Monday, September 30, 2019
Coca Cola External Environmental Factors
During the strategic marketing management process, there are many external forces that any company must be aware of in order to be profitable. These very important factors to be considered come in the form of technology trends, economic and government trends, consumer trends and innovations. It is very important to become aware of all of the potential opportunities and threats that may arise from these trends. I believe that for Coca-Cola, there are external forces in all of these areas that they must be aware of and incorporate into their planning if they are to continue to be successful.When it comes to technology, in recent years there are many emerging trends that I feel that Coca-Cola could use to their advantage. The popularity of services such as Twitter and Facebook may give Coca-Cola the opportunity to spread the word about their products to territories that haven’t yet been reached by their competitors. Since the majority of people use these services all over the wor ld, we feel that it is a great place for them to advertise.While it is still very important to have advertisements on television, more and more people are using the internet, and we feel that by collaborating with internet companies, they would be able to increase their profits. In addition to the increased use of the internet, another technology trend that Coca-Cola should be aware of is the production of bio-degradable bottles. Today’s plastic bottles are very bad for the environment and people are aware of this. Until recently, there was only technology to produce plastic that was made from petroleum.Now though, in the year 2010, there is technology to produce plastic that is made from plants. This plastic, also known as PLA or polylactide, emits fewer greenhouse gases, uses less energy than other plastic bottles and is also recyclable and compostable. We believe that since the environment is such a high priority in everyone’s minds, they should take advantage of th is technological development. Economic and Government trends are an extremely important part of the external environment. Since consumers are directly affected by the status of n economy, a company should always be aware of the economic conditions in the countries in which they operate. Currently, all over the world, we are dealing with a recession. The unemployment rate is very high, and as a result, consumers have decreased buying power. When consumers have less income, the first thing that they stop buying are luxury goods. In my opinion, Coke is a luxury item and not a necessity. I feel that if Coca-Cola wants to continue to be successful in the current economic conditions, they must begin to produce goods that people must buy. An example of such a product would be dairy products, like milk.While a consumer who has a strict budget may skip purchasing Coke, they will not skip on purchasing milk. While technological and economic factors are extremely important to Coca-Cola, we fee l that currently, the most important factor that needs to be addressed are changing consumer trends. Today, consumers are becoming more and more health conscious. When people purchase a food or drink, we think that they would ideally prefer something that has some health benefits to it. Coke has always been criticized for being bad for your health due to the food coloring, carbonation and high-fructose corn syrup.While we don’t believe that it is likely that Coca-Cola will lose much business to other cola competitors such as Pepsi, I do feel that they will lose business to companies that are producing healthy alternatives to cola, such as fruit drinks. I feel that Coca-Cola should be innovative and possibly consider changing some of the ingredients in Coke, such as using natural sugar instead of corn syrup and natural sources of food coloring rather than chemicals. Another very important consumer trend that should be noticed by Coca-Cola is the increasing population of Hispan ics in the United States.Hispanics make up a very large part of the population, and Coke isn’t marketed specifically to this ethnic group. We feel that if Coca-Cola marketed more directly to Hispanics, they would increase their profit. Lastly, a very important consumer trend is being â€Å"green†. As previously mentioned, consumers in the United States, as well as the majority of other countries in the world, are very concerned with the effects of pollution and the general well being of the planet. Coca-Cola’s biggest competition is Pepsi. In the past year, Pepsi has introduced the â€Å"Pepsi Refresh Project. †This program awards funding to people in America who have come up with great ideas on how they can improve their community. Some of the ideas that have been funded by Pepsi so far are making school buses more eco-friendly, growing fresh produce at schools to fight childhood obesity and making buildings in cities more energy efficient. In 2010, the Pepsi Refresh Project will give away more than $20 million to people with similar ideas. Each month, Pepsi will accept up to 1,000 new ideas every month and will award up to $1. 3 million in grants to the ideas who have received the most votes by other consumers.We feel that this is a very effective way of bettering the world that we live in and that Coca-Cola should do something very similar. Pepsi has so far only implemented this program in the United States, so this gives Coca-Cola the opportunity to use this idea on a global scale, and extend the benefits to other countries. We feel that being â€Å"green†is a very important consumer trend, and if Coca-Cola used a similar program across the world, they would begin to develop an image where they have the environment’s best interest at heart, and will gain the support of people all over the world as well as increasing their profits.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ibn Sina/Avicenna
‘Ibn Sina’s renown brought him the title ‘the leading eminent scholar’ (al-Shayk al Ra’is). Discuss the significance of his philosophical ideas with special focus on his distinction between his essence and existence, and its role in his proof for God as the necessary existent. Ibn Sina, or Avicenna, born 980 AD, was a leading polymath of many subjects; many of his theories are still renowned today; 240 of (approximately) 450 works can authentically be attributed to him, contributing to mainly medicine and philosophy, but also astronomy, physics, psychology, geology and even poetry. A devout Muslim and child prodigy, he had memorised the Qur’an by the age of ten, and quickly surpassed his teachers of the Hanafi Sunni school, and by the age of 16 was fully learned in the sciences of his time.After studying medicine, he turned his attention to physics and metaphysics, reading Aristotle’s Metaphysics forty times, until he had memorised it, y et he could not grasp its meaning until reading al-Farabi’s commentary which enlightened his problems of understanding. He began writing his own discourse on this topic and many others on his travels to Isfahan whilst working as a physician to Kings and other important figures, gaining prestige in medical matters and his knowledge of philosophy, theology and metaphysics was widely recognised.Even after his death in 1038 AD, his works have continued to influence philosophical and medical thought; his ‘canon of medicine’ served as the highest medical authority for 600 years, and the translation of kitab al-Shifa (Book of Healing) into Latin served as the starting point for many other prestigious thinkers, such as Aquinas, and this discourse will be further looked at here.Avicenna is considered â€Å"the most famous and influential of the philosopher-scientists of the Islamic world†There are many other Islamic philosophers that have attempted to address meta physics, but Ibn Sina’s works alone systematically and consistently focus on both ontological and cosmological arguments that are not self-contradictory and address the underlying issue of reconciling the Islamic faith with philosophy. â€Å"Before Avicenna, falsafa (Arabic Aristotelian and Neoplatonic philosophy) and kalam (Islamic doctrinal theology) were distinct strands of thought, even though a good deal of cross-fertilization took place between them.After Avicenna, by contrast, the two strands fused together and post-Avicennan kalam emerged as a truly Islamic philosophy, a synthesis of Avicenna’s metaphysics and Muslim doctrine. †This is the primary reason for his lasting prestige; his ideas in the Book of Healing concentrated not on medicine, but on the healing of the soul and body, and held two key fundamental ideas; the distinction between essence and existence, and God as the necessary existent, a doctrine that has previously not been merged successfu lly.The doctrine of a ‘thing’ (shay’) proved difficult to define for the Mu’tazilis, as although they differentiated that a ‘thing’ can either be existent or non-existent; they struggled to define where the non-existent entities lay. Using the Qur’anic verse of creation: â€Å"our statement to a thing, when we wish it [to be], consist merely in our saying â€Å"Be! †and then it is. †(The Holy Qur'an 16:40), we can identify that something can exist in mentality before it exists in actuality; God thought of a ‘thing’ then willed it into being by saying â€Å"be! and it was. This shows that the idea of the ‘thing’ existed before its reality, meaning that the Mu’tazilis were able to conceive of the ‘thingness’ of contingent entities, and their universality (of thingness) can either exist in reality or in mentality. They could not address the idea of non-existent things, (ma†™dum) such as a square circle, as their impossibility cannot even exist in the mind. This idea opposes the Sunni theological perspective, where they hold that ‘thingness’ and existence are one and the same.They hold the idea of co-extensiveness (where all things are existents, and all existents are things) as they believe that this idea solves the problem of creatio ex nihilo; they did not want to give any flexibility to the idea that things existed before creation, or held eternality alongside God. They held that a ‘thing’ was the sum of all its predicates, one of which was existence; a thing could not be without it existing. However, this poses problems for the existence of things that can only occur in the mind, for example, a unicorn.There is a split in Sunni philosophy where some believe that a thing can either be considered as extra-mentally existent, (and so exist just as much as they would in actuality) or some believe a thing that only exists in the mind simply does not exist whatsoever. This is problematic, as we can all conceive of a unicorn, despite its non-reality, (therefore it cannot simply not exist at all), yet we cannot think of a unicorn existing in the mind on the same level as our own existence. Ibn Sina draws upon al-Farabi’s identification that ‘thing’ and ‘existence’ cannot be used as the same copula; you cannot ubstitute ‘thing’ for ‘exists’ in a sentence in a way that can make sense; for example, one can easily identify that the statement ‘Zayd exists as a man’ to be appropriate, but one cannot say ‘Zayd thing as a man’, as it is nonsensical. Therefore, Ibn Sina concludes that there is a distinction between ‘thing’ and ‘existence’, and also makes the distinction between existents and non-existents. For Avicenna, â€Å"there are four kinds of scientific questions. 1) One is a question about the â⠂¬Ëœexistence’ or ‘non-existence’ of things. 2) Another is about the ‘whatness’ of things. 