will want to stick more with the multiple set training idea; there was even another study that was done that was similar to the previously discussed one, where women were taken and used in the study in order to find out whether multiple or single set training was more efficient in regards to maintaining body strength overall. In this study, just as in the other one, the results showed that multiple set training reigned supreme over the latter, in regards to the matter of increasing and maintaining strength overall. This study "compared the effects of single and multiple set strength training in women with basic experience in resistance training", and "Both training groups had significant strength improvements in leg extension. In the seated bench press, only the three-set group showed a significant incre
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Addictions and interventions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Addictions and interventions - Essay Example The following treatment plan and recommendations will be instituted to help make this possible.The type of therapy that will be best suited in aiding Linda to recovery is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. The reason this is the best option for Linda is that it will not only help her to recover the quickest, since this type of therapy is the most rapid in producing results, it is the best use of time and resources, as this sort of therapy is a very direct approach, and it is not open ended in the way that other therapies are, such as psycho-analysis (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). Another reason that Linda will benefit from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is that it will enable her to think differently about her circumstances, even if they cannot be changed (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). For instance, she lives in a poor part of town. While she may not be able to change that immediately or even at all, Cognitive-Behavior Ther apy will assist her in learning to view her circumstances differently. The results of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are long term. This is due to the fact that the client will understand how and what to do in order to make things better, and then they will be able to apply it, even after therapy has ended. (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). Linda and I can work together, and she will feel involved in her treatment, which will give her the incentive to want to do better. As far as having others involved in working on the case, I would prefer to work with Linda alone, since it is vital that she and I establish a relationship where she is comfortable opening up to me and expressing her feelings. If too many other professionals are involved in her case, it would be to her detriment because she would not have the chance to form a bond with me that would allow her to feel comfortable enough to work with me in improving her life and setting goals. Cognitive-Behavior therapy is most effective when sessions involve only the client and the therapist, not multiple professionals (National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, 2009). There will be a number of things that I will need to know about Linda in order for the use of Cognitive-behavior therapy to be best effective in helping her to recover. One thing that I will like to know about Linda is what she'd like to get out of life. Knowing this bit of information will enable me to help her set goals and come up with different strategies that will help her to achieve those goals. Secondly, I will like her to tell me a little about herself and what makes her feel the need to engage in using drugs. Knowing her reasons for why she feels the need to engage in this behavior will enable me to better know and understand her, so I will be able to tailor the therapy sessions to best suit her needs. Finally, I will ask her how she feels about herself and her current circumstances. Knowing about these things will enable me to help her to set goals o either change her attitude or change her world. Though I'd love to focus on every aspect of Linda, this would be impossible due to time constraints and limited resources. So in order to make the best use of the time and resources that are available to me in dealing with this case, it will be advantageous for me to focus on aspects of her life and character that are of vital importance. Two major areas that deserve the utmost attention are helping her to establish goals on fighting her addiction and helping her to think of herself and her circumstances in a different light. When it comes
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
People v Ceballos Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
People v Ceballos - Research Paper Example Thus, he set up a gun trap and unfortunately it killed a neighborhood kid who tried to gain entry. The defendant wanted to prove that the physical evidence he discovered about somebody breaking into his garage could be life threatening. Thus, in order to ward off probable mishaps on his part, it was his justification to protect himself beforehand by setting up a gun to substantially provide him a certain level of security. In the first place, it would be much harder on his part to defend himself, if things might be too late, and especially he did not have any idea on the whole motive or intention of the culprit. Describe how justification and excuse play a role in the case. As stated, the defendant used the defense of justification on the crime he committed against a neighborhood child. As the defendant wanted to justify that he did not commit any crime, but a self-defense instead, defense is very crucial in his case. In as much as possible, the defendant should give substantial or m eaningful justifications in order to maximize its defense. The defendant’s excuse is very important in this case. For example, its excuse could be the basis if it could be essentially covered under the ruling of the law regarding the defense of justification. ... In the case of People v Ceballos case, the defendant was not at home when the incident happened. Thus, under technical definition of the proper use of self-defense in the law, what the defendant initiated as a way to protect himself was unacceptable. He was not at home when the assault happened, and so there was no need to apply self-defense at some point. Tennessee v Garner Explain the nature and types of defenses used in the case and what evidence was used to demonstrate the defense. In the case of Tennessee v Garner, the