3) And another is about the ‘whichness or ‘thatness’ of things. ) Also, there is the question about the ‘cause’ of things. †His distinction between essence and existence not only addresses the problem of the Sunni theologians, but, in his mind, satisfies what a ‘thing’ is, and that its ‘existence’ is not a predicate of thingness, and this argument can prove the existence of God as necessary. For Ibn Sina, existence adds to an essence specific determination external to the essence of a thing; existence adds to essence, an essence can be without existing, for example, the demonstration of the unicorn; its essence is separate from its existence as we can conceive of it without its actuality.He further explains this with categorising the necessary (wajib) and the possible/contingent (mumkir). Avicenna makes three distinctions: concrete existent, a mental existent and that which is neither of these two. A concrete existent is that which adds existence to its essence: that is to say that it, as an essence, also has existence. A mental existent is that which has essence, but not existence (such as a unicorn – it has essence because we can think of it).That which is neither is that which is logically impossible to exist even in the mind, such as a square circle; as it is impossible to conceive of such a thing, this does not even have essence. This solves the problem faced by Sunni philosophers, as it highlights the difference between mental essences without existence and concrete essences with existence. Avicenna continues to demonstrate three further aspects of essences: necessary, possible or impossible. Those that are impossible are those that it is illogical to think about, such as square circles, and as we have already shown, these do not have essence OR existence.That w hich is necessary is so because it’s very essence implies existence; its denial would involve a contradiction, (which we will further explain later). The possible is that which has essence that has potential to exist; it can either exist, or not exist. This is what contingent beings are categorised as; they have the potentiality to exist, through the cause of another; it cannot exist through itself, as otherwise it would be necessary, and it cannot not exist, as otherwise it would be impossible. Once actualised (through another), concrete existence is added to the essence.Avicenna would argue that mental essences are not concrete existents because they have not been brought into existence by another, so remain as potential essences that could exist, but do not in actuality. So far then, it has been demonstrated that Ibn Sina made the distinction of essences between that which cannot exist, that what can exist if brought into being by another, and that which exists through its own definition of its essence. When a possible essence is actualised through another, and becomes a concrete existent, it becomes ‘necessary through another’ – it must be caused by a cause external to itself.This in turn, must also be caused by another previous external cause, and so on. However, these causes cannot continue ad infinitum- there must be an external cause that itself is not caused by any other being external to itself, that is to say, that the cause is contained within itself, what Avicenna calls necessary through itself. There cannot be an infinite regress of causes, but must be one cause that can sustain and contain all possible causes, but itself need not be caused, as its essence itself contains existence, the Necessary Existent; God.So then, we have tackled the question previously posed of the existence or non-existence of things, what they are (possible/necessary), and the ‘thatness’ (whether it is necessary through another or i tself) – in turn answering the fourth question set out by Ibn Sina of the cause of things. Proof of God’s existence from this argument stems from the cosmological argument; an idea from Aristotle that there must be a First Cause in order to bring about the causes that cause others.However, Ibn Sina improves this argument by recognising that what something is differs from the fact that it is. â€Å"Ibn Sina’s way of making his point is to say that esse [fact of a things existence] is an accidental property of things – that is a quality it may or may not possess, without changing what it is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Previously, philosophers such as Aristotle had only considered the nature of things, rather than setting them apart from their physical realisation. The distinction Avicenna makes between physical and mental existence is one that Aristotle had trouble in combatting. The most important text of this kind is Avicenna’s al-Shifa? ’ (The Healing, namely from ignorance). The title was wrongly (but aptly) translated into Latin as Sufficientia, as if Avicenna’s single comprehensive work was a sufficient replacement for the several books of Aristotle†This distinction was so important that every philosopher after Ibn Sina had to respond; the question was now apparent that there must be primacy of either essence or existence, as he had distinguished that they were not one and the same.Debate has followed Ibn Sina’s argument, that has mainly taken two paths; Suhrawardi decides that essence is prior to existence, whereas Ibn Arabi believes that only existence is real and essences are how existence presents itself to us. Thus, it has been demonstrated that Ibn Sina was successful in using an argument from reason that signifies God as the one creator, First to cause others, from which we could not possibly exist if it were not for His necessary existence through Himself.This was so profound for his time, as it had only been remarked that there previously lay a difference between the necessary and possible. Avicenna’s distinction between ‘through itself’ and ‘through another’ led to the reconciliation of Islamic thought and philosophical reason; there lies no contradiction between our own existence as concrete and God’s existence as wholly other, beyond our conception of contingent.This argument was so influential on both later thinkers due to his ability to draw upon early philosophical ideas and his faith brought together Aristotelian and neo-Platonic philosophy and Islamic theology in a way that made the distinction between theoretical and practical knowledge; logically acknowledging that the first cause as a necessary existent can only be a monotheistic God, as all predicates, including that of existence are perfectly contained within the very definition of His essence.This theory is reconcilable with Islamic thought as it signals disenchantment wit h neo-Platonic thought, developing a more personal philosophy that argues for our own necessary existence (through another), whilst still acknowledging that God is unattainably necessary through Himself. â€Å"[Ibn Sina] envisaged a world resting on two pillars: a) Greek philosophy and b) Qu’ranic revelation and the virtues of man†¦Ibn Sina was a highly spiritual and ethical person, considering that, for him, teaching and learning should lead also to rooting in faith deeply in the soul of the individual. This meant that each individual had meaning for their own life, which they could relate back to God, personally having their own cause rooted in the Divine Necessary Existent. Bibliography * Avicenna ; Farhang Zabeeh, ( Ed. Trans. ) Avicenna’s Treatise on Logic: Part One of Danesh-Name Alai (a Concise Philosophical Encyclopaedia and autobiography) (Martinus Nijoff, the Hague, 1971) * Charles Burnett, â€Å"Arabic into Latin: the reception of Arabic philosophy in to Western Europe†in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic philosophy, ed.Peter Adamson and Richard C Taylor (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005) * F. C. Bauerschmidt, Holy Teaching: Introducing the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas (Michigan, Brazos Press, 2005) * Robert Wisnovsky, â€Å"Avicenna and the Avicennan Tradition†in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, ed. Peter Adamson and Richard C Taylor (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005) * Sebastian Gunther, â€Å"Be Masters in That You Teach and Continue to Learn: Medieval Muslim Thinkers on Educational theory†in Comparative Education Review, Vol. 0, No. 3, (August 2006) Article DOI: 10. 1086/503881 Web Resources: * Encyclop? dia Britannica Online, s. v. â€Å"Avicenna,†accessed December 11, 2011, http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/45755/Avicenna * http://quran. com/ accessed 15/12/11 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online, s. v. â€Å"Avicenna,†accessed December 11, 2011, http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/45755/Avicenna. [ 2 ]. Robert Wisnovsky, â€Å"Avicenna and the Avicennan Tradition†in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, ed.Peter Adamson and Richard C Taylor (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005) p. 92 [ 3 ]. The Holy Qur’an 16:40 as cited from http://quran. com/16/40 (Sahih International Translation) accessed on 15/12/11 [ 4 ]. Robert Wisnovsky, â€Å"Avicenna and the Avicennan Tradition†in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy pp. 106-107 [ 5 ]. Avicenna & Farhang Zabeeh (Ed. Trans. ) Avicenna’s Treatise on Logic Part One of Danesh-Name Alai (a Concise PhilosophicalEncyclopaedia and autobiography) (Martinus Nijoff, the Hague, 1971) p. 5 [ 6 ]. F. C. Bauerschmidt, Holy Teaching: Introducing the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas (Michigan, B razos Press, 2005) p. 57 [ 7 ]. Charles Burnett, â€Å"Arabic into Latin: the reception of Arabic philosophy into Western Europe†in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic philosophy, p. 371 [ 8 ]. Sebastian Gunther, â€Å"Be Masters in That You Teach and Continue to Learn: Medieval Muslim Thinkers on Educational theory†in Comparative Education Review, Vol. 50, No. 3, (August 2006) pp. 376 – 377 Article DOI: 10. 1086/503881
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies for Piaget
The four stage theory of Jean Piaget’s demonstrates the way through which children acquire knowledge through playing. This is one of the most critically criticized physiological theories of all decades. The theory on how children build up knowledge faced many challenges. Also many of them are pletely justified. Due to his grand vision the theory is fitting to round off this series on over 10 crucial child psychology studies along with the work of well known Swiss developmental psychologists Jean Piaget (Trevarthen et al., 2016). His theory implies that, the intellect of a human develops with the help of assimilation, play and a modation. In the current field of technology the growing role of education system efficiently supports the understanding of the children. The nature of the technology encounters the need that helps to support the children to maximize their benefits. ICT in playground may be iPods, cell phones, MP3 players and puter are used to allow access to pictures, Video cameras and moreover games also. There are many ICT games available for the children such as Super Mario, puzzle, sketchpad, angry bird etc which helps them to explore their knowledge level. With the help of these ICT technologies the children can acquire high level knowledge. The stages mentioned in this theory include sensorimotor, pre operational, concrete operation and formal operation. While prising ICT and children play it has been found that, puter games help them to b e more familiar with technology. This theory reflects that children play active roles in the cultural and historical theory of human culture. In order to refine and test the basic practices of schooldays the children nature are analyzed by Lev Vygotsky (Hamari & Nousiainen, 2015). This theory implies that even without the help of the adults, the children can reach their desired destination only learning from the society. This means that after playing different games in the childhood, the children can learn new skills and ideas from the society. With the help of new learning skills and ideas without any assistance the children can reach highest peak of success. In current days children are also widely using technology in their daily lives. ICT development in the early childhood provides high quality practices that are helpful to support the children development and learning. In order to make these choices the practitioners need to be much familiar with different tools. With the application of puter games and online games the children can learn a lot from the social context. This is the theory of how the children learn self regulation through playing. The theory developed by Sigmund Freud, states that playing is the way that helps to express all the socially unacceptable behaviors (Moore, 2017). Play also helps a child to expel his or her undesired feelings and all the actions through a much acceptable direction. The sense of control of the children reduces anxiety and also helps to express all their forbidden feelings. Not only traditional games but advanced puter gaming helps children to obtain sense of control over different events. In the early childhood children can gain self regulation power through play. ICT plays effective role in the early childhood days. Early childhood education and play both include many hardware and software as their technology. Play can promote abstract ideas through creating separation between the objectives and actions. Using both the action and objects children can effectively reach even beyond the standard development in cognition and self regulation. Not only this but also from ICT context, children also obtain mental representations on social roles and about the rules of society for self regulation. The theory developed by Gregory Bateson implies the way through which the children learn munication through playing. It is focused on the script that the children follow while playing any game. munication reflects the ability of the child and also their ability to learn something new (Siegler, 2016). The munication approach shared among the children is termed as Meta munication skill. After considering the ICT aspect it can be said that, for any child munication is an important tool that has to be used to share thoughts and ideas. ICT technology offers deep social changes that influence segment of the human life and children. The characteristics of play are related to different practical activities. prising the ways that help the children to learn municate drives the evolution through enabling organisms for rapid adoption of novel environment. Gregory, E., Lytra, V., & Ilankuberan, A. (2015). Divine games and rituals: how Tamil Saiva/Hindu siblings learn faith practices through play. International Journal of Play, 4(1), 69-83. Hamari, J., & Nousiainen, T. (2015, January). Why do teachers use game-based learning technologies? The role of individual and institutional ICT readiness. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 682-691). IEEE. Moore, R. C. (2017). Childhood's domain: Play and place in child development (Vol. 6). Routledge. Roskos, K. A. (Ed.). (2017). Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives. Routledge. Siegler, R. S. (2016). Continuity and change in the field of cognitive development and in the perspectives of one cognitive developmentalist. Child Development Perspectives, 10(2), 128-133. Trevarthen, C., Panksepp, J., Bentzen, M., Lakoseljac-Andreasen, C., Rubin, P. B., Winstead, M., ... & Goldstein, B. (2016). Inclusion, Play and Empathy: Neuroaffective Development in Children's Groups. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Friday, September 27, 2019
If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control Essay
If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control - Essay Example Every human being has free will and free choice, they have the mentality to know right from wrong and they choose what path to take. This, from a sociological and psychological perspective is considered to be normal behavior in society. Thereby criminal intentions and actions are norms in the world even though they go against the very morals that societies have established. This is perhaps why law enforcement attempts to control and minimize these adversities even though they are everyday forms of existence as well. Again, even though crime is an existential part of existence, it is considered by many to be similar to a plague that has not been able to be washed away from society completely and therefore has remained for decades. Because of this many theorizations about crime have developed to analyze why it exists, why it has become something that is looked upon as normal, and what the causes of it actually are as well. Dolan, a criminological researcher, and writer (1994) claim that crime has become something so familiar in society, basically due to the classical socioeconomic causes of it. This can be traced as far back as the 15th century in England, when a crime was at times rampant and extremely violent, more so than it even is today. Crime in the 1500's took on the form of petty treason among servants and sometimes even the owners of these servants as well. From this it developed into more severe atrocities in society, sometimes becoming murder where the deceitful wife killed her husband as he slept, and even on to more dramatic forms of crime that took England by storm such as the crimes of "Jack the Ripper" (Valier 2003, pg. 34). The issues of crime in society are at times spell-binding and even terrifying as they take many forms and have the capability of taking place anywhere at any time, again placing them as a severe adversity in society, but quite normal activity among human beings all over the world.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
An Episode of Learning and Teaching as a Mental Health Nurse Essay
An Episode of Learning and Teaching as a Mental Health Nurse - Essay Example In addition it focuses on external influences capable of promoting behavior change rather than thoughts and feelings. Learning occurs by means of operant conditioning in which motivation to change behavior or learn incorporates the use of reinforcement or rewards. The probability of a behavior reoccurring would become likely when followed by reinforcement. For instance, behavioral skills for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders may include hygiene tasks, completion of homework tasks and taking turns when talking. For each successfully completed task, a child would be given a sticker. Hence, a child receives a reward upon attaining a stated number of stickers (Videbeck 2010, pp. 53-54; Norman 2004, pp. 8-10). In mental health education, behaviorism enables nurses to teach service users new coping skills in relation to symptoms of mental health problems. Through behaviorism theory, nurses recognize that intervention measures facilitate changes in observed beh avior, feelings and thoughts. Changing deep-rooted habits encompass assisting service users to identify their motivating factors as well as how a new habit or lifestyle could be made permanent. Similarly, distressed persons could systematically become desensitized to help them overcome irrational anxiety and fears relating to phobia. For instance, the user would be asked to list from the slightest to the most provoking of all situations involving the phobia causing object. The service user then learns and puts into practices relaxation skills to help him reduce and manage anxiety. The user would then be exposed to more anxiety causing objects or situations until he becomes able to manage the most provoking situation (Jones et al. 2012,... This essay approves that a variety of effective psychological strategies ought to be availed for service users who may want to attempt them in their recovery process. Furthermore, exercise needs to be prescribed in mental health learning experiences. Also worth noting would be that mental health problems exist alongside other health problems. Taking this into account, treatment and care should be provided on an individual service user basis while incorporating the individual’s cultural, social and socio-economic preferences, lifestyle and background. Innovative projects would enhance complementary treatment and care related skills through social services appropriate for mental health patients. This report makes a conclusion that mental health problems affect both children and adults. Considerable progresses have become achieved in the use of humanistic approaches to the recovery process in the recent past. This paper provided a report on the teaching and learning episode relating to mental health education involving nurses, service users, observers and an assessor. The teaching experiences focused on providing mental health education to mental health patients in enabling them develop physical well-being and a holistic recovery process. In this regard, an analysis of the practical application of learning theories as well as learning styles related to their applicability to the teaching and learning practice. These theories help both nurses and service users to identify their own learning needs and those of others along with meeting differing learning needs with regards to different learning styles as advocated by Honey and Mumford.
Practice of investment management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Practice of investment management - Essay Example This change in the interest rate is also notable in the federal rate. The hike in the federal rate does not have a major immediate effect in the stock market of the US. This suggests that in short term, the impact of federal rates on the equity indices is not as prominent as deemed. However, it has a gradual, but significant impact on equity indices of the nation in the long term. In this regard, it is notable that the hike in the federal rate leads to the increase in the equity indices of the nation at large. The data collected from Bloomberg L. P. (2015) reveals that there has been an increasing trend in the federal fund rates in the US within the last one year i.e., from March, 2014. This is eminent from the increasing linear slope through graphical representations of the data. The underneath graphical representation depicts the same in a compressed but elaborative form. The set of valuable data collected from Market Watch, Inc (2015) also suggests that there has been an increasing trend in the NYSE Equity indices from March 2014. Further, a trend analysis of the collected data predicts that there would be an increase in the equity market in the long run i.e. 2 years. The quantitative analysis predicts that equity indices of NYSE would increase to 11521.72 points. However, it is also estimated that the increasing trend would not have a major impact on the short-term operations, which can be 3 months in general. The statistical analysis predicts that after three months i.e. May 2015, the NYSE equity index would have 11012.05 points. Correspondingly, increase in the equity market through the rise in the federal fund rates is also proved with the help of positive correlation between the two variables. The correlation value determined is 0.319133833 (Market Watch Inc, 2015). The underneath graphical representation depicts the short term (3 months) and
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Develop practical entrepreneurial ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Develop practical entrepreneurial ideas - Essay Example Superior Foods has formulated an effective marketing strategy that will ensure proper market penetration (Erick 2011). The London market has huge demand for fast food products, especially during the morning and in the afternoon. The student population greatly desire food products which are easily available and relatively affordable. The demanding lifestyles of London residents at work and in learning institutions, explains minimal time available for preparing home cooked meals. The fast foods are the most appropriate alternative. The products that will be provided by the business are mainly fast foods and drinks. The customers can visit the establishment to get fast food products and related services that include entertainment. Alternatively, busy clients can make orders through our email and social media platforms (Anders 2005). The food will be delivered within 30 minutes in any location Within London. There are several major competitors in the fast food sector within London; for instance, Chicken Valley, Chicago Pizza, Burger King, and Ambar. We will ensure competitive advantage through concentrating on customized services (Richard 2008). The most favored customized services, is the home and office delivery. The market entry strategy involves effectively integrating fast food products with customized services and entertainment. A resident jazz band has been contracted to perform during all Friday and Saturday
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
How UNICIEF Has Changed the Perception of Children Coursework