police officers tried to defend themselves by telling the court they have substantial probable cause to believe that the suspect’s escape could further cause potential harm to others (Casebriefs LLC, 2012). They used the required standard operating procedure, prior to the use of force, a gun that ended up the life of a suspected felon as a final resort. The evidence presented by the officers could prove that they were summoned to arrest a suspected felon. T he man did not have any weapon so the police officers commanded him to stop. However, the culprit wanted to escape so the police officers pulled the trigger of the gun, and killed the suspected felon. This case was between the Tennessee police officers and the Garner, the late suspected felon’s family. Describe how justification and excuse play a role in the case. The Tennessee v Garner case is very important because the issue behind it includes whether law enforcement officials have the right to use deadly force in order to prevent unarmed culprit or suspect from escaping (Casebriefs LLC, 2012). Justification is indeed important in this issue in order to fit it within the rule of law: if suspect poses threat of serious
Monday, October 14, 2019
Online Food Catering Essay Example for Free
Online Food Catering Essay When I first began this project, I though that I would do the normal pasta and add the cheapest sauce I could find, but then I thought â€Å"why make something typical, when I could make something that reflects my culture and is cheap†. So I did just that. I went and researched online â€Å"Arab peasant food†and came up with mixed bean soup. Some of the main challenges I faced was keeping the meal under the budget. This was especially difficult because if I add more spice, it will become too expensive, but if I don’t I will have a lot of money left over. In the end I bought some popsicles for desert(which wouldn’t be a good idea in the 30’s because the lower class didn’t have freezers). The last and probably the hardest challenge I faced was getting my family to eat my dinner. During this project I realized how tough it must be to try to think of and execute something that supports your health but is also at such a low cost. When I interviewed my family members they had some vry interesting views that I didn’t expect. My father was happy with the meal and thought it suited the assignment very well though he had some critiques of the flavor of the dish. He also stated that he â€Å"would eat the dish for long periods of time if necessary, but after more than a couple days, I would choose another dish if possible. He also said that if we were to save a couple bucks we would eat less fresh foods and no fruits or veggies. †My brother was a bit less open minded and said that the soup was very bland and â€Å"boring†and that people in the great depression â€Å"couldn’t live with horrible food like this. The healthiness of this meal is fairly good, with the exception of the popsicles. The beans provided exceptional nutritional value with high concentrations of protein and lots of fats and starch in the pasta. If I would have to live like this for a long time, I would probably get sick of it, but if it the only thing available to eat, I could cope. If a present day depression were to occur, my family would probably sell all UNNESSEARY items and downgrade on items we must have. Within this period I would feel as if my government has betrayed me and I was â€Å" left for the wolves†.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Unilever Is A Multinational Company Economics Essay
Unilever Is A Multinational Company Economics Essay 1.0)Introduction Globalization can be known as the integration of economics and societies all over the world. In the globalised world because of the countries highly interdependent on economies economic crisis in a part of world affects the whole world. Because of the great depression the whole world is facing a worst financial and economic crisis which is affecting social and environment in a negative and positive ways. This crisis is negatively effecting all the countries and the businesses especially the developing countries.Respnding to this Crisis is a challenge for businesses. How the selected company that is Unilever as been affected by the crisis, how it should respond will be discussed in this report 2.0)Introduction to the Company Unilever is a multinational company which operates in 190 countries with 400 brands. It is the worlds 3rd largest FMCG (Fast moving Consumer Goods). Around 2 billion consumers use Unilever products every day. Around the world more than 171000 employees works. In Europe Unilever owns 38% of its business. In America 33% and in Asia and Africa its 29%. Unilever is a most culturally diverse company for example Unilever top Management is from 21 countries.30% of unilever managers are women. Product portfolio of Unilever includes Personal care, Home care, Water, food and beverage. Some of the global brands are knorr,lifebuoy,lipton,Reona,dove which brings more than à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1 billion revenue for the company. 3.0)Global Economic crisis Current global economic turmoil is slowing down growth of advanced economies. Major economic crisis held in United states and Europe. This crisis will be explained briefly as follows. 3.1)United States crisis United states financial crisis is one of the global economic crisis. It happened because of the high demand for personal and corporate investment many people borrowed money from the government and bought properties which they cannot afford. At last because of the high demand Banks started lending money using the customer deposits. Later moved to lend money where mortgages were being issued on the bond market. When the US borrowers started defaulting on their mortgages they lost their houses as well as the investors lost their investments including banks. Banks from many countries specially form UK continental also made loans in these markets where the banking crisis affected the whole world. This crisis led to the global recession which affected the whole world. 3.2)European sovereign-debt crisis European sovereign-debt crisis is an ongoing crisis which has made difficult for some countries in the euro zone to pay their government debt. Countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain failed to achieve the target economic growth in order to payback bound holders the guarantee it was intended to be. In Greece debt increased because of the public sector wage and pension commitments. To finance the expenditure Greece went of borrowing. The result was they exceeded the size of the nations entire economy .Investors responded by demanding for higher yields for the bonds by increasing the burden .European union and European central bank necessitated a series of bailouts. European banks own a considerable amount of sovereign debt which is negatively reinforcing. Bankers were reluctant to lend money because of bad debts which led to credit crunch. Although the above mentioned five countries are in immediate danger the crisis has effects the whole world. How it has effected will be discussed in the next topic. 4.0)Effect of crisis The world economy has been affected by financial crisis. Many emerging economies are affected a lot. Due to the interconnection of the financial systems a bank failure will be a start to the failure of series of banks. For example in US financial crisis series of small financial institutions collapses resulted in the failure of lehman brothers. Customers of lehmann brothers pulled out their money in order to invest in more secure way. This laid to 10000 of job cuttings around the world. Once the financial system weakness the recession began. A recession is a situation where the economy stops growing. Recession has the effect on global trade. European debt crisis affected the financial market as well as the US government budget. International Monetary Funds (IMF)40% of capital comes from the United States. So if the IMF has to commit cash to bailout initiatives US taxpayers have to pay more tax. This will lead to the decline in the world economy at market exchange rates. Many countries facing negative impact such as trade balances and balance of payment, lack of public confidence in financial institutions, Collapse of housing markets, decrease revenue from tourism, reversal of private capital inflows, reduced ability to maintain social welfare such as health and education, reduction of fiscal space, falling tax revenues, growing budget deficit, reduced demand for imports. This financial crisis led to many social crisis and challenges which are inter related. In the recession companies makes less profit and Unemployment rates increases along with the low consumer confidence. Consumer spending is less because of the unemployment. People loose their homes ,their incomes, their savings. In the recession consumers use credit cards less and businesses also dont borrow money to expand the business. With the lower demand for loans interest rates become low. When the interest rates become low investment of foreigners goes down. Therefore local value for currency depreciates. For example when the rupee value goes down exchange rate goes up. For example if 1 US dollar is equal to Srilankan Rupees 114 during the recession it might become 135 Rupees. Which means exchange rates goes up. This will result in increase oil price. Oil is a very sensitive thing. If the oil price goes up lots of social issues comes into paly.Increase of food prices, energy cost, and poverty effects the social progress. Between January 2002 and August 2008, oil price changed from $19.7 to $133.4 a barrel. As a results of the crisis over 50 million people specially women and children had driven to extreme poverty according to the world bank. According to the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations says that crisis will effect in increase number of hunger and undernourished people worldwide. This economic crisis does not affect only the economic and financial sector. It effects the environmental protection such as clean and renewable energy, climate change because of the companies wont be able to focus more on these areas. How these crisis will impact Unilever will be discussed next. 5.0)How Economic Crisis impact Unilever IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said that the three different crises on economic, environmental, and social fronts feed off each other and cannot be addressed each in isolation.When there is an economic crisis Social problems and environmental problems arises automatically. PESTEL analysis is a framework which reviews a situation which gives a strategic direction for the company. PESTEL also ensures that companys performance is aligned positively with the powerful forces of change that are affecting business environment (Porter, 1985).This analysis is carried out to Unilever Global because when there is a change in the macroeconomic environment company have to look forward implementing strategies in order to overcome the challenges. 5.1)Political and legal Unilever is a multinational company which has to obey the operating country and regional rules and regulations. These rules cover trademarks, health and safety, patents, employment and taxes important regulatory bodies. For example Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has prohibited alcohol and pork contained food. Breach of these rules will damage the reputation of the company as well as according to the law company has to pay fine. Government changes in taxation policy to reduce unemployment will affect the company economic performance. Taxation for the imports and raw materials will affect the business negatively by increasing the price of the products. 5.2)Economical When it comes to Europe Unilever market is full of competition. Because of the crisis explained in the previous section macroeconomic environment is highly uncertain .Due to the economic crisis consumers are looking for cheaper product. In countries like France and Nederland competition for unilever is high. Customer and supplier default was resulted in the economic downturn. Customers purchasing power reduction has resulted in the company profits. 5.3)Social and economical environment Unilevers vision is to help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. Unilever has a strong reputation for the focus on employees safety, environmental protection and sustainability. It focuses on utilization of renewable resources as well as producing products which are safe for consumers. Company uses environmental friendly materials for packaging. Even all the governments are focusing on green economies and forcing the companies for that. More than developing countries developed markets focus on this. In order to increase the living standards of people Unilever Srilanka focuses on Saubhagya project which helps rural children for studies, For women job opportunities. Unilever is working on safe drinking water project in India in order to make people aware about the hygiene factor. 