How UNICIEF Has Changed the Perception of Children - Coursework Example Children have been given particular attention in the world. This is due to the fact that for a long time now, society has been neglecting children and in some societies, the rights of children have been glossily ignored. The UN has made strides in protecting the rights of children and therefore it has created a separate body UNICEF which is given the mission of looking at the welfare of children. It is in the sense that children are the inheritors of the world. A society that does not take care of its tomorrow is doomed to become extinct in the future. The main responsibility that any parent takes is to bring up a  child who will inherit the world and leave it a better place than we have been able to build it. Therefore it is important to bring up children in a way that they feel a part of the world. For a long time, children have been treated as less equal beings in society. They have been exposed to all forms of abuse regardless of the future that any community is molding. This has had an effect on the generation that inherits the society as it has come to adopt the same social life that it has been exposed to when still young. It has been shown that children who are exposed to abuses are likely to result in the same means when they grow up since they come to adopt it as the accepted way of life. (Your Rights, 2008)Children have not only being abused in society but also in the family set up. Discrimination of children has been one of the forms of abuses that have been used against children. In this regard access to family, resources have been dictated by the cultural beliefs and the values that are attached to some sexes. In many societies, males have been given preference over females due to the values that are attached to them. In India history has it that millions of females are still killed when young as they are considered a burden to society. Wives all over the world have been divorced as they don’t bear their husband the preferred child. The fact that we have fails to recognize the rights of each and every child right from the family set up has been the main cause of the lack of observance of children rights in the society.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Life cycle of malaria Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Life cycle of malaria - Outline Example These sporozoite stage plasmodiums enter into the blood circulation (Hall and Fauci, 1640). The merozoites invade and enter vulnerable erythrocytes from where they go through differentiation and replicate over several days. They are produced in large numbers and soon rupture the erythrocytes. These results in their release back into the circulation to begin the blood stage again (Hall and Fauci, 1640). The parasites may differentiate into gametocytes while in the blood stage. On been taken up by a feeding mosquito, the gametocytes replicate and mature into male and female gametes which fuse forming zygotes that go through differentiation and replication in the mosquito gut to form sporozoites that move to the salivary glands of the mosquito from where they can be transmitted (Hall and Fauci, (1640). a. Modifications of the plasmodium cells, the infected erythrocytes, and changes in transcript abudance during maturation of the parasite within the erythrocytes as Bozdech, Llinas, Pulliam et al., (n.p.) found out. Bozdech, Zbynek, Manuel Llinas, Brian Pulliam, et. al. â€Å"The Transcriptome of the Intraerythrocytic Developmental Cycle of Plasmodium falciparum.†Plos Biology 1.1, (2003); n. pag. Web. 24 March 2014. Delves, Michael, David Plouffe, Christian Scheurer, Stephan Meister, Sergio Wittlin, Elizabeth A. Weinzler, Robert E. Sinden and Didier Leroy. â€Å"The Activities of Current Antimalarial Drugs on the Life Cycle Stages of Plasmodium: A Comparative Study with Human and Rodent Parasites.†PloS Med 9.2 (2012): n. pag. Web. 9 March 2014. Hall, Fenton and Anthony Fauci. â€Å"Malaria Control, Elimination, and Eradication: The Role of the Evolving Biomedical Research Agenda.†The Journal of Infectious Diseases 200.11 (2009): 1639 – 1643. Web. 9 March 2014. Pongtavornpinyo, Wirichada, Ian M. Hastings, Arjen Dondorp, Lisa J. White, Richard J. Maude, Sompob Saralamba, Nicholas P. Day Nicholas J. white and Maciej F.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Investigate how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industry Essay Example for Free
Investigate how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industry Essay Executive Summary Within this report it outlines how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industries. It will go into great detail about the chosen event and how this particular event impacted these industries, with topics such as what an event is, the chosen event in detail, and how this event impacted these industries. Table of Contents I. Methodology II. Introduction III. Findings IV. Conclusion V. References VI. Appendices VII. Bibliography Methodology After already establishing the basis of the theoretical view of this report, it is now required to reflect on how the evidence will be composed to support the theory and research within this report. There are a number of ways in which this research will be collected. Firstly it will be important to establish what an actual event is as well as definitions of the terms hospitality, travel and tourism. This can be done through secondary sources such as books e. g. Allen, O’Toole et al 2011, websites and newspapers. The chosen event will then show how it has impacted the hospitality, travel and tourism industries in Belfast as well as how the Northern Ireland Tourism Board had this planned as part of Northern Ireland’s preparation of making Northern Ireland a huge tourist destination. Introduction The subject matter of this report is too educate how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industries, looking a single event in particular, so that the impacts are more in a personal tone rather than generalising to looking into events as a whole. Definitions will be given of what an event, hospitality, travel and tourism actually are. Topics will include information on the chosen event that will be discussed in greater detail, Belfast as a tourist destination, important impacts on the hospitality, travel and tourism industries. Benefits of a major event within a city. How a major event can impact on a city or destination improvements, and a brief incite into Northern Ireland’s Tourist Board’s plan for Northern Ireland to become a huge and popular tourist destination in the future. Investigate how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industry. For this report I have chosen to research and ‘Investigate how a major event can influence the hospitality, travel and tourism industry. ’ The event in which I aim on investigating is the opening if the Titanic Signature Building. This report will explain in detail how the opening of the Titanic Signature Building influenced the hospitality, travel and tourism industries. Within this report you will be introduced to the main question of this report. Topics will include talking about the building itself, its visitor numbers, Belfast as a tourism destination, the impacts the building had on Belfast’s hospitality, travel tourism industry. â€Å"The hospitality and tourism industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry with 700 million international travellers per year around the world,†said Zainal (2012) in his book, ‘Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism: Research and Innovations. ’ According to the oxford dictionary the exact definitions of what an event, hospitality and tourism actually are. â€Å"An event is described as a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance, a planned public or social occasion. †â€Å"Hospitality is the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers. †And the definition of tourism is the â€Å"temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activity undertaken during the stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater for their needs. †According to Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) the Northern Ireland vision is, ‘To create the new Northern Ireland experience and get it on everyone’s destination wish list. ’ As the well-known slogan for Northern Ireland 2012 was that â€Å"Northern Ireland 2012 is our time, our place†This means that NITB have stated that they think Northern Ireland is a rising tourist destination. And that Northern Ireland is trying to offer a unique way to be involved and to celebrate. And we as a city need to take our story to a wider audience. So as part of this transaction to take ‘our story’ to a wider audience, the Titanic signature building project started. Shone and Parry (2010) said that â€Å"for a town or city wishing to become a tourist destination, elements such as attractions, accommodation, transport, infrastructure and facilities must be present. †Belfast has been in the middle of this process over the past few years, and especially as 2012 was meant to be ‘our time, our place’ Belfast certainly lived up to this. And a huge part was the titanic signature building. The Titanic Signature building is the world’s largest Titanic visitor attraction 400,000 visitors were expected to visit the building per annum 900,000 per annum footfall through the building. Within the first 6 months, 500,000 people had already visited Titanic Belfast. â€Å"One of the most important impacts is the tourism revenue generated by an event. In addition to their spending at the event, external visitors are likely to spend on travel, accommodation, and goods and services in the host city. Titanic Belfast was part of NITB’s plan to attract visitors to Belfast and Northern Ireland with a consequent increase in revenue, which will generate jobs and income. Based on projected visitor numbers its one off the most expensive buildings of its kind in Europe. It cost ? 77million to construct, with most of the funding (? 60million) coming from the public’s wallet. Mike Smith, the chief executive of the building said that, â€Å"We think the building is good value for money. †The opening of the Titanic Belfast produced instant employment benefits as it was estimated that 200 people would be needed to work in the building. The projected increase in visitor numbers, from within the UK and Ireland as well as internationally, will lead to a corresponding demand for local hotels and services, therefore generating job opportunities in the construction and hospitality sectors. Allen, O’Toole et al 2011, talked about how a major event has potential to bring ‘new money’ into Belfast from outside visitors. â€Å"The role event tourism is required to play in a destination’s tourism development efforts will vary according to the overall tourism strategy that is being pursued. †(Allen, O’Toole et al 2011) Belfast is now a popular short-break destination and one of Europes top visitor destinations. In 2006, Belfast had 6. 8 million tourists compared to 2011 when we had 7. 86 million tourists. There was quite a number if impacts the opening of Titanic Belfast had on tourism on not only Belfast but Northern Ireland as a whole. The Titanic Signature building is located only 5 minutes from the city centre, so therefore this increasingly popular tourism attraction is not difficult to travel to, there are buses to the Titanic Quarter every 10-15 minutes from the City Centre. It is also within walking distance. The city centre is always crowded with tourist companies who are there to promote tours of the city, these tours run every day and very frequently, they seem to be every popular and since the opening of the Titanic Signature Building, a new tour opened up that was solely about the Titanic alone and it’s attractions. â€Å"Events add to the range of experiences a destination can offer, and this then adds to its capacity to attract and hold visitors for longer periods of time. †(Getz and Wicks 1994) Since the opening of the Titanic Building, this saw Belfasts biggest jump in hotel occupancy in March 2012 in nearly a decade and a 12% year on year hike in revenues. Then in April saw the year on year occupancy in Belfasts leading hotels increase by 25%, the average is usually are 15% over April 2011. Belfast’s PWC partner Stephen Curragh said, â€Å"Overall, 2012 has been a successful year for Belfast hotels thus far, but it is off a very low base and will require sustained visitor numbers to bring Belfast back to pre-downturn levels of profitability. †Allen, O’Toole et al (2011) said that events can also provide a significant spur to both public and private investment in a destination. Large scale events can play in destination renewal and in the later development of a destination’s attractiveness and capacity as a tourist destination. NITB have identified excellent events and business tourism as two of their winning themes with the potential to deliver competitive advantages for Northern Ireland as part of their tourism Strategic Framework for Action 2004-2007. NITB said, â€Å"Note for the Excellent Events theme, research confirms that events are an effective tool for changing perceptions and attracting visitors. †Opportunity 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Additional Visitors 150,00 333,000 200,000 150,000 833,00 Additional Revenue ?24 million ?52 million ?34 million ?30 million ?140 million Created Jobs 612 1,326 867 765 3,570 This table, which can be found on NITB’s 2012 guide, shows NITB’s goal for the future, which is to increase tourism spend to ? 1 million by 2020 and to increase visitor numbers to 4. 5 million by 2020 It shows NITB’s plan in more detail. In 2013 their plan is at its peak by expecting to have 333,000 additional visitors into Northern Ireland which will then create 52 million additional revenue and will generate 1,326 extra jobs in Northern Ireland. Events can affect the hospitality, travel ; tourism industries in many ways. In Belfast due to the opening of the titanic building we have shown you that there has been quite a high incline in Belfast as a tourist destination. Overall we found that the Titanic Building has had an positive impact on hospitality and tourism in Belfast. â€Å"2012 is about changing global perceptions and trying to get tourists to come to Northern Ireland,†Arlene Foster.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Sport and Physical Activity in Social Exclusion Policy
Sport and Physical Activity in Social Exclusion Policy Critically assess the contribution that sport and physical activity can make in meeting social policy objectives around social exclusion Introduction This report seeks to assess the contribution that sport, along with physical activity can make in contributing to and meeting social policy objectives with regard to social exclusion. The preceding represents an interesting as well as complex discussion in that it weaves a number of important terms into its framework. The first of these terms that will be explored is social policy, as this forms the foundational platform. Social policy, as noted by Alcock et al[1] is a difficult concept to define. They state that it, social policy, represents â€Å"†¦ an academic field of study is one of those curious items, rather like an elephant, which we recognise when we see it, but is notoriously difficult to describe†[2]. Considine[3], in furthering Alcock et al’s[4] statement, adds, â€Å"†¦ policy is a deceptively simple term which conceals some very complex activities†. Given the preceding, a more defined explanation of social policy shall be approached later in this examination. This report shall seek to accomplish its objective through a review of varied materials and sources to equate the foundational facets for the initiative, and where it is in today’s terms in achieving its ends. Context As brought forth in the Introduction segment of this report, various utilised herein terms represent areas needing further defining. Social policy represents one of these, which Coffey[5] advises there are three ways of attempting to definition it as the concept is subject to constant revision. This approach is also taken by Considine[6], who states that these three areas representâ€Å"†¦ when governments simply make some public announcement on homelessness, or the need to protect vulnerable children from abuse †¦Ã¢â‚¬ thus making a policy statement. He adds that the word policy is used â€Å"†¦ when public officials commit public resources to a program†, thus meaning that the allocation of money with regard to spending on health and welfare is called a policy. In proceeding with her explanation of social policy Coffey[7] first starts that â€Å"†¦ social policy has conventionally been used as a term to denote a set of policies and practices concerned with promoting social welfare and well being. The preceding definition has applicability with regard to the context of this examination, as it, the preceding definition, is usually â€Å"†¦ associated with the provision of social welfare through institutions of the State†[8]. In offering the preceding definition, Coffey[9] cautions us that the expanded role of social welfare has given rise to the fact that social policies can in fact â€Å"†¦ be made, enacted and implemented within and outside the auspices of the State†. In continuing to the second definition of social policy, Coffee[10] tells us that it builds upon the foregoing understanding, recognizing â€Å"†¦ social policy as a distinctive field of study†. In aiding our understanding, Coffee[11] states that conventionally, the study of social policy has been centred on the â€Å"†¦ Welfare State and its main social services †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as represented by housing, health, social security, education, and personal social services. The preceding areas are limited in that the foregoing does not open the sphere to the many applications of social policy in its modern context. In illustrating this, Coffee[12] advises us that in the broadest sense, social policy can be thought of as incorporating all governmental policy that has a social dimension. The third and last of Coffee’s[13] definition advises that social policy is â€Å"†¦ a distinctive academic discipline – not only with a (re) defined subject matter and empirical agenda, but also with its own theoretical and conceptual frameworks†. The significance of delving into the context and nuances of social policy has been engaged in as it represents a foundational facet of this examination, and as such, it is a fluid area that shifts and changes based upon the social context of the day. Social inclusion, as the other key phrase in this study is discussed by Abery[14] as also being a term that lacks a clear definition. The reason for the problem in establishing a clear-cut definition is that there are no definitive guidelines for a determination of the degree, context and or type pf what determines the amount of social interaction that is necessary for a person to feel included as a part of a community, thus, defining the level for social exclusion, and therefore inclusion remains somewhat ambiguous. In a book written by Atkinson et al[15] titled â€Å" Social Indicators: The EU and Social Inclusion†, they point to indicators as developed by the European Union as guidelines and yardsticks for social inclusion, as a result of the aforementioned ambiguity of the term. Abery[16] aids us in understanding that since social exclusion represents a perceived factor that can take in age, race, cultural background, as well as peer groups and other defining facets, socia l inclusion is also guided by the same processes. It, social inclusion, is a perception in some regards that has backing from definitive factors, thus its status as a program with the European Union as a result of the social diversity in its member countries[17]. Social Inclusion, the Foundations and Approaches Social exclusion was addressed in the writings of Walker and Walker[18], which chronicled the growing financial, diversity and social divides that were impacting the UK as a result of immigration, and parts of the indigenous population as the spread between demographic groups, the lower end, and the middle and upper middle class, continually widened. The factual foundation for this divide, is that the United Kingdom has almost double the amount of households classified as poor than Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, or Italy, with an unemployment rate in the late 1990s that approximately one fourth of all males[19]. Thus, as Collins and Kay[20] report, poverty represents a foundational facet of exclusion, thereby representing a core facet that needed addressing as part of governmental efforts to include less fortunate groups. In the United Kingdom, the Social Exclusion Unit[21] in a report to the Prime Minister put forth objectives and potential solutions to the problems of the development of a means as to how to †¦develop integrated and sustainable approaches to the problems of the worst housing estates, including crime, drugs, unemployment, community breakdown, and bad schools etc. The report also stated that â€Å"Social exclusion is a shorthand term for what can happen when people or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, bad health and family breakdown†[22]. The initiative involving social inclusion in the United Kingdom emanated from the Lisbon Summit[23], whereby the member states of the European Union were committed to proceeed with the promotion of social cohesion, along with inclusion, as a what they termed as a strategic goal. One of the areas that Collins and Kay[24] identified as a means to combat social exclusion was sport. They cited the works of Goodale and Witt[25] that uncovered that there were barriers that people in lower income groups faced in partaking in recreational activities. However, income was not found to be the only factor, as other constraints as represented by appearance, social and physical factors were also identified as being facets that contributed to exclusion by what were termed as gatekeepers such as facility managers, sports development officers, coaches, teachers, and or club officers â€Å"†¦who select who is in and who is out of groups, and societys representatives who label people as different†[26]. The impact and range of the preceding is brought forward in a study conducted by Harland et al[27] they chronicled the constraints as well as exclusionary aspects in sport and leisure activities in the UK, as shown by the following: Table 1 – U.K. Constraints and Exclusion Charts for Sport and Leisure Activities in the United Kingdom[28] The preceding reveals that poverty does add an extra dimension, intensity, to the other factors as it locks people in through the accentuation of â€Å"†¦their feeling that they are not autonomous agents, capable of bringing change to their lives†[29]. In a report as conducted by Driver and Bruns[30] 105 differing benefits were listed that accrued to individuals for participation in sports. In many instances, the benefits enhanced the community as well. The preceding findings led to the development of a report that was made by Sport England, in collaboration with the Local Government Association that looked at the value of sport participation: Table 2 – The Benefits of Sports Participation[31] NOTE: â€Å"a†stands for Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario (PRFO), â€Å"b†represents the Hillary Commission (HC), â€Å"c†stands for Sport England (SpE), and â€Å"d†represents Local Government Association (LGA). In taking the foregoing and soliciting the views of the staffs of local authorities in the United Kingdom, Long and Sanderson[32] surveyed leisure officers as well as departments, and found the following: Table 3 – Potential Benefits of Sport as Perceived by Local Authority Staff (Percentage Citing as very important) [33] The inequalities in sport participation were brought forth in a study conducted by Sport England[34] to bring forth the facets of social exclusion, highlighting social disadvantage, gender, disability, and ethnicity, looking into the equity policies as well as programmes for twelve sport zones. The study, along with the other studies and reports referred to, reveal that sport inclusion for lower income as well as minority groups is limited overall, indicating what Collins and Kay[35] term as an â€Å"†¦ economic gradient in sport and leisure†. Table 4 – Inequalities in Participation in Sport by Social Class. Conducted from the 1960s to the 1990s[36] The foregoing examples and information has been utilised to provide a clear framework of understanding that social exclusion has many veneers, of which unemployment, income, ethnicity, disability, along with being a single parent are its faces. Thus in looking into the subject of social inclusion, and policy objectives these broad factors must be considered. Discussion and Analysis Coalter[37] tells us that from an organisational context, the United Kingdom has a history of strong voluntary associations and social capital invested and utilised in sport. As an entertainment medium, sport has long been known as a vehicle that initiates and fosters social change, as evidenced by the participation of minorities in sports that that have been long associated, as well as new sporting areas whereby they are paving new participation grounds, such as golf, with Tiger Woods, motor sports, with Lewis Hamilton, and tennis, with the Williams sisters. The previous segments of this report have brought forth past circumstantial facets that are important underpinnings and information base foundations from which to understand the nuances of social exclusion and sport in the United Kingdom. That foundation represents an important facet in the understanding of the economic as well as political aspects that underpin sport policy. The PAT 10[38] advises that sport participation has beneficial aspects in terms of social impact. The report stated that the use of sport in community settings can encourage the building and maintaining of strong community groups, build confidence, contribute to neighborhood renewal as well as improve health, reduce crime, aid in employment, and bring benefits in higher grades[39]. The foregoing is claimed by the Policy Action Team[40] as resulting due to â€Å"†¦its wide popularity and inherent properties, sport can contribute to neighbourhood renewal by improving communities performance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ citing the prior four key indicators (health, crime, employment and education). The findings of the PAT 10[41] report found that the preceding four areas are impacted positively in deprived communities as a result of 1. the appeal of sports to the interests of individuals in the development of their self confidence and potential, 2. providing a foundation for community identity through collective effort, 3. the building of positive links to the broader community, and 4. is associated with industries that are experiencing rapid growth. The issues that need to be overcome in the establishment of sporting and recreational activities are 1. projects that have been tailored to policy and programme criteria rather than the needs of the community, 2. projects and or programmes that are created with perspectives that are short term, 3. the promotion of sports as well as arts in communities whereby they are seen as being peripheral as opposed to being involved in the cultural and needs of the programmes conducted, 4. the need for studies and relevant information concerning the impact of sporting activities and the arts, and 5. the poor connective links between sporting bodies, local authorities, and schools grades[42]. The PAT 10[43] report listed the following areas are being important in the exploitation of sports as a process in communities that contribute to regeneration, 1. diversity needs to be valued, 2. local communities need more control, 3. equitable partnership need to be developed. 