5.4)Technological Unilever is spending more on IT in order to improve the brand image and minimize cost through e-business.Unilever invest on research and development about à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1 billion a year which will help to develop new product which meets the consumer needs. Lack of innovation will affect the reputation as well as will increase the competitor market share. 6.0)Challenge and threat for the company Because of the crisis customers look for cheaper products.Unilever marketing channel is mainly Modern trade and General trade.Modern trade includes the supermarket chains and general trade includes retailers.Unilever has challenge because the supermarket chains comes up with their own brands. For example In srilkanka Cargills food city although it is a main retailer of Unilever Cargills has its own washing powder, jam and so many products. For them it gives big profit margin 7.0)Unilevers response to the Challanges When responding for the global crisis focusing on economical, social and environmental factors are important. 7.1)Economic Recession offers a lot of opportunities in the market by creating new gaps. In order to respond to the crisis around the world Unilever offers products with small packages, sachet, affordable variants of global brands for low income consumers. For example in Spain, Greece, United States small packs of knorr, dove, lipton brands are sold. In Greece mashed potatoes, mayonnaise is sold in small packages. Launched low cost tea and olive oil brand for the euro market to face the euro crisis. In Europe, Because of recession consumers are focusing on packed lunch and home baking. Therefore stoke baking liquid is introduced in packs where customers can re-use as lunch boxes and as an alternation for the expensive butter. In Indonesia 2-3 cents value of shampoos are sold for profit. By all these strategies Unilever trying to position some brands as a value for money. All these strategies are initially started from the emerging and underdeveloped markets. To respond to the global crisis restructuring the functions is also a strategy of the company. To reduce the staff is reduced from 223000 from 171000.This is because of the local country labor rules which increases the cost. Company planning to reduce the number of factories from 300 to 250 by merging the country operations into the region. For example in Saudi Arabian region Dubai is working as the main branch. This will save about 1 billion a year. Brands are reduced from 1600 to 400 which dont work well. This is also a way to face the crisis. This would increase the efficiency of the company rather than focusing on less performing brands. Focusing on innovation is also a best way to meet the global challenge. For example knorr has launched a product line in concentrated fruit and vegetable juices and ice-cream made out of yoghurt. 7.2)Social Unilever increase the livelihood of people by 3 main ways.Sustainabel sourcing, better livelihood and through people. Sustainable sourcing- Helps for better living and income for farmers.Unilever sustainable sourcing is applicable for palm oil, sunflower oil, Vegetables and fruits, cage free eggs. Better livelihood-By giving fertilizers, high quality seeds and training for the small farmers Unilever gets quality inputs as well as it helps to increase the living standards of the farmers. Shakthi door-to-door selling in India provides works for pure people in India which helps to reduce the poverty. People-Unilever focus on health and safety in order to reduce work place injuries. Lamplighter employee programme helps to be mentally free sand physically fit. Focusing on heath and hygien by improving the nutrition is Unilever practicing. Through lifebuoy brand hand wash it reduced the disease diarrhea, through signal brand tries to improve oral health, pure it water filters provide safe drinking water ,through dove brand it helps people to increase the self esteem. As a company which focuses on well being of the consumers has a nutrition strategy which tries to reduce the fat, salt and suger level and to increase the essential fatty acids in the products. Unilever introduced hellmanns myonise with 5% fat focusing the hygien of the consumers. This would make the consumer delight. Responding to country and social needs is also a factor where unilever focus on. For example an Indian woman uses more oil where western shampoos dont wash it away. Therefore company adopted its shampoo according to the Indians need. 7.3)Environmental In order to reduce the environmental impact company focuses on green house gasses, water and waste management Green house gas-Unilever tries to reduce green house gas emission from shampoos and shower gels when using and from washing clothes. Company is reformulating the products to achieve this. By reducing truck mileage company tries to reduce the Gas emission from transport. Water-Company focuses on reducing water consumption in all the stages of production and by making easier rinsing products. Comfort One Rinse fabric conditioner reduces the water consumption from 3 buckets to 1 when rinsing clothes. Washing powders like surf excel need less water .Company focuses on water reduction in the shampoos and hand wash when using. This helps in reducing the water consumption. Waste Management and Packaging-eliminating unnecessary packaging and using lightweight material is way to protect environment. In the personal and home care products using refill will also reduce the consumption of plastics for example lifebuoy hand wash is using this strategy. 7.0)Conclusion In this report current economic crisis is explained and its impact globally is discussed. It reveals that because of a crisis in a country for how far it has impact the lives of people all over the world positively and negatively. This shows how far the globalization plays a major role in peoples lives. Through PESTEL analysis how the Macroeconomic environment is effecting the company is discussed. Through this analysis some conclusion can be made. In order to maintain the market share and the consumers always company should be sensitive for the macroeconomic environment. If there is a regulatory issues in the local country, financial crisis quickly company respond to it. Company should always focus on market research and consumer behavior pattern. Although Unilever is a multinational company it should localize its operations according to the country it operates. Innovation and new product development plays a major role in the business. In the last part with example reports shows that how Unilever responded in the time of crisis.Even in the developed market it had to use the emerging market strategies like small packed products which is a new thing. 