4. the defining of objectives that are aligned with community needs, 5. sustainability in programme development, 6. ensuring quality and equality across all spectrums, and 6. setting the programmes for a connection to mainstream sporting activities. The report advised that sports are an activity that people can consume, meaning as spectators and as participants, thus involving the players as well as their friends, family and community to create a binding effect when utilised proactively (Policy Action Team, 1999)[44]. The key glue is participation and involvement that takes in the policy side, meaning planners and staff, as well as the community side. In order to make the lofty objective work as identified in the PAT 10 report[45], the government sought the input of the Strategy Unit as well as the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to provide workable recommendations concerning a long term policy for sport that took in the preceding foundational facets as identified by the PAT 10 report. The objective of the preceding was to uncover ways in which to improve the delivery of governmental support, which resulted in four key recommendations. The first of these was to create and enhance Grass Roots Participation, along with initiatives needed to overcome the barriers to more active involvement, with the focus of the preceding aimed at young people, economically disadvantaged, older age groups as well as women[46]. The second area was termed as High Performance Sport, which called for the prioritization of which sports would be funded in what percentages, including talent development and funding streams that focused on bett er delivery to communities and people[47]. Mega Sporting Events were ide
Thursday, September 19, 2019
fuctions of management Essay -- essays research papers
Out of the four topics I would say the first step in the four functions of management is organizing. Organizing The first step of organizing would be self-organizing and time management. Without self-organizing your team will not be organized and will start going to other places for leadership. Once the self-organizing is done then the manager can start organizing the team. Time management for your team should be a priority the team leader. The next step would be to develop a matrix and a chain of command. A clear chain of command will help organize the team. In my opinion Planning is the second step. Without proper planning the team or workers will start making their own plans and those plans may not be want the manager wants. Planning. While I was in the Navy I taught the people that worked for me that proper planning prevents poor performance. So Planning is an important step in management and leadership. A successful manager needs to have skill in setting objectives, goals and strategies. There are plenty of software tool that a manager can use. In the Navy we used what was called PMS boards. Today I use Lotus Notes and MS Outlook to schedule tasks for myself. Once the Organization and planning is set. Leadership has to be determined and set. Without strong leadership the team will not survive and the manager will be replaced when deadlines fail, or milestones are not met. Leading. Some leaders have a natural leadership styles while others are taught leadership th...
Essay --
American Literary Realism has been bringing the social issues that had previously been dressed up and hidden by Romanticism into the spotlight since the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During this time of upheaval and change, realist writers were able to use their own experiences with suffering and misfortune to try and change society's perception of the problems the country was facing. The goal of realist writing was to express the way the world worked in a brutally honest way in an attempt to spark change. More specifically, two authors named Kate Chopin and Paul Laurence Dunbar both faced many trials and tribulations that they were able to incorporate into their passages in order to open the minds of their readers to new ideas and ways of living. With social issues like slavery, The Civil War, industrialization, reconstruction, and American "equality", realist writers led the realist movement by revealing the struggles and hardships of ordinary people. By implementi ng American regionalism, realistic points of view, and smiling/grim naturalism into their stories or poems the writers were able to enlighten the public on important topics of that time period, no matter how graphic or unpleasant. The main characters in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"Douglass†by Kate Chopin and Paul Laurence Dunbar both share courageous and unconventional qualities that make them heroic and admirable. Kate Chopin’s passage features Mrs. Mallard, a young wife who after receiving the news that her husband had passed away in a railroad disaster feels a strange sense of independence and freedom. â€Å"There would be no one to live for her in those coming years; she would live for herself†¦ A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem n... ... who were the least fortunate, literary realism was sure to have an impact on the reader. People were used to stories that were romanticized and that always had happy endings, so when groundbreaking authors began to write about the world as it really was and all the suffering that was happening at the time, it was extremely influential. Especially for events like the Civil and Women’s Rights movements, whose starting points were likely sparked by realist writers such as Kate Chopin and Paul Laurence Dunbar. If writers had continued sugarcoating the truth and keeping the public’s eyes closed when it comes to injustice, who knows if things would have ever gotten better? By enlightening the country about topics that were not necessarily pleasant but desperately needed attention, realist writers were able to spark changes that influenced not only the U.S., but the world.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Logging :: essays research papers
I'm sure some of you have heard at least a little of what is going on down in the beautiful hardwood forests of Tassie? If not here's a short rundown on an extremely threatened area called the Styx valley Forrest... The Styx Valley contains the tallest hardwood trees on Earth. Many of the trees are taller than a 25-storey building, over 400 years old, and up to five metres wide at the base. The Styx is only 70 kilometres west of Hobart and is on the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area – one of the great temperate wilderness areas on Earth. The Styx also contains large areas of unlogged rainforest. These forests are home to many native species of wildlife, including the majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle, the Eastern Pygmy Possum, the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, owls and rosellas. Other features that occur in the valley include limestone caves, tannin-stained Styx River, and several waterfalls. Now to the bad news†¦ Most of the giants of the Styx are threatened by logging. Between 300 and 600 hectares of the Styx Valley are logged each year. The main form of logging is clear felling and burning. The logging operations proceed by cutting down all the large timber and bulldozing the rest. The useful timber, primarily destined for woodchips, is removed and the area is then bombed from the air which ensures the whole area burns. Most of these trees will be sold as woodchips overseas for about $15 per tonne. After the logged area is burnt it is reseeded 1080 poison is laid down to kill animals who may feed on saplings. 1080 poison does not kill our native animals by putting in a relaxing sleep, it puts them through a long, agonising death, and it may take hours or even days of suffering for these native animals to die. What is at stake you may ask? Is the loss of some of Australia's, and the worlds, oldest hardwood trees for the sake of some measly woodchips a good enough argument, I certainly think so. The tall trees of the Styx are of international botanical importance. Their tourism potential has yet to be realised. They provide a point of contact with the past that once gone, is gone forever. Tall trees are also important for a sense of environmental continuity for future generations. Just reading this makes me feel sick. Our government says that we cannot stop logging because of job loss. Logging :: essays research papers I'm sure some of you have heard at least a little of what is going on down in the beautiful hardwood forests of Tassie? If not here's a short rundown on an extremely threatened area called the Styx valley Forrest... The Styx Valley contains the tallest hardwood trees on Earth. Many of the trees are taller than a 25-storey building, over 400 years old, and up to five metres wide at the base. The Styx is only 70 kilometres west of Hobart and is on the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area – one of the great temperate wilderness areas on Earth. The Styx also contains large areas of unlogged rainforest. These forests are home to many native species of wildlife, including the majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle, the Eastern Pygmy Possum, the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, owls and rosellas. Other features that occur in the valley include limestone caves, tannin-stained Styx River, and several waterfalls. Now to the bad news†¦ Most of the giants of the Styx are threatened by logging. Between 300 and 600 hectares of the Styx Valley are logged each year. The main form of logging is clear felling and burning. The logging operations proceed by cutting down all the large timber and bulldozing the rest. The useful timber, primarily destined for woodchips, is removed and the area is then bombed from the air which ensures the whole area burns. Most of these trees will be sold as woodchips overseas for about $15 per tonne. After the logged area is burnt it is reseeded 1080 poison is laid down to kill animals who may feed on saplings. 1080 poison does not kill our native animals by putting in a relaxing sleep, it puts them through a long, agonising death, and it may take hours or even days of suffering for these native animals to die. What is at stake you may ask? Is the loss of some of Australia's, and the worlds, oldest hardwood trees for the sake of some measly woodchips a good enough argument, I certainly think so. The tall trees of the Styx are of international botanical importance. Their tourism potential has yet to be realised. They provide a point of contact with the past that once gone, is gone forever. Tall trees are also important for a sense of environmental continuity for future generations. Just reading this makes me feel sick. Our government says that we cannot stop logging because of job loss.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Encouraging Students to Be Literate
It is important for teachers to motivate students to develop literate lives both in the classroom and in society. For some children the desire and importance of literacy is not instilled within the home so teachers need to be prepared to handle this job on their own. In my opinion students need to understand the importance of being literate. They need to understand that reading, writing, listening and speaking are essential to functioning in society. Everyday our lives revolve around our literacy. It seems nearly impossible to live a functional and successful life as an illiterate individual.If students do not understand the significance of literacy they may not aspire to become literate. In my classroom I stress the importance of literacy and try to make my students think about the future. Aside from stressing the importance of literacy, I also use strategies to help motivate my students to literate. Many of these strategies and ideas were discussed in our textbook and I feel they a re beneficial in motivating students to become literate citizens. One way I motivate my students is through modeling. I try to modeling that literacy can be pleasurable and it does not have to be a painful and forced activity.Students need to see that I enjoy reading and writing. I also model good reading and writing strategies. It only makes sense that the more my students see and hear me read the more they will want to try it themselves. I can model literacy through read-alouds and other activities. It is also important that students are given real-life experiences. I try to find real reasons for students to write. Sometimes students need to feel a significance to their reading and writing. Are they just constantly writing just to write or is there a purpose?I ask myself that question frequently. I try to create writing assignments that are meaningful; Students can write thank you cards, Christmas cards and etc. I also feel that technology can be an important piece in motivating s tudents. Some reluctant writers can type out their papers rather then write it out. For some students this is a huge motivator. Using the computer and not worrying about hand-writing can be exciting and relieving for some children. I have used this within my classroom and found it helpful for many students. It is also important to tress here that technology is large part of society today so students should be given the opportunity to express their abilities through technology. Last but not least, Id like to stress the importance to selecting activities that are meaningful, engaging and challenging. Too many times I hear and see students listening to a teacher explain something and then students complete endless worksheets. In my opinion this does not motivate and encourage students to become literate individuals. This tells students that literacy is boring in irrelevant. Teachers need to design lessons that have meaning to the students.There needs to be some background knowledge and relationship to the student. Lessons should also be engaging and interactive. Students should be able to participate through discussions, think-pair-share, concept maps and other activities that promote thinking and learning. Activities should be challenging but not too challenging. They should require thinking but not too stressful. I like my students to feel success when doing activities. The feeling of success builds confidence. It just seems that when one is confident in their literacy abilities they will be more willing to practice and grow to become better.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Goodman Company
Case Analysis: Goodman Company Problem Statement †¢How did the sudden adoption of a newly conceived production process, aimed at increasing efficiency, affect the performance of workers at Goodman Company? How come some workers thrived while others buckled under the new system? Analysis †¢The president of the company sought to hire a production analyst so as to increase efficiency at the plant. He viewed their future to be promising if they could keep up production to meet increased demands. Ann Bennet, the new production analyst, chose to streamline the process, whereby work was broken down according to tasks, hoping to make it more efficient. †¢The shift supervisors were not involved in Ms. Benett’s and the president’s plan. They were more or less given orders to implement the new plan effective immediately, thereby not taking into account problems on the floor, or issues workers or supervisors had with the plan. Had they been involved in the planning s tages, they could have communicated the pros and cons of adopting the new plan. †¢As a result, each shift accepted and reacted to the change differently. The new plan was poorly implemented within the 1st shift. They were resistant to adapt to change as most workers on this shift were long time employees in their 50s. Their supervisor had been with the company a very long time. He continued to approach his job the same way he did ever since he started there. He also seemed to be ready to wind down and spent a lot of time researching his ideal retirement location. There was considerable disappointment among workers over the company not sharing profits, as they believed they were more productive than the other shifts.The employees in the 1st shift did not enjoy camaraderie outside work. They went their separate ways after work. The new plan required teamwork to be successful. These employees worked independently prior to the transition and did not understand sharing responsibilit ies. Additionally no training was given to facilitate this understanding. Employees clearly were not motivated prior to the adoption of the new process. After the implementation of the new plan, all of the above factors contributed to their decreased performance. †¢In the 2nd shift, the supervisor had no nteraction with his employees and as a group leader it is necessary to interact continuously with group members. When he was appointed supervisor, the group did not readily accept him and he did not socialize but rather believed that they should do their work. Therefore they were reluctant to speak to him on any problems that they encountered. They preferred to speak with Jim Fask, who was a senior member of the group with a lot of experience, but had no formal authority on them. The supervisor attributed poor performance of his shift to the new plan and to Jim Fask’s removal from the group.He did not think communicating with members would stimulate them. †¢Employee s in the 3rd shift were well informed about the new process. They spent enough time familiarizing themselves with the changes. The supervisor was friendly and encouraged ideas. He enabled each person to be an operator and therefore tried to keep boredom at bay. They socialized outside work and got along well with each other. They understood teamwork and often chose to work in groups. The group realized that the more efficient they made the process the more time they had to enjoy a little free time. Therefore they were able to outperform the other shifts. Lack of communication in the 1st and 2nd shifts led employees being less committed. Workers were not motivated towards goals. Goals were not communicated to them in this case. †¢Therefore lack of communication, leadership skills, not involving supervisors in decision making all led to factors affecting productivity adversely. Conclusions †¢1st shift workers seemed dissatisfied and lacked motivation before the new process w as implemented. After the new plan was implemented they didn’t welcome the change, the supervisor himself was not thrilled about it and didn’t initiate any advise to them.This resulted in poor performance and increased job dissatisfaction. †¢2nd shift workers lacked a good leader. Their supervisor was not disturbed by the fact that his employees did not communicate with him much and was comfortable with the fact that they spoke about all issues to a senior member of the team. †¢Workers in the 3rd shift seemed to survive the transition, as they were pro-active, flexible, and challenged one another. Their supervisor encouraged them and prepared them well for the changes that were to come. Recommendations †¢Goals must be clearly communicated to all members of the organization.This enables them understand what is expected of them and the importance of their involvement to accomplish them. †¢Prepare employees for change. Change is inevitable. Employees m ust be given enough training to familiarize themselves to the coming changes. †¢Supervisors must exhibit superior leadership skills over groups and must be available to encourage employees to perform. They must set goals, devise methods, and not shudder to incorporate ideas from employees to streamline the process. †¢Employee appreciation awards can lead to increased motivation.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Literature Review on Roles Played Essay
Dalton (2002) had focused on what managers do, which are behavioural roles, rather than the reason or method used by these managers. He recognized that variations in cultural beliefs, values and norms as well as variations in managerial style challenged the performance of global managers. On the other hand, Rifkin (2006) said that soft skills may be more important for global managers to be effective. He suggested three steps companies and managers can take to better prepare for the challenges of managing globally, which are:†¢ To develop a clearer understanding of the challenges of managing people across borders;†¢ To instill in new global managers an awareness of and an appreciation for the vast differences among cultures in which they do business; and†¢ To give global managers the tools and support they need to succeed. Writing on international management and cross-cultural perspectives, Adekola (2007) stated that like the domestic managers, international managers must also adhere to the four major roles of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. He said that planning assures that the business organization has some idea of its purpose, where it is heading and how it will achieve its objectives. International managers must consider not only local conditions but also overall international operations in their short or long-range preparations to achieve their goals. They must be aware of the extent to which employees, local customers, government officials and suppliers are likely to accept or resist changes. Adekola (2007) also stated that control for an international manager includes ensuring that what is happening is what was intended to happen. Control is used in different ways by the organization depending on the level and scope of its application. He quoted Miller (1987) who said that for an international manager, â€Å"control should provide managers with the information necessary to monitor the operations of the firm to help achieve its global strategy†. According to Adekola (2007), â€Å"international direction and leadership style is the way in which a manager chooses to fulfill leadership, delegation, communication and supervision responsibilities. These choices reflect both personal and cultural differences. †He believed that international managers’ roles can be very effective when a manager can learn and develop leadership functions such as completing organizational work through employee motivation, getting commitment, energizing employees’ behaviour and by creating personal interests and excitement in the organization’s goals.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Investigating the development and importance of the auditing standards