8.0)Recommendation In order to achieve a sustainable economic situation as mentioned above focusing on Social and environmental in very important. As discussed above as a leading multinational company Unilever focuses on these matters a lot. But in order to respond to the changing environmental condition following are some recommendation. When focusing on Environmental factors managing waste is very important. Although unilever focus on factory waste management it has to focus on post consumer waste management also. For this having good relationship with operating country government is important. Focusing more on green economics and promoting that would bring more environmental friendly customers into the business. This segment although the price is high because of the environmental friendly products they wont think twice to buy. Focusing more on health and hygien by introducing new products such readymade green tea,energy drink and focusing targeting young generation would bring advantage.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Author William Faulkner and Ideals of Manhood Essay -- Biography Biogr
Author William Faulkner and Ideals of Manhood William Faulkner was above all else a lover of the image of southern masculinity. While Hamlet would learn to value his actions’ worth upon their bloodiness, Faulkner would use a masculine critique for his. Even his writing may be described as simply the only successful vessel he could find to indulge in this want of manliness. It was through his stories that Faulkner, in a sense, was able to reconcile the vast difference between the small framed, shunned outcast who stared back at him through a looking glass, and the courageous Colonel Sartoris of his imagination- the man he wished he could be. It appears that for Faulkner, life was a ceaseless struggle against fears of inferiority. While all writers in their efforts to create something significant and original must first, metaphorically speaking, slay their literary fathers, Faulkner‘s ambivalence and anxiety was all the more concrete as his â€Å"Literary Giant†was his own grandfather. It was Faulkner’s grandfather, nicknamed the â€Å"old Colonel†, who William hoped to see staring back at...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Academic Reading and Writing
CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING Learning Unit 2: READING SKILLS By the end of this session, you should be able to: identify what the writer has stated literally (read the lines) infer what the writer has stated (read between the lines) apply ideas within the text to what you already know (read beyond the lines) A. Reading Academic Texts Academic texts are relatively formal in structure and style. They might be textbooks or just straightforward texts.To increase the amount of information that you can extract from a single reading of a section, chapter or article in an academic text, you need to use efficient academic reading strategies. Some of the skills which are essential in academic reading are skimming and scanning for specific information or details, making inferences based on what is stated and applying ideas with the text to what you already know. B. Identifying Specific Information To identify specific information, you should begin b y scanning the topic sentences (i. e. he sentence which makes the point of the paragraph and which is usually the first sentence of the paragraph). Locating the topic sentence helps you to stay focus on finding the needed information. Task 1 Read the following passage and provide the most appropriate answers for the corresponding questions. Social Influence 1 Of the many influences on human behaviour, social influences are the most constant. When we hear the term social influence, most of us think of attempts of someone to persuade us to change our actions or opinions. The television usually comes to mind.However, the major influence on people is people’s presence. Many of the most important forms of social influence are unintentional and the effects we humans have on one another occur due to the fact that we are in each other’s physical presence. In 1898, a psychologist named Triplett made an interesting study. In checking the speed records of bicycle racers, he notic ed that better speed records were obtained when cyclists raced against each other than when they raced against the clock. This observation led Triplett to perform another experiment. He asked children to turn a wheel as fast as possible for a certain period of time.Sometimes two children worked at the same time in the same room, each with his wheel; at other times, they worked alone. The results confirmed his theory that children worked faster in co-action, which is when another child doing the same thing was present. Therefore, the experiments proved that humans perform significantly better with the presence of another person when doing a task. 2 ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 48 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 3 Soon after Triplett’s experiments, it was discovered that the presence of a passive spectator was enough to improve one’s performance.This was discovered in an experiment on muscular effort by Meumann in 1910, who found that subjects lifted a weight faster whenever the psychologist was in the room. Later experiments have confirmed this audience effect that provides several contributions to humans. Firstly, it helps to motivate a person to perform better. Secondly, it drives a person to break the psychological barrier. This is apparent in sport competitions in which crowds have a great effect on athletes’ performance, and it is normally referred to as home-ground advantage. For example, footballers tend to win more matches hen playing in front of their own fans. It appears that co-action and audience effects in humans are caused by the individual’s cognitive concerns about competition and the evaluation of performance that others will make. We learn as we grow up that others praise or criticize, reward or punish our performances, and this raises our drive level when we perform in front of others. Thus, even the early studies of co-action found that if all elements of competition are removed, co-action effects are reduced or eliminated. Similarly, audience effects are a function of a person’s interpretation of how much he is being evaluated. adapted from Simon, 2010) 4 1. Based on the information provided in paragraph 1, what is the main influence in changing a person’s behaviour and views? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the underlined phrase â€Å"comes to mind†in paragraph 1 mean? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. According to the passage, what was the result of Triplett’s two co-action experiments in 1898? ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Briefly explain TWO (2) reasons that caused the existence of co-action and audience effects in humans. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 49 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING C. Making Inferences Writers often tell you more than they say directly. They give you hints or clues that help you â€Å"read between the lines†.Using these clues to give you a deeper understanding of your reading is called inferring. When you infer, you go beyond the surface details to see other meanings that the details suggest or imply (not stated). Task 2 Warming-Up: Try to infer the possible message of the following cartoons. Discuss the messages with your peers and explain why your message is acceptable. Possible message: ______________________________ ______________________________ Possible message: ______________________________ ______________________________ ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READ ING-SKILLS 50 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMASPBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING Task 3 Making Inferences: Read the short excerpts taken from several academic articles and answer the questions given. Excerpt 1 During the recession of the mid-1980s, there was an increase in graduate unemployment in Malaysia. With the recovery of the economy towards the end of the 1980s, graduate unemployment was slightly reduced thanks to government’s effort to create more jobs. However, graduate unemployment that existed during the 1998 currency crisis still persists until today as many companies were forced to merge and lay off workers.It has been reported that the number of unemployed graduates had increased from 45,000 in 2000 to 85,000 in 2005 (Sim, 2006). What is the main cause of the increasing rate of graduate unemployment in Malaysia? A. Limited job opportunities due to economic instability. B. Currency crisis in 1998 reduced salary of many jobs. C. Lack of efforts by the gover nment to improve the economy. D. The impact of the global economic recession in the mid-1980s. Excerpt 2 Students are required to take English exam as a compulsory requirement for entrance to public university.MUET (Malaysian undergraduate English Test) result for new entry student for the 2007/8 intake at one public university which can be considered as a typical sample for other public universities indicated that most students scored below the satisfactory level in English competency. From the population of 2916 new students’ intake at this public university, about 72. 7% has a score of Bands 1, 2 and 3. This is because all they need is to get the MUET certificate regardless of their Bands (Mohini, 2008). Why did many students still score below the satisfactory level though MUET is a compulsory entrance requirement?A. Students lack initiatives to improve their English. B. English is often taken for granted since it is accepted as unimportant. C. Majority of the programmes a t university does not have a minimum Band requirement. D. A high MUET band is not a necessity for university entrance. Excerpt 3 It is all too apparent in this study that many students, often very good students, suffer needlessly when doing group assignments. While some academics might claim that it is good to let students face problems arising from group work, it is pointless having them to face problems that they will not see in the workplace.Simply making students do assignments together is not preparing them for team work in industry. It is not simulating â€Å"real life in industry†. It causes stress to many students and gives them grades they do not deserve, especially when the better ones are penalized for the lack of efforts by others (Ford & Maurice, 2011). Why do good students suffer from doing group assignments? A. Group assignments reduce lecturers’ marking load. B. Group assignments do not relate to their future work life. C. Group assignments’ grad es do not reflect their actual ability.D. Group assignments help them manage problems when working together. ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 51 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING D. Reading Practice Task 3 Read the passage below and choose the best answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions that follow Break Your Bad Habits By Amy Novotney As an undergraduate student, you probably got A's despite less-than-ideal study habits: reading in front of the television, staying up all night cramming, checking e-mail every 10 minutes while working on a paper.These behaviors may have cut it in college, but graduate school calls for a better set of strategies, says University of Virginia psychology professor Daniel Willingham, PhD. According to psychology faculty and other experts, here are the top five habits that hold graduate students back: 1. Highlighting. Dog-earing pages and highlighting journal article passages are popular but worthless exercises wh en it comes to helping you remember information later on, Willingham says. That's because they don't require students to engage with the material.Instead, he suggests students find a more active strategy that forces them to think about the meaning of what they're reading. This might be something as simple as taking notes on important points, outlining how journal articles fit together or spending a moment after reading a paragraph to reflect on how it fits into a piece's bigger picture. In a study by Pintrich and De Groot (1990), students who asked themselves â€Å"why? †at the end of each sentence while reading a factual passage about a university were significantly more likely to remember important points than students who were simply told to read the passage and remember it. . Cramming for exams. When you pull an all-nighter, your memories of the concepts you’re studying becomes associated with a particular time and environment, making them harder to retrieve, says Willingham. That's bad news for crammers, as most tests aren't handed out at 2 a. m. There are several reasons why distributing your studying throughout the semester is more long-lasting. One is that your brain doesn't make that association because the knowledge is cued and retrieved at many different points over time.Willingham's claims are backed up by Webb and Sheeran’s (2006) meta-analysis of 317 experiments examining the spacing of student study periods. The authors found that when participants studied at two different points in time, they recalled a greater percentage of the material than when the same amount of study time was nearly uninterrupted. 