The regulative environment makes it compulsory that organisations such as limited liability companies must be audited by an independent external hearer qualified under the ordinances of professional organic structures internationally or nationally to guarantee that the company is working in conformity to the company jurisprudence set by several states. An external hearer maps as an independent organic structure appointed by and studies to stockholders to show an sentiment whether the fiscal statements are prepared, in all stuff respects, true and just and in conformity to the applicable fiscal coverage model ( Pflugrath G. , Martinov-Bennie N. and Chen L. , 2007 ) . In describing to the stockholders, the hearer provides sensible confidence whereby they do non vouch fiscal statements are free from material misstatements but instead at an acceptable degree. Professional organic structures worldwide carries a responsibility to put auditing criterions to play a function of helping hearer s in executing responsibilities in order to supply high degree of assurance to intended users of the Financial Statements ( Noreen, 1988 ; Siegel et al. , 1995 ; Wotruba et al. , 2001 ) .2.0 Main Report2.1 Development of auditing criterionsThere are three regulative environments which govern statutory audits and one of them is scrutinizing criterions. At International degree, the International Federation of Accountants ( IFAC ) is the planetary organisation for the accounting profession. An independent standard-setting board under IFAC is known as the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ( IAASB ) . The IAASB developed the International Standards on Auditing ( ISAs ) to be carried out on audit battles. As for National degree, ordinances differ as there are assorted standard scene organic structures which choose to follow the ISAs by modifying it or to put their ain criterions to accommodate harmonizing to single states. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Institute of Account ants ( MIA ) , a member of IFAC is responsible in developing the Malaysian Approved Standards on Auditing ( AI ) which adopts the modified ISAs. However, the latest development states the execution of a new board which is the Audit and Assurance Standard Board ( AASB ) ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) .2.2 Importance of the auditing criterions.An scrutinizing criterion is a signifier of the current best pattern applicable in statutory audit battles by sanctioned hearers which sets a minimal degree of proficient proficiency to guarantee work done is of high quality auditing and at the same clip supplying high degree of confidence ( Jubb and Houghton, 2007 ; Simnett, 2007 ) . It is a signifier of benchmarking the strength of accomplishing aims of the professional organic structures in being a function theoretical account in the accounting profession as stated by Watkins et Al. ( 2004 ) , and besides safeguarding the place of hearers whilst scrutinizing fiscal statements. Through professional and ethical criterions such as independence and unity, Alfredson, K. et Al. ( 2005 ) states that hearers carry out elaborate plants to value a capable affair whether it is of true and just position. Once a decision is made, the sentiment obtained would find the degree of assurance the populace would hold towards the fiscal statements ( Alfredson, K. et al. , 2005 ) . This adds on to cut downing the hazard factor faced by users of the fiscal statements ( Martinov, 2004 ) as it deters managers of an entity to transport out deceitful activities. At the same clip, it besides indirectly strengthens the audit profession as the populace would hold an increased assurance degree taking to a better feeling towards hearers in general ( Simnett, 2007 ; Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . As processs of executing a statutory audit is consistent and of principles-based, it becomes less stiff and flexible to be implemented on the audit plants carried out on fiscal statements. Aside from that, as agreed by Noreen, 1988 ; Siegel et al. , 1995 ; Wotruba et Al. ( 2001 ) ; it may be able to cut down clip factor as hearers are able to be after and analyse which country are important to be tested more and frailty versa because they are already well-versed with the audit processs set by the criterions. However, this may present as a menace because the usage of their ain opinion becomes excessively subjective and therefore, they may be given to be excessively indulgent during audit processs and beltway on of import affairs. Hearers could even deliberately choose non to execute so much elaborate work and merely province fiscal statements as true and just since wittingly for the past history, it has been stated as so ( Jones et al. , 2003 ; Herron and Gilbertson, 2004 ) . From this affair, it can be of advantage to managers to carry on deceitful activities because hearers can merely see an sentiment on fraud but non able to observe and forestall it. It is the responsibility of the direction and managers to go to to deceitful possibilities in a company. With that said, they may choose to non follow deliberately by declining to unwrap gray countries in its fiscal statements or relevant information needed to execute the audit ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) . While saying to be able to accomplish high quality audits worldwide, a smattering of states still implement their ain auditing criterions to accommodate their national statute laws and traditions ( Samuels and Piper, 1985 ; Tarca, 1998 ; cited in Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . This is likely due to the fact that there are still many developing states which do non hold professional organic structures for such a intent as this or even states like in the United States of America whereby they adopt a different criterion which is of rule-based ( Simnett, 2007 ) . All this may reciprocally do a hold and obstructor to harmonisation of criterions across the Earth in concurrence to international convergence ( Weetman, 2006 ) . Aside from that, consistent updating and alteration of criterions poses a demand to maintain oneself updated taking to a deficiency of assurance while executing responsibilities due to inaccurate executing of criterions implied on audit work as there are restrictions to how much one can make at a period of clip. Being excessively proficient with ordinances may do hearers to be ‘stiff ‘ in their public presentation and therefore, lack grasp on findings of samples, trial objects and the appraisal of analytical processs.2.3 Aims and Activities of IAASB and AASBWork done by the IAASB is monitored by the inadvertence organic structure known as the Public Interest Oversight Board ( PIOB ) whereby the populace ‘s involvement is involved sing proper revelations and transparence of issues that concerns to bettering the overall mission and to accomplish aims of the professional organic structure ( Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . IAASB came up with a development of a plan in the twelvemonth 2004, which functions to redraft the full ISAs either partly to change countries in the ISAs or to to the full bring down new lucidity conventions where applicable. The Clarity Project reached a degree of completion upon confirmation by the PIOB and now contributes 36 freshly clarified criterions as guidelines in confidence battle by qualified hearers worldwide ( Accountants Today, June 2009 ) . Judging from the fact that the criterions now clearly identifies the aims and duties an hearer faces, a better apprehension of the full construct and public consciousness are gained ( Buchanan, F.R. , 2003 ) . The freshly improved criterions are by-far less proficient and therefore, easy to be adopted by practicians to be implemented on processs carried out for confidence battle. The whole intent of carry oning the lucidity undertaking is to do the criterions more appropriate and updated with the recent environment and at the same clip to help and update users of relevant information and a clearer position of using each criterion for the benefit of the populace ( Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . The assurance of the populace in fiscal coverage activities would finally be increased ( Alfredson, K. , Leo, K. , Picker, R. , Pacter, P. and Radford, J. , 2005 ) . It is in a manner a good thing to invariably upgrade and redraft the criterions to accommodate the current coverage environment ( Humphrey, C. and Turley, S. , 2006 ) . However, there may be a little disadvantage in the sense of doing the revised criterions known to its users. The professional organic structures would necessitate to carry on seminars or station notices to all members of the professional organic structures to inform them of such amendments that has taken topographic point. This finally takes clip and attempts and may even incur a little cost to be carried out. Similarly the IAASB, the AASB plays a similar function in continuing an acceptable degree of quality professional services and high ethical behavior amongst practicians. The MIA further justified the desire of standing-out in the standard-setting procedure trusting that Malayan market can be integrated internationally so that point of views can be mentioned earlier alternatively of acquiring secondhand attending in order to germinate criterions that are more suited to the nature of the Malayan market ( Izma N. , 2009 ) . Implementing the ISAs by the AASB is a signifier of doing attempts to heighten the fiscal markets of Malaysia in going more competitory and stable. At the same clip, it besides improves professional unity and quality of audit plants by hearers. Under the backing of the MIA, AASB will go on to run into rigorous outlooks of stakeholders every bit good as traveling towards a holistic international convergence of criterions and enhance assurance of users through proper counsel in audit and confidence services. This may turn out to be a good measure in front in concurrence to be inline with the harmonisation of criterions in the universe today and besides to prepare the fiscal place of the state in order to hike assurance of the public one time once more ( Chan and Leung, 2006 ) . Therefore, conformity with scrutinizing criterions such as the ISAs and implementing it into aims and duties stated by the professional organic structures need to be acted out rapidly so as to non fall behind in clip because it can be rather a drawn-out procedure which is non accomplishable overnight ( Izma N. , 2009 ) .2.4 Further RegulationsCodes of Corporate Governance Corporate administration is the system whereby companies are directed and controlled. Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 mentioned that it is utile in avoiding affairs such as struggles of involvement seen in the bureau theory between the directors ( agents ) and the stockholders ( principal ) . In conformity to the UK Combined Codes of best patterns, the board of an entity is encouraged to organize an audit commission to guard the independency and objectiveness of hearers. An audit commission plays a function as an independent point of mention to turn to sing issues of struggle between the board of managers and the external hearers. Aside from that, in order to better external audit processs, they have a responsibility to supervise the unity of managers in fixing fiscal statements. Codes of Ethical motives The burden is ever on the hearer non merely to be ethical but besides to be seen as ethical. The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants ( IESBA ) establishes a conceptual model for all practicians to adhere to five regulations: unity, objectiveness, professional competency and due attention, confidentiality and professional behavior. Menaces to these rules are to be identified and applied with several precautions to extenuate it. Hearers are subjected to ethical demands by professional organic structures because the public relies on hearers to bring forth an independent sentiment during confidence battles ( Pflugrath G. , Martinov-Bennie N. and Chen L. , 2007 ) . They farther elaborated that a high quality audit, consisting of professional competency and due attention features need to be conducted as hearers have entree to confidential information of the entity. Company Law An hearer is required to execute an one-year audit abiding by statutory responsibilities to describe to stockholders on whether fiscal statements are of a true and just position and in conformity to approved criterions. They need to be independent and persevering and province if sufficient information has been obtained and that the company has kept proper records harmonizing to the jurisprudence. The hearer must besides name out lacks of their findings in the hearer ‘s study. The company jurisprudence besides determines the rights, assignment, remotion and surrender of hearers and the liability of hearers to stockholders and 3rd parties ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) .3.0 DecisionThe result of these findings discussed has added cognition to a better apprehension of the full audit and confidence rhythm. The responsibilities of an external hearer must be based on appropriate conceptual models developed either internationally or nationally harmonizing to the suitableness of several states. They need to execute a statutory battle required by the company jurisprudence, which is of high but non absolute confidence that the fiscal statements are free from material misstatements. An overview of the constitution of scrutinizing criterions, its aims and importance to benchmark the quality of hearers in executing responsibilities and corporate administration, company jurisprudence and ethical codifications as extra ordinances in heightening the function of hearers were identified. Furthermore, the chief thought of separating IAASB and AASB on its maps and activities in the universe today has added cognition to the deepnesss of 1s ‘ head. Therefore, the several standards-setting boards need to foster enhance and beef up its actions and processs in order to accomplish international convergence and quality criterions to function the public better and increase in its objectiveness effectivity.
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