5 10 15 20 25 30 ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 52 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 3. Unhealthy eating. With both time and money in short supply, graduate students often skip lunch when rushing to class or hit the vending machine for a late-night snack.Yet the high-fat, empty-calo rie foods they often choose don't provide the energy needed to work effectively, and can also take a toll on the brain. A study by Manos (1999) linked memory loss to a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. And a 2008 meta-analysis of 160 studies examining food's effect on the brain showed that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in salmon, walnuts and kiwi fruit, improve learning and memory (Hillman & Erickson, 1999). 4. Multitasking. Many students pride themselves on their ability to attend to several tasks at once, but multitasking undermines efficiency, according to a study by Miller (2006).It takes extra time to shift mental gears every time you switch tasksâ€â€that means when you sit down to work, close your e-mail program so it doesn't distract you. â€Å"If you ask any graduate student what they do first when they sit down to study, 99 percent say they check their e-mail, and then the next thing you know, an hour has gone by,†Miller says. When you're studyi ng, you may even need to disable your Internet connection and turn off your cell phone, she says. 5. Assuming you remember what you've read.According to a Pickering and Ferreira’s (2006) meta-analysis of 30 years of research, we aren't very good at assessing how well we understand something. You may feel well-versed in the social psychology theories you learned in class after reading over your notes several times, but familiarity doesn't mean you'll be able to recall the material for a test, Willingham says. To gauge whether you've studied enough, explain the material to someone else or create a test for yourself, he says. â€Å"Quizzing one another is the No. 1 thing I recommend to students,†Willingham says. It's a much more realistic assessment of what you know because it forces you to get inside the professor's head and think about what they are likely to ask about the material. †(adapted from Novotney, 2009) 35 40 45 50 55 60 For Questions 1-5, choose a wor d/phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word as used in the text. 1. Dog-earing pages †¦ (line 9) A. m a r kin g wit h book m a r ks B. dr a win g pict u r es on pages C. foldin g t h e cor n er s of pa ges D. wr it in g down n ot es on t h e side 2. †¦ making them harder to retrieve (line 24) A. or ga n ise B. pr ocess C. r eca ll D. t im u la t e ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 53 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 3. †¦ can also take a toll on the brain (line 38) A. ch a r ge B. disast er C. ba d effect D. lou d r in gin g 4. It takes extra time to shift mental gears †¦ (line 45) A. speed up wor k B. slow down t h inkin g C. t h in k a t a n a lyt ica l level D. ch a n ge focu s of concen t r a t ion 5. You may feel well-versed in †¦ (line 54) A. com pet en t B. en t h u siast ic C. h a bit u a l D. r em em ber For Questions 6-15, choose the most appropriate answers based on your reading. . Which of t he following is an ideal study habit for undergraduate students? A. Studying while watching television. B. Studying into the wee hours of the morning. C. Interacting in emails while doing an assignment. D. Searching the internet for information on assignments. 7. Which sentence contains the main idea for the paragraph on highlighting? A. Dog-earing pages and highlighting journal article passages are popular but worthless exercises when it comes to helping you remember information later on, Willingham says B. That's because they don't require students to engage with the material. C.Instead, he suggests students find a more active strategy that forces them to think about the meaning of what they're reading D. This might be something as simple as taking notes on important points, outlining how journal articles fit together or spending a moment after reading a paragraph to reflect on how it fits into a piece's bigger picture. 8. According to the paragraph 2, why are crammers unable to r emember what they studied the night before? A. Memory is better at night but tests are usually not conducted at night. B. People usually lose their concentration if they study in one long sitting. C.What is studied is stored in the memory as a single episode and is not easily recalled. D. The amount of time spent studying in one night is less than that for a whole semester. ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 54 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 9. Why do students end up with unhealthy eating habits that affect their memory and learning? A. Food stalls are not open at night. B. They are busy and short of money. C. High-fat, empty-calorie food is tasty. D. They have lectures during lunch hour. 10. What food should students avoid if they want to improve their memory and learning?A. Fish. B. Fries. C. Fruits. D. Nuts. 11. What is the main idea for the paragraph on multitasking? A. Multitasking is an ability to be proud of. B. Multitasking is not an efficient way to study. C. Checking email should not be part of multitasking. D. Internet connection is a distractor when multitasking. 12. What is the author not saying in paragraph on multitasking? A. Students should do the less mentally taxing tasks first. B. It is better to finish one task first before starting another. C. Email, internet connection and cell phones are distractive. D. To save time, graduate students should not check their email. 3. Why do students often assume they remember what they have read? A. They are familiar with it. B. They have copied the notes. C. They have attended the lecture. D. They can explain it to someone. 14. According to Willingham, which is the best way to assess how well we understand something? A. See whether we can recall the information in the lecture. B. Find out whether we can do the test given by the lecturer. C. Ask each other questions on the information in the lecture. D. Set a test on the lecture and answer the questions ourselves . 15. Which text? A. B. C. D. f the following less-than-ideal study habits is not an idea found in the Eating at irregular hours. Doing last-minute studying. Reading articles superficially. Doing many things at one time. ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 55 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING Task 4 Read the passage below and choose the best answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions that follow. The Record-breaking Book 1 The biggest house of cards, the longest tongue, and of course, the tallest man: these are among the thousands of records logged in the famous Guinness Book of Records.Created in 1955 after a debate concerning Europe's fastest game bird, what began as a marketing tool sold to pub landlords to promote Guinness, an Irish drink, became one of the bestselling copyright titles of all time. In time, the book have sold 120 million copies in over 100 countries, quite a leap from its humble beginnings. 2 In its early years, the book aims to satisfy man's curiosity about the natural world around him. Its two principal fact finders, twins Norris and Ross McWhirter, travelled the globe to collect facts.It was their task to find and document aspects of life that can be sensed or observed, things that can be quantified or measured. But not just any things. They were only interested in superlatives: the biggest and the best. It was during this period that some of the hallmark Guinness Records were documented, answering such questions as â€Å"What is the brightest star? †and â€Å"What is the biggest spider? †3 Once aware of the public's thirst for such knowledge, the book's authors began to branch out to cover little-known facts. They started documenting human achievements as well.A forerunner for reality television, the Guinness Book gave people a chance to become famous for accomplishing extraordinary and often pointless tasks. Records were set in 1955 for consuming 24 raw eggs in 14 minutes and in 1981 for the fastest solving of a Rubik's Cube (which took a mere 38 seconds). In 1979, a man yodelled non-stop for ten and a quarter hours. 4 In its latest form, the book has found a new home on the internet. No longer restricted to the physical paper, the Guinness World Records website contains seemingly infinite facts concerning such topics as the most powerful combustion engine, or the world's longest train.More and more facts and achievements are added. While there is no denying that each of these facts has its individual attraction, the increasing number of strange achievements represents an important change from the education-oriented facts of earlier editions. It seems Guinness World Records has changed its focus to cater to the audience that wants entertainment more than educational values. 5 Originating as a simple bar book, the Guinness Book of Records has changed over decades to provide insight into the full variety of modern life.Although one may be more likely to learn abo ut the widest human mouth than the highest number of casualties in a Civil War, the Guinness World Records website offers a peek into the future of fact-finding and record-documenting. (adapted from Michael & Timothy, 2012) ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 56 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 1. What caused the introduction of Guinness Book of Records in 1955? A. The search for bestselling titles. B. The debate by several pub landlords. C. The marketing tool to promote Guinness. D. The arguments on the Europe's fastest game bird.What was the main purpose of Guinness Book of Records in its early years? A. To document various life happenings B. To let the fact finders do the superlatives. C. To fulfil the curiosity within each human being. D. To travel around the world and find unbelievable facts. As used in paragraph 2, which is the best definition for â€Å"principal†? A. main B. belief C. senior D. original How did the Guinness Book r eality television show give people a chance to become famous? A. By accomplishing a task within a given time. B. By showing off their eating and singing habits. C. By presenting their skills in front of the audience. D.By performing strange and usually pointless tasks. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the primary benefit of making Guinness World Records available online? A. It is more environmental friendly. B. It helps to save the cost of printing the book. C. The book can be sold to a larger number of readers. D. More facts can be added without the restriction of the paper. According to the author, the major difference between older editions of the Guinness Book of Records and the new Guinness World Records website involves A. a move from fact-finding to the recording of achievements B. a change in focus from educational to entertaining material C. departure from book sales being limited to local pubs and bars D. an end to the use of educational facts as a means to promote Guinness Why does Gu inness World Records include more strange achievements? A. It adds entertainment values to the records. B. It allows more people to achieve the impossible. C. More people were capable of doing weird things. D. The education-oriented facts are very hard to find. 6. 7. ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 57 CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE STUDIES, UNIMAS PBI 1032: ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING 8. As used in paragraph 4, which is the best definition for â€Å"infinite†?A. certain B. excellent C. unlimited D. very little Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The reality television show for Guinness Book of Records was a failure. B. The title for the Guinness Book of Records was derived from an Irish bird. C. Norris and Ross McWhirter were the first fact-finders for Guinness Book of Records. D. Changes to Guinness Book of Records are expected in the future since many people dislike reading silly records. What does the author imply by â€Å"Guinness World Records website offers a peek int o the future of fact-finding and record-documenting†(paragraph 5)?A. Guinness World Records website will continue to be more entertainmentbased. B. Finding facts on various records to fit into the website would be harder in the future. C. The need for Guinness World Records website to be maintained for future generations. D. The Guinness World Records website may not be visited in the future since it has excluded educational facts. 9. 10. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the final exam, the reading section will only include multiple-choice questions (MCQ) ARW-SEM2-2013-LU2-READING-SKILLS 58
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